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Too busy to uphold the law?

Vice President stated the following in a recent meeting that was supposed to be directed at gun violence.

"And to your point, Mr. Baker, regarding the lack of prosecutions on lying on Form 4473s, we simply don't have the time or manpower to prosecute everybody who lies on a form, that checks a wrong box, that answers a question inaccurately."

Now a felon that attempts to purchase a firearm or falsify the reference from is suppose to server up to ten years in jail for doing so. But these felons are getting a free pass because the administration is to busy to deal with felons looking to illegally buy guns.

I have to say that this smacks of being very disingenuous when they are trying to add new bans and gun laws but claim they are too busy to keep guns away from felons and prosecute them.

Why should Americans allow believe that the government is going to act on more laws when they ignore and refuse to go after felons breaking current laws? This is nothing but an attack on law abiding citizens while giving criminals yet another pass.


@Placid, so what is more important that felons buying guns pray tell? And if gun laws are not going to be enforced, then why bother? Laws only affect the law abiding, punishment is what effects the criminals.

Update 2:

@Wendy. So if laws are not going to be enforced, such as a ban on high capacity magazines, why bother? They only affect the law abiding and without enforcement, do nothing to deter crime. If that's the case, then I have to question the motivation of those endorsing such a ban.

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's right. There are a multitide of federal crimes, but only a handful of agents to enforce the statutes. They are certainly going to pick and choose the most egrigious crimes for further investigation and prosecution, and essentially ignore everything else.

    You'll find your local police department does exactly the same thing. If your home is burglarized, it is likely the police will do little more than complete a police report that you can then give to your insurance company when you file a claim.

  • 8 years ago

    I am looking for an unbiased source for the quote. NRA/ILA is where I found it. As I have experience in government propaganda, nothing is taken for granted. If the quote was out of context, it's important to know. If Vice President Biden actually said that, meant that and it wasn't out of context, we've identified the root of the problem.

    One of President Obama's intentions is the appointment of a new head of the BATF(E). This position has been vacant since 2006! It has been filled by acting directors, including its current acting director who is also a U.S. Attorney.

    @Wendy: When the background check for gun purchase is initiated, the buyer is in the store (or gun show), has shown ID and can't possibly have forgotten he is a convicted felon. The background checks usually take 15-20 minutes. During this time, the police can be dispatched to the store, the applicant is denied and tries to exit the premises and is taken into custody by local law enforcement for a federal crime. There is communication all the way up to the federal level from the gun store and all the way down to local law enforcement. It's inexcusable for our government to expect the rest of us to obey all of the laws while prior felons are not held accountable for committing another series of felonies.

  • 8 years ago

    Biden didn't say they should be ignored. He said..they simply humanly don't have the resources to identify ALL persons who lie on such applications. That, my friend, is a sad reality. Same for mentally ill.. they can lie on a form, and (as yet) there IS NO MEANS to spot that, because there is no national data base of mentally ill persons (and that assumes that a mentally ill person has been identified/ treated, me, many of them are NOT).

    And of course, as we all realize.. felons are not always going to waste energy going through a legal process to start with. They will just buy them on a street corner, from someone who probably stole them in the first place.

    They are not too "busy". There just isn't enough MONEY for the manpower. Never mind conflicting laws.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    the appropriate reaction is crying. If the recent ministers even hint at a presence of a feeling of right and incorrect and severe ethical grounds they gets in the present day a "nudge" to computer screen his elders " play the activity" and study. quicker or later they beginner does study to start up feeding on the trough, on the cost of the persons he promised to "SERVE" dutifully . at last, this is all as much as his eternal SOUL and HIS MAKER.

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