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Lv 6

On a scale from 1 to 10, how important is science? Also, what is your religion/belief?

(1 being 'completely and utterly insignificant' and 10 being 'the most important thing ever')

18 Answers

  • Fitz
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    10, there is not one physical action from the moment you awake to the moment you go to sleep that is not affetced by science. Unless of course you sleep naked in the woods.

    Areligious atheist.

    However, that is not to say that just because I think science is at a 10, that I think it replaces everything. Science has nothing to do with loyalty or love towards my friends and family, for example, I think that's important too. I just want to convey that science is of the utmost importance.

    But if you think about it, you open your eyes in the morning. The blanket you are under to the bed it's covering, the carpet the bed sits on, the door out of your room, the bathroom you enter, the toothpaste you reach for, the toothbrush you put it on ... etc etc etc are all due to advances in science. Every physical action from rise to sleep is touched by science in some way or another.

  • 8 years ago

    Science is very important and can lead us to God , our Creator. It can't be better than it's Maker

    so I give it a 7 for now, we have a lot to learn.


    Who Made the Laws That Govern Our Universe?

    “HAVE you grasped the celestial laws?” (Job 38:33, The New Jerusalem Bible) In asking Job that question, God was helping His troubled servant to understand just how little humans really know in comparison with the limitless wisdom of the Creator. What do you think of that comparison?

    Humans have learned a great deal about the laws that govern the physical heavens, but most scientists will readily admit that there is much yet to be learned. Again and again, new discoveries have led scientists to rethink their theories on the workings of the universe. Have new findings rendered God’s question to Job obsolete? Or does such progress actually furnish proof that Jehovah is the Author of the laws of the heavens?

    The Bible contains fascinating statements that help to answer such questions. Granted, the Bible does not claim to be a science book. However, when it comments on the starry heavens, what it says is amazingly accurate and often far ahead of its time.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Science: 10

    Religion: Deist.

  • 8 years ago

    10 for science... 10 for "true" religion... not fascist religion (in the face, man up in the sky ****)

    For ascension as a human being - both inner and outer knowledge is essential...

    I'm a computer engineer - but I'm also a Hindu...

    I dont go to temples - but i do meditate daily - remembering and thanking god -

    I dont fast (not eating for a day) to become thinner - I fast to remember my holy father more on that day...

    I love all religions and all gods... and I like to watch life go by in a 3rd person's view -

    cuz thats all it is... just a ride...

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  • 8 years ago

    Science is definitely a 10. Without science we'd still be living in the dark ages.


  • 8 years ago

    I'll give it an 8.

    Science as a tool is essential to understanding our world and solving the problems that are in it.

    I do think it is essential, but not sufficient. We will also need to tackle ethical questions that pure science can't really address.

  • 8 years ago

    10 - Science is an extremely broad subject that helps us understand and live in this world/universe.

    And I don't have a religion.

  • 8 years ago

    Science is a 9 on my scale. I am a Roman Catholic, I believe in some Catholic Dogma but not all.

    Source(s): Reality. My beliefs I rate as a 10.
  • 8 years ago

    10, if science is not a 10 on your list please throw your laptop in the garbage and move to an Amish colony and refrain from ever relying on a technological piece of equipment.

    Religion is a 0 for me

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Due to the fact that they have come up with nothing in relation to the creation, That wasn't in the bible already anyway, I have to give them a 0.

    Hope this helps.

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