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  • Making Jello shots need recipes/ideas for what I have.?

    Making Jello Shots and I have Strawberry Kiwi, and orange flavored jello in the cabinet. I want to know what will be good to mix with it. I have some Apple, Pineapple Ciroc already. I also have some peach schnapps and cranberry juice.

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits5 years ago
  • Renewing vows Bouquet question?

    I am renewing my vows in 2 weeks. I was wondering for those that renewed their vows did you use your old bouquet or did you get a new one or used just fresh flowers?

    9 AnswersWeddings6 years ago
  • What goes good with Sliced Tomatoes?

    I want to make a dinner with Sliced Tomatoes and/or Sliced Tomatoes and Cucumbers as my side. My mind went blank on what to have with it. I was thinking about pork chops. But I am craving some Tomatoes and Cucumbers.

    22 AnswersCooking & Recipes6 years ago
  • Already married and and want to do something to include our kids?

    We are coming up on our 5th wedding anniversary and I want to do something to include the kids like a ceremony or vow renewal since we have reunited together as a blended family now. Any ideas or suggestions? When we got married all of our kids didn't agree. We have been working out the issues and we are all getting along as a blended family and it is beautiful. I want to do something with all of our kids together.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Selling dinners at home?

    I am thinking about selling dinners at home on Sundays. Soul Food is my specialty, will I need to have a license for that. I live in MD And what will I have to do to get started. I want to do it right.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • Baked Banana Pudding without eggs?

    I am looking for a baked banana pudding that you don't put eggs in it. My co-worker said she made a banana pudding and she baked it and she didn't put eggs in it. I make a no bake banana pudding put I want to try the baked one.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • Salmon cakes for breakfast?

    Looking for different ideas for breakfast when serving salmon cakes.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • What are you cooking for Labor Day this year?

    I want to do something different then the regular cookout and stay in the house this year. It has been a busy week for me. I was thinking of some Ribs with fried chicken or fried fish. I am interested in knowing what you are doing this weekend.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • BBQ Sauce and Soy Sauce?

    I am looking to make a good Asian type of BBQ sauce using bottled BBQ sauce. I want to add some soy sauce but what else should I add to make the sauce/glaze different but very good. I want a tangy, sweet and spicy sauce. I am using Kraft BBQ I have hickory smoke and honey bbq. Looking to make some pork ribs tomorrow or next sunday.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Looking for house for rent in P.G. county Area?

    I am looking for a house to rent in the P.G. county Area. I prefer the Suitland Maryland area so I don't have to change my kids schools. Looking for a no credit check lease and a long term one. I also prefer a rent to own or eventually turn into a rent to own agreement. I am very serious and looking to move by the end of July.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Best place to get crabs in Suitland MD?

    I live in Suitland and I am looking for a great place to get some crabs and/or Crab legs!

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • Musselman Key Lime Pie Filling?

    Have anyone made and used the Key Lime Pie filling as a pie? If so how was it? I have some in my cabinet and I was reading it. My husband loves Key Lime Pie and I was trying to figure out if I should use it or not. I was thinking of adding more Lime juice to do something different. How did you make yours?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • ADHD and Schools that work with children with that special need?

    I am looking for a very good school for my son! He has ADHD and I don't want to result to medication. I want a school that is in Prince George's County that works well with children with this special need!

    3 AnswersSpecial Education8 years ago
  • Working in the front office of a Medical Office?

    I want to get a degree in the Medical field and I want it to specialize in the office setting. I was thinking of a Healthcare Administration Degree. Anyone have that degree can give some information on it. I am going to talk to a couple of schools but I want to get some experience information first. I have found that most schools just want you to sign up and join instead of really giving you information so you can decide if this is the best match for you. I need alot of help please!! I love the medical field but I want to do something more in the office then clinical. But any and all information is helpful.

    1 AnswerHealth Care8 years ago
  • Thai Restaurants in Washington D.C, Maryland, and/or Virginia?

    My husband never had Thai food, I had it a long time again and it was a basic dish for vegetables, shrimp over jasmine rice with a light sauce over it. Kind of spicy. I want to surprise him for his birthday and take him to a Thai Restaurant, he loves spicy food and feels he haven't had anything that was very very spicy. I told him he should try some Thai food and he would love it.

    Can anyone suggest an excellent Thai Restaurant and what do you recommend since it is going to be like we are both beginners.

    Lastly can you tell me what is Yajai Wok? I have seen this alot as I am reading on things and what is the best curry to get? I love curry and I love saute vegetables also. All and any kind of help with be greatly appreciated. Even if it isn't in the Washington DC area your advice on Thai food would be great.

    I would love a nice elegant and romantic place if possible.

    2 AnswersWashington, D.C.8 years ago
  • I am thinking of getting a Yorkie and I want to do get some information on it.?

    I love the Yorkies because of the small and cute look. How to get them to stay that way. I only want a small dog. I was thinking of mixed but I am getting alot of mixed views on it. Any one that owns a Yorkie can you give me advice. I have kids at the ages 9, 12, and 13. I work 7hrs a day is that ok. I would like any and all information as possible. you can email me also because I would love train them and etc. I am looking to purchase within the next month.

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Black Eyed Peas Recipe?

    I was wondering if anyone have a very good recipe for Black Eye peas. I want a recipe like my grandma use to make. They were sweet with ham in it served over rice and very good. And a recipe like my father use to make his wasn't sweet but he mixed them in greens and served over rice. I make mines in the crockpot and it don't taste like theirs and I won't eat them.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Lemon and Chocolate Ice cream cake?

    My husband wants to make a Chocolate and Lemon Ice Cream Cake. I am looking for ideas on how I can incorporate the Lemon and Chocolate together. Any Ideas would be great thanks!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • What did you do on your 5th, and/or 10th Wedding Anniversary?

    What did you do on your 5th and/or 10th wedding anniversary?

    If you renewed your vows how did you go about it? Was it like a traditional wedding?

    2 AnswersWeddings9 years ago