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Snack alternatives? (1) Not fruit/veg (2) Healthier than crisps/biscuits/chocolate/cake?

I eat lots and often, and unhealthily. Might as well call a spade a spade!

I don't enjoy the taste or texture of most veg (after a lifetime cooking them in different ways), or humus, dips, coleslaw, most sauces, plain yoghurt, flapjacks, non-sugar cereal bars, or jerky, which are the suggestions I'm finding on most websites.

I do like soups, processed peas, beans, potatoes in most forms, onion rings, pickles, beetroot, raw carrot, apples, bananas, grapes, and oranges. I tend to finely dice other veg and hide it in minces, for example

I am looking for slightly less unhealthy snacks for work than my normal fare. So far I've got scrambled egg, boiled eggs mashed with margarine, redskin peanuts, plain popcorn, cheddar cheese, and yoghurt covered rice cakes. I can heat snacks at lunch time but not teabreak.

I'm a limited eater and a habitual shopper so looking for some inspiration for foods that I might normally walk by in the supermarket

Updated 1 day ago:

I also like the wee 10 cal jellys

6 Answers

  • 21 hours ago

    I know what you are going through, I am a bad snacker too. I have found that this year, due to stomach issues, I have had to rethink my food choices as I found out I am lactose intolerant among other things. I have scoped out the vegan choices in my local store and have found a lot of really good snack options. 

    And for those in the back~~I AM NOT PREACHING VEGANISM!! I love to eat, and frankly, I started looking into vegan options to make sure I wasn't missing out on anything good. Glad I did now. But besides having some really bomb food options, I am also trying to find food that is cleaner, with less additives to irritate my stomach. Vegan fits the bill. I will say that since I was never really fond of meat, it hasn't been a big issue to cut meat out. I have tried plant based 'meat' products and find them to be just as good as the real deal. so why not? I have never been a big fan of cholesterol anyways. I am going to assume that you are in the UK, so I checked out Sainsbury's and Asda's and found some vegan snack options for you.

    I am fortunate that I like to have raw veg and dips, so that has always been a good option for me. But aparently Asda also has a very large range of vegan crisps. Here is the link to the page.

    Try out the veggie straws, they are awesome and I get them quite often. 

    I also tried quinoa puffs but they were not the greatest. Kind of tasted like cattle feed, not that I have eaten much of that, but still, if I had...

    Another good thing I tried and LOVED is beetroot crisps and sweet potato crisps. They are freaking AWESOME!!!

    Also try dried fruit. I absolutely love dried pineapple, dried mango (OMG yum), dried apricots and even prunes. (Not just your Nana's nibbles anymore)


    If you like nuts get a nut mix, that is always a good hit of protein and a good crunch. 

    Fruit snacks and fruit gummies are good, kind of sugary, but at least they have some fruit in them and make a good change from salty things.

    Also check out the vegan pot noodles as those are typically less sodium, and also look through the frozen food for ready meals that are small and quick to cook in the microwave. 

    I will be freaking honest with you, after looking through the groceries at an Asda store, the UK is making Canada look pretty pitiful in the food catagory. You have a waaaaaaaaaaaaay better selection for groceries than what is in my local store.

    One thing I did laugh at tho,was crisps labeled 'sharing'. What the hell is that all about? lol

    Anyways, good talking with you, I hope this helps you out some, good luck. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    maybe nuts or dried fruits,  Vegetable crisps???

  • 1 day ago


  • Janet
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    The only foods you eat are unhealthy.

    Resign yourself to getting diabetes.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    You listed several kinds of fruit that you like- why not take those? Pickle the beets (ok, "beetroot" but that always seems redundant to me) and carrots- just put them in a solution of vinegar, water, sugar and some spices- and take them in baggies. Dipping them in a yoghurt sauce is good, too.

    I'm glad you mentioned that you conceal the hated vegetables in things. Eating isn't just for entertainment- it's for nourishment. I don't enjoy going to the dentist either, but I do it for my health. Fortunately, I like most vegetables, but even if I didn't, I'd eat them for nourishment. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Make smoothies and take them to work - most recipes use a lot of fruit and veggies but when they are processed they taste nothing like they look or what you put in them. 

    Fresh veggies with a little dip of some kind (dressing, malt vinegar, mustard, ranch. blue cheese what ever you like).  Tortilla chips and salsa is not a bad snack just don't over do it. Small plate of nachoes melted in the microwave with some salsa. 

    Apple slices and cheddar or peanut butter

    Banana and peanut butter

    Almonds, pecans (about 4-6 total), small bit of cheese will hold you over until the next meal.

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