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how much power is my pc using?

Hey guys, im buying a new medium ranged graphic card and the guy at the store told me you would need atleast 510 watts otherwise it wouldn't work properly. So i need to know how many watts are being supplied to my pc. how do i check? i asked two people at the store and one said if you open your cpu it will show the number and the other said there are softwares online that determine this stuff. So im kinda confused. And if there are software online, could you please recommend some free ones. TY very much!

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The 510 watts the guy was referring to is the capability of the Computer power supply. It may have that information on the back of the computer or you may have to open it to see. Check the documentation that came with your computer if it's not obvious. Ask the manufacturer with the model number or name of the computer. You may be able to find that information on line. Google is your friend. The power coming from the wall is only important if you have a lot of things on that circuit. Most wall outlets in the US will supply 20 amps which is a total load of about 2400 watts

    Source(s): 50 + years in radio electronics
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