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Internet explorer 8 Windows XP keeps freezing?

Hi guys

My mums computers runs Windows XP SP3 all latest updates from microsoft, it has the latest compatible flash version, latest shockwave version, latest java version and the computer has avast free version installed and threatfire from pc tools

There are no viruses reported from avast, threatfire, malwarebytes, trend micros housecall, bit defender and avira ALL of them report NO viruses despite doing a FULL scan

Ive used a registry scanner and cleared up registry entries in the system

Ive uninstalled IE8 back to IE6 and then reinstalled IE8 STILL the bloody thing freezes on my mum but only in internet explorer, i can switch her over to mozilla firefox or chrome or any other browser but she has used internet explorer for so long now it would be weird for her to switch

so if any of you can offer any advice on what to do i would appreciate it

thank you

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    click Tools under your website URL; click Internet Options; under Internet Properties, click the Advanced tab; click the Reset button, 2 choices pop up 1) resets everything except your Internet homepage 2) choice resets everything including your Internet homepage; which defaults back to Should fix it; for about a month then it probably will lock up again; mine does. I run XP SP3 same as you do with the same issues ever since Microsoft released Explorer Windows 8 last upgrade.

    If any toolbars disappear. click Internet Options again; U will see Search with a magnify glass under it.

    click settings; click Toolbars and Extensions then chose your toolbars to be Enable

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I've had the same problem for like a YEAR!!! XP would lock up Explorer each time I left the computer alone for any length of time, and Explorer.exe could not be killed from the Task Manager. I've tried so many registry hacks and so forth that it wasn't funny any longer - I was ready to format c: and start all over again.

    But then last week I just discovered the fix - Simple as pie. I set all power my options to NEVER turn anything off except the monitor (including never letting disk drives and network cards power off), never hibernate, and never go to sleep.

    Problem solved!!! It hasn't locked up in days!!! It shows me that Microsoft may be playing some games here. Since when should it be hard to make a PC sleep and wake up without locking up??? - GRRRR!!!!

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    XP Explorer Freezes Solution

  • 8 years ago

    Considering that IE8 is absolutely obsolete, I recommend to avoid it at all costs, mostly because it's becoming extremely incompatible with webpages and Microsoft won't fix quirks, only security problems.

    I insist she must learn either Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome. A huge benefit is being able to use them on different hardware, for example, Mozilla on Linux, Chromebooks, etc.

    Anyway, the fix is to disable all Plugins except Microsoft XML, Flash and Shockwave, then re-register IE ActiveX controls. Here's a link to a Microsoft Fixit app (method 4).

    A crazy option could be installing VirtualBox, and install XP inside of it. This is the only choice for webpages that only work on IE6.

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  • 8 years ago

    Might just need a reset, or some add on is dragging it down;

    Have a look at this site;

    It has an automatic fix for IE.

    Regards, Bert.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    everything Windows freezes especially the first few months of a re-tweaked system that is supposed to help Americans think they have an Apple. Wait for service pack 199,000.999.999

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