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GTA V ignition bomb doesnt work?

Hey guys, so i bought an ignition bomb in my car and researched to find out that a player that enters my car gets blown up. But it never works on my car, people be stealing my car all the time and nothing happens. Alot of the places i researched said i need to turn the engine off but i dont know how to do that! So if you would be so kind to help a fellow noob gamer out. TY.

yesterday a random guy (obviously a hacker) was putting 207mill bounties on people and before he left the game he gave every one like 3 mills but for some reason he gave me 64 mills. So who every helps me out, ill give them a couple of mill (if you want). Just leave your ps3 name. i dont know if we have to be online at the same time or something but ill figure it out. TY

3 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey! I can use the ignition bomb without any problem, are you sure you didn't buy the remote bomb?

    If it's an ignition bomb you just have to get out and someone else has to get in the driver's seat. If it's a remote bomb a contact will be added in the in-game phone that you call to blow it up.

    The engine really switches off by itself so I'm not really sure what else you can do if you're certain that it's an igniton bomb :P

    As for the money, Rockstar have started to ban people or send people to the "bad sport" lobby for cheating so as long as you keep the money to yourself you will be fine, but if you somehow share the money with someone there's a chance you'll be banned to, so it's better if you just keep it to yourself :) Just a heads up!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Car Ignition Bomb

  • Kayla
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No I am gonna get batman arkham origins though

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