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BBQ Sauce and Soy Sauce?

I am looking to make a good Asian type of BBQ sauce using bottled BBQ sauce. I want to add some soy sauce but what else should I add to make the sauce/glaze different but very good. I want a tangy, sweet and spicy sauce. I am using Kraft BBQ I have hickory smoke and honey bbq. Looking to make some pork ribs tomorrow or next sunday.

2 Answers

  • Luno
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Try adding some ground or fresh ginger and Sriacha sauce. You could also add a few spoonfuls of orange marmalade. The pieces of orange peel in the marmalade crisp up really nicely on meat. Combine it all and let the sauce simmer in a pot earlier in the day before you start cooking so the flavors can all meld together.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    use the honey bbq sauce:

    - add some soya sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, tomato ketchup and water. and mix it into a sauce.

    - then season the pork ribs with some salt, msg and five spices powder.

    - dust the pork ribs with flour and fry the pork ribs

    - once cooked put the sauce in and stir till sauce coats the ribs. serve

    this will be a similar version of asian sweet and sour pork ribs.

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