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My Japanese wife is having trouble coping here in the states.?

Hey there,

I am mostly looking for advice, but some prayer would also be useful. Two years ago while stationed in the military in Japan, I married a Japanese woman who was raised Buddhist and then turned atheist later in life and know next to nothing about Christianity. Every time I try to mention Christianity or Jesus to her, she starts going off about how she hates religion and that God doesn't exists etc. etc. When i had first started dating her up to marriage, she seemed receptive to learning, even going to a church in Japan with me a few times. In Japan, she was sweet, loving, caring, low maintenance, and understanding. She had told me that she was diagnosed with depression and was taking medication, but i never saw any signs of it, so i figured it was just a psychologist over diagnosing and urged her to start lowering her dose (under watch of her psychologist) and it seemed to be working, but when we moved back to the USA, things changed.

I didn't have a job when i got out, so we had to stay with my parents for a few months which stressed her out to no end. It was during this time, i found out that she had been previously diagnosed with a type of schizophrenia, not depression as she had previously told me, and the lower doses of medication coupled with the sudden culture shock was too much for her and she started getting extremely moody. I eventually found a well paying job in the Midwest and moved there with her, hoping that it would calm her down to be out of my parents house, but she seems to be even worse.

She always complains about the people here in the states saying how they make too many mistakes compared to Japanese people and are too aggressive and too stubborn, etc. She is also complains about how she has no driver's license and no car, but refuses to learn on my car (standard transmission) and says that shopping is the only way to calm her down and lower her stress, so she practically demands to go to the mall every day i have off and spends all the money i have there so i haven't been able to save up to get her a car. Occasionally, she gets so bad that she has to take a trip back to Japan (about every 4-6 months) which drains the rest of the little money that i can save. Occasionally, she does get to feeling better and i can see the woman i married back in Japan, but it seems about half the time, she is in one of her moods and i am unable to help her out of it without spending more money that i would like at the mall (which doesn't even help every time).

Twice so far she got too stressed out and went off the deep end and i had to take her to a mental hospital for a couple weeks. She is seeing a therapist and a psychologist who helps her a little, but not nearly enough. I tried to get her a couple friends, but the few friends she has been able to make here live too far away to see her and everyone else who has tried to be her friend has offended her in some way to make it so that she does not want to see them again. I have also suggested joining a church or fellowship, but she refuses just based on the reasons i stated in the first part of this post.

I still love her and i know she loves me (at least she says she does when she is not in one of her moods), but she has been getting worse and worse here in the states. Every time she gets really stressed and angry, she talks about divorce and wanting to go live back in Japan alone and doesn't want any part of the USA. I pray pretty much on a daily basis for God to help her see the light and calm down and get over her culture shock and whatever psychological disorder she has.

I really cant see any way out of this situation myself other than quitting my job and moving back to Japan with her, though every time i mention it to her, she refuses that option, good mood or bad. I am trying to stay with her "for better or for worse, until death do us part", but there seems to be much more worse than better and i fear that forcing her to stay here would end up being the death of her.

What would you guys recommend i do?

17 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My grandmother's brother was arranged married to a woman who he later found out had schizophrenia (since childhood). He had promised her parents and her to live in sickness and in health and he did. He died when he was 80 something and she did shortly after. They had 3 beautiful kids together who are now very successful people in life.

    Are you going to give up or are you going to put up a fight? The choice is yours.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    My Japanese wife is having trouble coping here in the states.?

    Hey there,

    I am mostly looking for advice, but some prayer would also be useful. Two years ago while stationed in the military in Japan, I married a Japanese woman who was raised Buddhist and then turned atheist later in life and know next to nothing about Christianity. Every time I try to...

    Source(s): japanese wife trouble coping states:
  • 7 years ago

    Go back to Japan with her. Japanese have a cultural habit of being polite. She may just not want to trouble you. Look into the military and continuing your service in Japan. Remind her of the vow you took. "In sickness and in health." "For richer or for poorer." "Forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live."

    I know it doesn't mean that... if you look at the historical revisions, you can tell pretty easily.

    However, here... there... there are problems in each, but there are opportunities in each. Save enough to come back, boost her medication back to where it was, get her comfortable, look for a Japanese/American community in the states.

    Hawaii, San-Francisco has Japantown, LA little tokyo, etc...

    Good luck.

    Eventually, you'll want to come here. That said, there's nothing saying you can't spend a while in Tokyo with HER getting used to YOU so that when she comes to America you're her rock, not necessarily her source of frustration. You could become the piece of home she brings with her, then you could bring her back.

    That's my idea. Move with her to Japan until her days with you become routine. Then move to another city in Japan for a while, so things are different... but still Japanese, then move to an area of the U.S. with some Japanese people around... to give her a foothold for her culture, before stepping off.

    Island Fever has some good suggestions too. Me, I'm no expert, so take what I say with a grain of salt, that's just what I'd do.

    As for the shopping as a therapy, I understand it, but it's not a healthy outlet. I once saw not one but two women with schizophrenia, at two different times, blow a ridiculous amount of money and then regret it, only adding to their stress.

