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Will NYC Still Attract Tourists without NYC Horse Carriage Ride? Opinions Needed.?

I live in New York and NYC Carriage Horse Drivers think without carriage ride, tourists will not come to Big Apple.

To me, tourists will still come to New York because it's famous for parks, museums, attractions and musical.

What do you guys/girls think?


Reason I asked because Carriege Drivers tells animal activists LIES and banning carriage horses will dis-encourage tourists to come.

7 Answers

  • Yawker
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have been an animal rights activist and advocate against this cruel industry for nearly 20 years. These greedy liars also claim that they are saving these horses from slaughter by putting them to work (also compete bulls**t) when in fact, being sold to slaughter is exactly where they end up after being burnt out at an early age (they have shorter life spans) and can no longer pull these carriages. Our wonderful, Napoleonic mayor also supports this tourism fallacy and claims it is a NYC tradition. Well, if that's true, then it's a local tradition, not a tourist tradition Perhaps 100 years ago it was an acceptable practice, but the world has evolved. Modern day NYC is not a place for horses. They slave night and day on paved streets in noisy, polluted traffic with horns honking and cars weaving. In the snow.and rain and the freezing cold and sweltering heat. Then after a long day of work these poor animals have to live in quasi "stables" which are just cramped stalls in buildings on the west side of Midtown Manhattan. It is nothing short of animal cruelty and both a danger to the animals and the people around them. Just take a look at these poor horses one day and you'll see the pain and sadness in their eyes.

    There have been bills entered in the New York State Senate and Assembly and petitions filed to Bloomberg and the City Council to ban this, but these drivers have had lots of influence on council members for years.

    Here is just one of many organizations devoted to banning this industry:

    NYC has more than enough to keep tourists busy!!

  • 8 years ago

    I live on Long Island and I think that people will still go to the city as tourists without the carriage rides. There are so many different things to see and do in the Big Apple. I mean you could go see shows on Broadway, you could go to all kinds of famous restaurants, there are so many different attractions as well. People go to see the Empire State Building, go to Central Park, and even just to experience what it feels like to go there. Don't forget about Madison Square Garden either, the events that tale place there attract numerous people too. Furthermore, there are so many museums like the Museum of Natural History, the Bodies Exhibit, the Museum of Modern Art, and even the Metropolitan Museum of Art. There is the statue of liberty and Ellis Island. You also can't forget about the shopping!

    Sure, some people enjoy riding on the horse and carriage, put all in all, I don't think that many people travel all the way to New York just to ride a horse carriage.

  • 8 years ago

    I definitely agree with you, because NYC does not revolve around carriage rides... if anything you have the community of animal lovers whom believe horse carriage rides are totally wrong... Honestly, though, even though it is a nice luxury to be able to be trotted around in a carriage by a horse, most people prefer the thrill of trying public transportation for the first time, like subways, taxis, etc.

    Source(s): frequent NYC visitor
  • 8 years ago

    Yes. I'd guess that not a very high percentage of visitors to NYC actually do a carriage ride in Central Park. Plus, that's not the only thing to do in NYC!!

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  • 8 years ago

    Of course they will! I live very close to New York, and I don't even see people in those carriage's very often.

  • 8 years ago

    lol I highly doubt that anybody would decide not to come to NYC just because the carriage rides stopped. who cares.

  • 8 years ago

    Without question, the tourists will come.

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