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Thai Restaurants in Washington D.C, Maryland, and/or Virginia?

My husband never had Thai food, I had it a long time again and it was a basic dish for vegetables, shrimp over jasmine rice with a light sauce over it. Kind of spicy. I want to surprise him for his birthday and take him to a Thai Restaurant, he loves spicy food and feels he haven't had anything that was very very spicy. I told him he should try some Thai food and he would love it.

Can anyone suggest an excellent Thai Restaurant and what do you recommend since it is going to be like we are both beginners.

Lastly can you tell me what is Yajai Wok? I have seen this alot as I am reading on things and what is the best curry to get? I love curry and I love saute vegetables also. All and any kind of help with be greatly appreciated. Even if it isn't in the Washington DC area your advice on Thai food would be great.

I would love a nice elegant and romantic place if possible.

2 Answers

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