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backing up android on pc?

So can i just connect usb to pc and make a copy of everything onto computer? I need to factory reset my phone so will that back up every single thing? And will be be complete normal how it used to be on the android phone? Thnx a bunch!

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most of the data is already stored in the cloud through Google contacts, calendar, and such.

    The stuff that won't be backed up would be music and photos, but you can store that on the SD Card and that won't be wiped.

    So it's the apps and the documents that you need to worry about, but apps can be downloaded again (esp paid ones).

    There are several ways to backup the phone. You can do image backup (often called "nandroid recovery") or you can do file backup with Titanium Backup (and the new thing called "Carbon"). I'd give Carbon a try first.

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