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heating my body on command?

Hey guys, i was just wondering if anyone can heat their body on command without use of external objects such as heater or blankets. So the way i do it is, i connect my fingertips and really concentrate to search a pulse. It takes longer on cold days bt its still manageable. So once i get a pulse the rest just fall in place. The hard bit is concentrating to find the first pulse. After i get it in any one of my fingertips (usually in index or middle finger), i start anticipating when its coming and this guarantees my search for pulses. Next it spread through all fingertips and soon i can hear feel my brain pulse as well as hear my heart beat. This really gets the blood going and i feel quite warm. However i dunno how to cool down. Anywho, any other weirdos out there?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    My sister could kind of do that when she was eight, but the only way I can think of to call yourself down would be to try and reverse it somehow or just lie on the cold ground :D sorry if I didn't help

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