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Hard drive format problem?

I am using windows 7 ultimate. When i try to use my hard drive it says you have to format the disk in drive before you can use it. does that mean its going to erase everything? i really need to access it! It gives a format disk option. so what do i do!? plz hlp

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes it means it is going to delete everything you can recover some important files by using a file recovery tool but you should be keeping backups in case something like this happens.

  • alpers
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    choose the boot gadget on your bios setup boot sequence. (Boot from CD first - whether you do not have this situation...). choose new setting up and don't subject relating to the formatting... or you ought to press F8 mutually as booting and decide the Command Window determination the place try to be waiting to format your tension making use of the DOS format command. in case you won't be able to try this then you definately ought to apply the FDISK software to repartition your tension and do a "low-point" format. right here yo can resize your annoying tension partitions (many human beings in basic terms have a million, C:) and format making use of FAT32 (the older record equipment) or NTFS (the greater contemporary record equipment permitting stepped forward record protection strategies). i does not subject relating to the formatting section. After setting up you are able to run the chkdsk software to envision for undesirable sectors and then defragment your tension making use of the interior reach record defragmentation application accessible for the period of the 'handle' determination under the My computing gadget icon. stable success.

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