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  • Can the BadUSB vulnerability infect USB Data Cables?

    As in a USB phone charger/data transfer cable that is not connected to anything else except a drive with encrypted firmware (thus invulnerable to BadUSB). Could the cable itself become infected? Is that possible?

    1 AnswerSecurity6 years ago
  • Where can I find a haircut salon around Kansas City that can cut Asian hair?

    My wife has had a lot of trouble finding a decent hair salon around the Kansas City area that can actually do a decent job cutting Asian hair. She has tried about half a dozed different places, but all have given her a horrible experience. Is there any place around that actually can do a decent job?

    Specifically, her hair grown in very thick and looks bad if they just cut straight, so they have to do a lot of layering to make it thinner and get the right appearance. It seems that most American salons have no experience with his style of hair and have no idea how to do this.

    1 AnswerHair6 years ago
  • What does it mean when an LH surge happens near the end of her cycle?

    Hi, My wife's cycle is supposed to start in 4 days, but she decided to use a digital fertility test to check LH surge level and it came back positive as did a second one. She has also been using a the Clearblue Fertility Monitor daily which checks both LH and estrogen levels, but it did not come back as positive.

    She took a pregnancy test and got a very slight shadowing of a line, but it is almost nonexistent. You really have to look hard to notice it.

    What could this mean? is she ovulating late? Is she pregnant? Is there something up with her hormones?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive6 years ago
  • Can I still get the item I ordered from Amazon if an Amazon Marketplace vendor refuses to honor the order?

    Last month, I ordered a new PS4 for a very low price from an Amazon Marketplace vendor. The money was taken from my account a few hours after I ordered it and the status stated that it was preparing for shipping. I have not recieved any notification since then that the item has shipped nor any cancellation for it. I have e-mailed them multiple times, but they never replied. I have since passed up Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals on PS4s in anticipation of getting this in the mail. I am worried that if I file a claim, Amazon will just refund my money and not give me the PS4 that I had ordered in the first place.

    Is it possible to just have Amazon itself just send me the item instead of refunding the money? I really want it for the price that I ordered it for and I doubt that I can get it for anything close to it anywhere else.

    3 AnswersOther - Internet6 years ago
  • What can I do to fix my sinuses?

    I moved to the midwest a couple years ago and have been having sinus problems ever since. I periodically use a sinus wash (like a neti-pot) and take plenty of sudafed and zyrtec, but i still have issuse. I have been to the doctor twice for sinus infections and was given antibiotics and steroids each time, but it is only a temporary solution. Recently, i have noticed that food is getting lodged inside my sinuses occasionally and I have to "snort" it out before it starts to cause problems and stink. I have also noticed that even when there is nothing up there, the mucus that comes out smells rotten, like morning breath.

    What can I do to solve these issues with my sinuses? All the doctor seems to do is give me more antibiotics and steroids every time i go there.

    1 AnswerOther - Health7 years ago
  • How can i help my wife who has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)?

    My wife has been diagnosed with bi-polar, depression, and schizophrenia, but i read about BPD and realized that she fits this disorder more than any other. She told me she had depression when we were dating and other than feeling very lethargic some days, i never noticed it. It was only a few months after we married that she started showing other symptoms such as extreme irratibility, mood swings, shopaholism, anxiety, threatening suicide, avoiding all contact with her friends, and trouble concentrating on anything.

    After the first incident when she got violent, i called the police who WAY overreacted to the situation and almost had her in prison. Her therapist had to show up in court to plead to the judge to send her to a mental hospital. I vowed to myself and her to never trust the police again. She was there for 2 weeks and was ok for a while after she got out, but relapsed a few months later. I had tried doubling and subsequently quadrupling her medications which seemed to make her even worse with the higher doses, trying alternate meds which all had crippling side effects, and hospitalizing her 3 other times which only worked temporarily.

    Last year, she just stopped taking her medication and improved dramatically. She still had issues, but it was not nearly as bad as before. It was manageable. Recently, though, it seems to be getting worse again. The slightest thing i do, even if it is not bad, will set her off.

    What can I do to help her calm down?

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • What is a good location-based game for Android?

    I am looking for a good location-based game for Android.

    I have Ingress already, but due to my work schedule and obligations to my wife, i have little to no time to actually go out and play with a group, so i am looking for something I can play alone.

    I used to play "Own This World" and really enjoyed it, but the server shut down last year. It was like an IRL Risk where you automatically drop a troop into a territory you are physically occupying every 30 seconds and can use resources generated from the controlled territories to launch attacks in any territory you are in to gain control of it.

    I have been trying similar games like "Claim Your Area", "Qonqr", and "The Great Land Grab", but they require constant attention to get territories and there isn't very many other players in my area. Also, i don't really have easy access to monitor other players territories to compare myself to them.

