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Bob P
Lv 6
Bob P asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 8 years ago

Women In Combat To Be Allowed?

Pentagon lifts rule banning women in combat.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I signed on to ask how people feel about this. I hope you get some good answers. The Marines recently allowed women in artillery and armor. This change means women in the Marine Corps will be required to meet higher PFT standards. A study showed that only 21% of women Marines currently meet those standards. Those new standards go into effect next year. This could result in far less women qualifying for the military depending on what the services do to make sure women can do the more physical jobs. That remains to be seen.

    With the recent Marine change they have already made the intial step and are ahead by doing this.

  • 8 years ago

    Dumb idea. When I was in the army, I remember seeing male soldiers carry female soldiers on their backs through deep water since the women couldn't get wet. Otherwise they would have gotten an infection. In a combat situation, that would slow down the whole team and jeapordize lives. I don't know why they can't realize everything can't be made co-ed.

  • 8 years ago

    I just read an article on Yahoo as well. Apparently, DOD and the brass are going lift the ban for females from serving in combat jobs including USSOCOM Units.

    I guess now there will be no more "how come women can't serve in combat?" questions on Y!A. And I hope that the military, especially USSOCOM Units, do not relax their requirements/standards.

  • 8 years ago

    As long as they're expected to meet the SAME standards as the men filling the same job, then I'm OK with it... I've got a few other gripes too, but that's the main one.

    Of course politics being what it is, somehow I get the feeling that won't be the case.

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  • 8 years ago

    I am fine with it as long as there is mandatory birth control i.e. implanted IUDs. All a women has to do today is get preggers and she gets sent home from deployment.

  • 8 years ago

    This will only create problems for actual boots-on-ground warfighters and appeases "progressive" idiots who want to get rid of all gender roles to be "equal". Nothing good can come of this.

    Source(s): Former Infantry. Thank-God I'm out!
  • 8 years ago

    It was a bad decision.

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