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magnets neocube vs nanodots?

well, I would like a long lasting fun set of magnets! which is better? I was gonna buy neocube but i heard, they get chipped easier so i have no clue what to buy :/ does the strength really matter, when playing around or making shapes?

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I bought two sets of Nanodots so far and no complaints. I asked friends and researched on the internet before I bought them. They're for "professional builders" which pretty much means they last a long time. Btw, the stronger the magnets and coating, the easier it is to build. I've done way too much research haha

  • 9 years ago

    Nanodots are much stronger, better coatings and more consistent size. This type of magnet lasts 1000s of years so you can keep it forever if you get a good quality brand like Nanodots. Hope this helps!

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