    "Life is Crime" and "Skirmish" seem interesting enough, but the same problem with the other two I mentioned exists and they use buildings and shops rather than territories.

    "Parallel Mafia" and "Parallel Kingdom" were cool, but the "Free to Play, Pay to Win" aspect was really annoying and made it unplayable after a week or so.

    I used to do Geocaching, but after finding pretty much every cache close by and not having enough time anymore to check out any others, it has no longer become an option.

    Does anyone know of any other games not mentioned that are worth trying?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • What is a good strategy for regulating the temperature for me and my wife at night?

    Every night when i go to sleep, my wife is bundled up in thick pajamas under several thick blankets shivering with her extremities ice cold while i am laying next to her naked with a very thin blanket and the overhead fan on, but comfortable.

    If i turn off the overhead fan, i get really hot and can't sleep, but she is comfortable enough to sleep. Electric blankets and heat pads make her too hot.

    What else can we do to make it so that she keeps warm without making me too hot at night?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • My Japanese wife is having trouble coping here in the states.?

    Hey there,

    I am mostly looking for advice, but some prayer would also be useful. Two years ago while stationed in the military in Japan, I married a Japanese woman who was raised Buddhist and then turned atheist later in life and know next to nothing about Christianity. Every time I try to mention Christianity or Jesus to her, she starts going off about how she hates religion and that God doesn't exists etc. etc. When i had first started dating her up to marriage, she seemed receptive to learning, even going to a church in Japan with me a few times. In Japan, she was sweet, loving, caring, low maintenance, and understanding. She had told me that she was diagnosed with depression and was taking medication, but i never saw any signs of it, so i figured it was just a psychologist over diagnosing and urged her to start lowering her dose (under watch of her psychologist) and it seemed to be working, but when we moved back to the USA, things changed.

    I didn't have a job when i got out, so we had to stay with my parents for a few months which stressed her out to no end. It was during this time, i found out that she had been previously diagnosed with a type of schizophrenia, not depression as she had previously told me, and the lower doses of medication coupled with the sudden culture shock was too much for her and she started getting extremely moody. I eventually found a well paying job in the Midwest and moved there with her, hoping that it would calm her down to be out of my parents house, but she seems to be even worse.

    She always complains about the people here in the states saying how they make too many mistakes compared to Japanese people and are too aggressive and too stubborn, etc. She is also complains about how she has no driver's license and no car, but refuses to learn on my car (standard transmission) and says that shopping is the only way to calm her down and lower her stress, so she practically demands to go to the mall every day i have off and spends all the money i have there so i haven't been able to save up to get her a car. Occasionally, she gets so bad that she has to take a trip back to Japan (about every 4-6 months) which drains the rest of the little money that i can save. Occasionally, she does get to feeling better and i can see the woman i married back in Japan, but it seems about half the time, she is in one of her moods and i am unable to help her out of it without spending more money that i would like at the mall (which doesn't even help every time).

    Twice so far she got too stressed out and went off the deep end and i had to take her to a mental hospital for a couple weeks. She is seeing a therapist and a psychologist who helps her a little, but not nearly enough. I tried to get her a couple friends, but the few friends she has been able to make here live too far away to see her and everyone else who has tried to be her friend has offended her in some way to make it so that she does not want to see them again. I have also suggested joining a church or fellowship, but she refuses just based on the reasons i stated in the first part of this post.

    I still love her and i know she loves me (at least she says she does when she is not in one of her moods), but she has been getting worse and worse here in the states. Every time she gets really stressed and angry, she talks about divorce and wanting to go live back in Japan alone and doesn't want any part of the USA. I pray pretty much on a daily basis for God to help her see the light and calm down and get over her culture shock and whatever psychological disorder she has.

    I really cant see any way out of this situation myself other than quitting my job and moving back to Japan with her, though every time i mention it to her, she refuses that option, good mood or bad. I am trying to stay with her "for better or for worse, until death do us part", but there seems to be much more worse than better and i fear that forcing her to stay here would end up being the death of her.

    What would you guys recommend i do?

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Why is the molecule ZrO2 (Zirconium(IV) Oxide) also called Zirconium Dioxide?

    It is formed in an Ionic bond which means that the prefix "Di" shouldn't be added to the oxide as it is in Covalent bonds, but I commonly see it and other similar molecules with the prefixes added in places like some MSDS documents. Even Wikipedia lists it as a IUPAC name even though the IUPAC explicitly states that Ionic bonds should not have suffixes like the covalent bonds do.

    Is there some exception to this nomenclature rule that I don't know about or is it just a mistake that is so common that even professional chemists would make it?

