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My laptop keeps restarting itself, help please?

My computer (a 2012 Asus notebook with windows 7) gives me an error message that reads "Windows has encountered a critical problem and will restart automatically after a minute. Please save your work." after about 3-5 minutes from turning it on. I assume it's a virus, but my computer won't stay on long enough to run a virus scan. What can I do, short of restoring my computer to factory settings? And if I must, how do I go about restoring my computer?

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Try the following first:


    Heat will slow down your computer and can cause it to fail completely

    Buy a can of Canned Air


    Power off and disconnect all cables connected to the computer

    Open the side panels (Do not touch the components inside the computer. Do NOT use a vacuum; as the vacuum can and will build up a static charge which will damage the components of the caomputer.)

    Take it outside and use the Canned Air as directed (Do not use compressed from an air compressor as this air contains particles, moisture, oil, etc that can and will damage your computer.)

    Blow short blasts of air on all components (Motherboard, CPU, Fans, Vents, Graphics Card, Power supply, etc).

    If the Canned Air gets too cold take it and the computer inside to warm up.

    After it has warmed up repeat blowing out the components as above outside.

    Repeat until no more dust is dislodged from the computer.

    Laptop and All-in-ones:

    Same as above but do not dis-assemble. Also blow the laptop keyboard.

    Do not place laptops on soft surfaces such as upholstery, clothing, bedding, carpet, etc as this insulates the bottom of the laptop and causes overheating.

    Now start your computer and press F8 to go into Safe Mode

    This is for XP but the procedure is similar for Windows 7

    Computer Maintenance (Do this first)

    This should be done before running ChkDsk (Check Disk, Hard Drive maintenance program) and Defragmentation (File and Folder organizer)

    Clean up unnecessary files and folders first as soon as you start your computer (before you use any other program or application).

    In Windows XP do a search for files that start with ~$.

    Click on Start, Search

    Click on All files and folders

    Type ~$* in the All or part of file name field

    Click on More advanced options and make sure the first three boxes are checked:

    Search system Folders

    Search hidden files And folders

    Search subfolders

    Click Search. Highlight all the files found. You can delete these files. If there are some in use, the computer will not allow you to delete them.

    Internet Explorer cleanup

    If you have an Internet Explorer Icon on your Desktop without an arrow in the lower left corner you can right click on the Icon and left click on Properties. (Internet Properties)

    You may access this screen when in Internet Explorer by clicking on Tools, Internet Options. (Internet Options)

    Internet Options and Internet Properties are exactly the same screens. They are shown side by side below.

    First click on the Delete Files button.

    Click the OK button. This operation may take a while, depending on how many Temporary Internet Files are in the folder and the speed of your computer.

    Next is optional; click on Delete Cookies. (CAUTION: If you use online banking or have to sign into secure website, they may have to be setup again).

    Last is also optional; click on Clear History. This deletes the list in your Address field of Internet Explorer.

    Now run Chkdsk - this could take a few hours to run. (Best time to run this is when you are not going to use the computer for at least 3 hours.)

    Restart your computer and do not open any programs.

    Open My Computer

    Right click on C:\ Drive

    Left click on Properties

    Left click on the Tools tab at the top of the Properties window.

    Left click on Check Now by Error-Checking

    Make sure the 2 boxes have a check in them. Left click the boxes to place or remove the check mark.

    Left click on Start.

    A message bow will pop up stating "the disk check could not be performed ...."

    Left click on Yes.

    Restart your computer.

    When windows starts to load, a blue screen appear stating that a disk check was scheduled for Drive C:

    Do not touch the keyboard - let it run.

    You can turn off your monitor if you wish.

    The computer will restart when it is finished.

    Do not open any programs

    Now run Disk Defragmenter - this could take a few hours to run. (Best time to run this is when you are not going to use the computer for at least 3 hours.)

    Left click on Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Disk Defragmenter.

    Left click on Defragment.

    Close it when finished.

    Source(s): 21 plus years in computer support.
  • Prem
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I can say some of the issues/problems for causing restart

    1. There may be a threat full virus in your system

    2. Sometimes if your processor recognize over heat it may restart the laptop. A white colored paste is existed on the processor called as cooling paste. If the paste is exhausted(dried), then you may get forced to restart by processor.

    I think you having the 2nd problem. Take it to repair centre and ask them for cooling paste for processor.

    Source(s): I Personally faced with 2nd issue
  • Andrew
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    First off start it up in safe mode then it down. Something maybe corrupted safe mod can correct it sometimes.

    Source(s): <3
  • 8 years ago

    i think ur O/S not working properly, so reinstall the O/S ..this issue will be resolved ..

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