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LaVada A asked in PetsDogs · 8 years ago

I am thinking of getting a Yorkie and I want to do get some information on it.?

I love the Yorkies because of the small and cute look. How to get them to stay that way. I only want a small dog. I was thinking of mixed but I am getting alot of mixed views on it. Any one that owns a Yorkie can you give me advice. I have kids at the ages 9, 12, and 13. I work 7hrs a day is that ok. I would like any and all information as possible. you can email me also because I would love train them and etc. I am looking to purchase within the next month.

2 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Yorkies are great dogs and can make great family pets. I own a Yorkie and have children, ages 4 and 6.

    Yorkies live to be about 14 years old. They are generally in the 4 - 7 pound range (be certain to buy from a reputable breeder).

    If you will be gone for 7 hours straight, you will have difficulty potty training. Please research how you will approach potty training so you can be prepared before you get a puppy.

    Yorkies are not yappy or snappy if bred well and trained properly. My Yorkie is certainly neither. She is the best dog ever and at 3 years old is super cute.

    Well bred Yorkies have silky hair, not wirey. It does take attention to the coat to keep their hair healthy, they do need to be brushed daily. You can look at my blog for more information on Yorkies and I even have a detailed post on choosing the right breeder.

    Source(s): Yorkie owner and blogger
  • 8 years ago

    Yes Yorkies are small but they don't stay cute forever. They change from black and brown soft fur to wirey gray and tan fur within a year. You can keep it looking nice with frequent trips to the groomer though. Mixed breed dogs can make great pets, they tend to have less health problems and live longer. But if you only want a small dog you should only consider this if you know what breeds a in the dog. Most Yorkies are extremely yappy and can be snappy. It takes a lot of training and you cannot baby them. And also, please outdoor potty train your dog, paper training causes tons of future problems and the dog is never fully potty trained. I have met a lot of Yorkies and all of them were nervous, snappy, and yappy. It would probably take a lot of experienced training to train them to be better. The best breed of small dog I have met is the Papillon. They stay small (between 5 and 9 pounds usually) they stay very cute and are very good dogs. They are not yappy and do not have any problems with children usually, as long as the children don't play too roughly with them. I own a Papillon and I don't like small dogs, but my Papillon acts like a big dog instead of a yappy little dog but I think that may be the way I raised her. Papillons a extremely intelligent but they are not lap dogs and need exercise. Good luck finding a dog that you want

    Source(s): Past Experience
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