    3 AnswersChemistry9 years ago
  • How can i view a large FAT32 drive on a Windows 7 64 bit machine?

    My PS3 HD recently crashed and i am attempting to access it to pull off my saved games and transfer them to another drive. I know PS3 drives use the FAT32 file system, but windows doesn't recognize any partition larger than 32GB on FAT32. I checked around the net and many people recommended Ubuntu, but when i installed and ran it, i was having problems figuring out how to get the drive to mount. I struggles with it for about 4 hours and finally gave up and came here. Is there some way to just view it on Windows 7 x64?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Is my wife's green card in jeopardy because of this?

    My wife suffers from manic depression and during one of her angry/depressed states, she started to hit, kick, and bite me, bruising me and drawing blood. She wasn't listening to reason, so i threatened to call the police, and when she didn't stop, i did thinking that they could take her to a psychiatric hospital for a few days until she calmed down (which is what happened). She has already been to an initial trial where they told her that she should stay in the hospital until the doctors let her go, but she has another trial date in a couple days to asses her mental condition. She got out of the psychiatric hospital a couple days ago and is saying that she is worried about losing her green card because of the incident.

    I have read into it a bit and i found out that if she is arrested for domestic abuse, it may put her green card at risk, and since that happened, i am now worried about it. If i knew about this before, i would have never called the police on her and just toughed out the abuse (and just ran if she grabbed a weapon).

    I love her and know that it was just her depression that caused her to act that way and told the police that i did not want to press charges, but due to state law, the state must attempt to press charges. What should i do in this situation? Is it still a possibility that she may lose her green card? It is up for renewal in 8 months.

    3 AnswersImmigration9 years ago
  • What should i do in this situation involving my depressed wife.?

    Previous info on what has happened so far is at:;_ylt=Akd2J...

    Over the last day, she seemed to be very vengeful towards me for some reason. She said she wants to punish me, so has been calling me all kinds of names, she destroyed the birthday present she got me, and ran up a $2000 bill on internet shopping sites, and she took the letters she wrote to me from when we were dating at tore them up. When i got the pieces of the letters and started taping them back together, she suddenly attacked me trying to get them back from me. She started biting me, scratching me, punching me, and kicking me to get them back, so i ended up calling the police and they came and arrested her. She is now being admitted at the state hospital for about a week to hopefully calm her down. What would you do if you were in my situation? How can i prevent this from happening again?

    5 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • How do I get my male cat to stop fighting with my female cat?

    I have had a (neutered, not de-clawed) male cat for over 4 years now and recently got a female cat (not spayed yet, also not de-clawed).

    The male cat has had almost no contact with any other animal his whole life and has not taken kindly to the introduction to the female. He constantly tries to bite her on the back of the neck and draws blood each time. I have had to take the female to the vet twice for emergency surgery on her neck due to infection from the bites and she also has a permanent bald spot on the area where he bites her.

    I have tried spraying him a water bottle every time he does it, scaring the crap out of him when he does it, and spraying the female with cat repellent, but nothing seems to work short of locking one of them in a room or forcing the female to wear an e collar covering up the area where he bites her. Any ideas of what I can do to make him stop biting her (short of giving one of them away)?

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • My wife has a cough and swollen lymph nodes. What should I do?

    My wife has been coughing a lot and complaining of a sore throat for the past week and last night, her lymph nodes started swelling up. She has no fever, so I am pretty sure it is just a cold, but she is still worried about it. I have talked with her about going to the doctor for it, but we don't have insurance and I would have a hard time paying for it. I told her that all the doctor would tell her is to rest, drink lots of liquids, and take cold medicine, but she seems reluctant to trust me saying that I am not a doctor so I wouldn't know what they would say. Should I give in, take her to the doctor anyway, and spend awhile paying it off as best I can or should I just keep telling her to rest and drink liquids and wait until she gets better? Is there some other option that I haven't considered? I appreciate any advice you can give me.

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases10 years ago
  • My wife says we don't communicate enough. What should I do?

    My wife has recently been getting angry about the fact that I don't talk to her enough. She always compares my 10-15 min. conversations with her to the hours long conversations that she has with her friends. I tell her that when I try to talk to her about my hobbies, she is uninterested and I am not really good at talking about nothing for hours at a time, but saying that tends to make her more angry at me. She says that when I am stressed or bored I tend to withdraw and want to be alone which is true for the most part as that helps me relax more than anything, but she says that she gets really bored when I do that as she has no one to talk to. I always tell her to tell me when she is bored so I can start conversing with her and keep her entertained, but she rarely does and always complains about it long after the fact. What can I do to help remedy this situation?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • I just won 2 free plane tickets. Where should I go with my wife?

    I recently won 2 free plane tickets in a raffle and can fly on American Airlines anywhere within the continental US, Mexico, Canada, Bahamas, Bermuda, or Caribbean Islands. Where would you guys recommend I go and why? I am leaning toward St. Lucia.

    8 AnswersAir Travel10 years ago