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what do children like and dislike as they mature?

well, im making a static image and i for the background, im using these words. its point is to show, childhood is too short and other stuff. so the words start at the top and as they come down, the person is meant to mature (in a bad way). i want a smooth way of showing maturity, so i need happy...dull and followed by bad! the happy represents childhood, dull is teenager and bad is adult! such as ice-cream...depression and responsibly! or something like that, plz give as many as you have and try to make it a smooth transition. btw its actually from a movie, which shows the childhood is too short theme! ty very much

1 Answer

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    First of all is your name rishi kapoor?

    Since i have children my self, i can tell you that words that pop up are:


    going park with parents..............hanging around on the street

    winie the poo..........................jenny weasley

    ben 10........................batman

    kisses from mum an dad.................kisses from girlfriends

    Source(s): My Knowledge
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