  • 5 years ago

    Conflict or anger itself does not have to cause an irreparable rift between partners. With good communication skills and a shared commitment to a marriage, even these are surmountable. How to save your marriage

    However, at that point where one partner is at the brink of abandoning the relationship, how can the remaining partner save their marriage? If you are at the point where your spouse has asked for a divorce, what can you do?

    You must realize first that, you do have a choice. Often, when confronted by a crisis, we find ourselves backed into a corner thinking we have no choice in the matter. How can we change the situation when it involves another person's feelings or decisions? While we cannot, must not and in no way manipulate, blackmail or threaten our partner into changing their mind, we can actually control how we react to the situation. If anything, you must realize that you still have control over yourself. You have the opportunity to look inward and take responsibility for your own feelings and actions and even have the chance to take personal inventory of what your partner is trying to tell you. Are there points in your marriage that must be changed? If so, respond appropriately and proactively.

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  • 8 years ago

    You can't forget that she has a psychological disorder. I think what might have caused this problem was originally lowering her dosage in Japan when she was "happy". I have experience with a cousin who has schizophrenia. His parents did the same thing because they just wanted a "normal" kid and felt he didn't need the meds but it only made him worse. You can't deal with problems like you would with an adult who has no psychological disorders. She needs medical attention, that's the only way she's going to be okay.

    I understand you are Christian and it's great to pray to God, but what she needs right now is to see a professional doctor who can correctly diagnose her and get her the help she needs. Shopping trips to the mall and trips to Japan are not going to help the situation.

    I hope you guys make it, just be strong and seek the help of a doctor. I think if she takes proper medication, she'll be the same woman you met in Japan.

    Oh and yes get an automatic car, it's much easier to drive and I'm sure once she's on the right meds, she'll enjoy life in the states. It'll just take some getting use to. :)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Make sure she's on the right dosage of meds, get her into group therapy and trade in your car for an automatic.

    Forget the religion. Don't even discuss it with her. If you want to go to church, then go to church. Right now, she needs people she can relate to and that sounds like group therapy to me.

    She might also do better if she were to get to know other people from Japan. I gave you a link to the JACL (Japanese American Citizens League). There might be a branch in your town or near your town. Once she gets a license and you get that automatic, she'll might be able to participate.

    What are her interests? Maybe she should take a class in something or take up a hobby. Does she enjoy cooking, painting, decorating, sewing, drawing...? What does she enjoy?

    If I were dropped into a different culture with no outlets or suddenly end up with my in-laws, I'd be a basket case too.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    fWow that was a long one. My uncle married a Japanese girl after being stationed in Japan. Your wife has misrepresented to you who she was. I understand that marriage is forever, but when someone says they suffer from one thing and conceal it becaseu they are really suffering from something else - that is deception. If in the end, you wind up divorced, don't blame yourself. there was no way to know that you were being manipulated.

    Please make sure that she takes her medication as prescribed. Her excuses that shopping is her only relief is disingenuous and needs to stop. She needs to help built your marriage. if she is incapable then end the marriage and send her back to Japan. Whatever you do, do not have children until these problems are worked out, if ever. No child needs to be brought into this situation.

    You sounds like a decent caring person who has been duped into marrying a girl who thinks her hero will take care of all her problems. you can't. please see a pastor and a therapist. i said a prayer for you.

    Source(s): mom of many - remember you can;t change someone else only they can change if they want to and she may not have the capacity with mental illness and she may not have the capacity to stay in a marriage. take care.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If she isn't willing to accommodate, then she's only making you and herself miserable. Yahoo! Answers won't help with this, all anyone is going to say is "divorce" or "see a therapist".

    My recommendations:

    - Seek a professional marriage counseling.

    - Move back to Japan, if you know that will help her.

    - If all else fails, divorce is the only option. Most likely, she will stay in Japan and find a Japanese man she can be happy with. And you can stay in the U.S. and find a spouse here.


    island_fever has some very good suggestions.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I would recommend you and your wife join a support group for people who have mental illness themselves or who have family members with mental illness.

    I have a friend with schizophrenia (which, btw, sounds nothing like your wife's illness. I would get a second diagnosis from a psychiatrist if I were you. Since when is "moodiness" the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia?) Anyhow, my friend and her parents belong to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). It has really helped her and her family a lot.

    It sounds like you and your wife could both benefit from support for her mental illness so she can become happier and healthier and more involved with your marriage. You're a very good husband and I wish you both the best.

    Source(s): I found a link:
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Embrace it dont fight it,it only shows your weakness tell her to cover herself in tattoos if that's what is more important to her than your marriage,,but my guess is ,,this is not the big picture on the other hand its not like shes tattooing her face or hands so chill out man its no big deal... whats at issue here is her respecting your wishes,so say to her ok have a few tattoos my dear, just none that will be visual when we are out in guess is she is going through the mid life crisis where she feels unattractive,,she needs your support not your undermining of her wishes to lift her spirits

  • 8 years ago

    Well youve tried everything possible, what more can you possibly do. How about suggesting a little separation with her in Japan and you here in the states. Maybe that will give her some time to think and rethink what she wants her life to be. Shopping at the mall are only small time solutions. Give her some time to herself maybe shell come to her senses. If she doesnt miss you and is wanting to work somehing out within a period of time, then thats your answer. Its you she doesnt love as much.

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