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What ever happend to moderate republicans and Democrats?

2 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    The Democrats haven't changed much. They are still the same duplicitous, slimey politicians they have always been.

    The Republicans seemed to have donned their jackboots and marched several thousand leagues to the right over the last few years, just about all the way to crazy land. Perhaps this has made the Democrats look more left than they actually are.

  • 8 years ago

    The Democratic party has strengthened this rightwing-damaged nation over the past four years, working with President Obama to bring us as a nation safely back onto a path towards long-term safety, strength, fiscal sanity, and prosperity for ALL Americans (not just the GOP's corporate-colluding chosen few at the top 1.5% of American society). We have moderates, bluedog conservatives, progressives, and liberals---the Democratic party runs the full gamut for diversity.

    The GOP, on the other hand, was seized by fundamentalist religious fanatics during Reagan/Bush days and then aligned themselves with the nefarious likes of the evil Koch boys and extremist Richard Mellon-Scaife, while being controlled by (swallowed by the proverbial "whale" of) the many-named CULT The Family (a.k.a., Heritage Foundation, Youth With A Mission, C Street House, The Federation, etc.), under the control of the highly secretive Council on National Policy (an umbrella group for each faction of the CULT that controls every move the Republicans make). This CNP, endorsed by the lawless nation-destroying Bush/Cheney administration despite its nutjob evangelical extremism, wants to outlaw "nonprocreational sex" (any sex not for the purpose of creating a child) and make it a capital offense. Homosexuality is considered by this extremist group to be worthy of the DEATH PENALTY, and members of the CULT (Senator Inhofe, a latent homosexual if there ever was one) and controversial Reverend Rick Warren, as "representatives" of the National Prayer Breakfast's The Family CULT, were involved in getting Uganda's government to have the death penalty for homosexuals after Uganda had been recruited as a CULT The Family member. Once Inhofe was exposed (no pun intended) for his involvement in this evil effort (see "The Rachel Maddow Show" in 2010), he hastily beat a retreat and covered his tracks.

    Fundamentalist religiosity (the PSYCHO-PSEUDO brand complete with HOME-SCHOOLING, using only a LITERAL interpretation of scripture as their only recognized "law of the land," and blatant white supremacy or militia ties is what stands as the GOP these days...and the losses in the recent election has scared a few of the closet moderates into either retiring or trying to convince the nutjob GOP to change in time for the mid-terms.

    Source(s): Goldberg, Michelle (2006), "Kingdom Coming: The Rise of 'Christian' Nationalism." Frank Schaefer (2007), "Crazy For God: How I Grew Up As One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back." Jeff Sharlett (2007), "The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power" and (2008), "C Street: The Threat to American Democracy." [Jeff, editor for Harpers, went undercover.]
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