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should i use a 2 amp charger to charge my 1500mAh phone?

so this portable charger has two options. 5v/1a and 5v/2a. My question is should i use 2a to charge my 1500mAh phone because it will charge faster? And my ipad two has 6930 mAh can i use 2a here as well? if someone can tell me how this amp stuff has something to do with mAh. TY

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    mah tells you how long a battery lasts

    and how long it takes to charge up.

    the more mah the longer it takes to charge and the longer it lasts

    and the BIGGER the battery!

    your device always has written on it what charger it needs


    Using a charger with more amps does not make any difference and will NOT CHARGE faster.

    you must always use a charger of the CORRECT VOLTAGE

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Get 100% Free Phone :
  • 5 years ago

    It will do harm to your phone. It's better to use LEO Privacy to speed charging.

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