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drug test cheat, need Guinea Pigs?

Serious question, I've researched this little theory an I'd like to try it out, but I don't do drugs, atm.

Drug testing in the workplace, pre employment medicals etc etc.

Personally I object to the intrusion in my lifestyle. IF I got high, then had a drugs test 3 days later when I'm no longer affected, I'm still gunner read positive...

I've got an amalgam of different theories;

5 day plan.

Say no to drugs. 5 days.

Drink Cranberry next few daze, this will flush out your urinary system.

THC sticks to plaque in the kidneys and associated pipe works.

Cranberry will strip this out, leaving you nice clean pipes!

THC accumulates in body fat, and is released into the bloodstream at exercise or diet.

Day 4 Eat Pasta! High GMI will keep your blood sugar up an lessen uptake of fat stores.

Go to the health shop an get sum Creatine, Creatine is sold as a health supplement.

When they test your urine it is scanned for colour an for creatine, a natural substance excreted from the body in urine.

If your urine is diluted, like you drank a swimming pool, thats a fail.

If Creatine doesn't show up in the range of concentration, fail.

Get some B vitamins, berocca, anything... That wil fix the colour.

You don't want ffleuro urine, another fail.

So you gotta balance it out a bit; Have lot's of water, but not too much!

Drinking water is gunner pull you threw it, drink a couple of litres from first thing in the morning. keep drinking til you start to pi ss, then slow it down.

Take a vitamin an watch ur urine colour, if it is fleuro, keep drinking!

Also you gotta start taking the creatine too, dosage on the packet, don't at a bucket.

Have a big fat breakfast, that's also gunner hold back any thc bearing fat cells.

When you go to you test, urinate for a few seconds, or until you are nearly thru, then fill the cup.

There's products on the market, at about $110 a bottle, B clear etc.

These are a high sugar high protein thickshake, creatine B12 etc

So it's not really something I can do myself, but a theory of part myths explained.

What I need is sum volunteers to try this?

Or conversley,(not shoes) are there any floors in the theorum ?

Has anyone ever tried this?


El high, I asked for replies, not opinions, you are virgin on abuse!

An actually it's quite a skil to rite phonetically, deliberately misspelling words with an alternative meaning.

I never asked about health effects, so kinda moot point...

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am not going to get into a debate about whether drug testing should or shouldn't be performed on prospective employees. But I think that given what I am reading here, if you need to chill, go out into your garden and meditate. Leave the drugs alone, because if you practice what you preach, unless you abstain, there is no way (given what you wrote here) that you can ever hope to pass a drug test.... not, at least, if you follow your own advice. And it won't be the drugs that trip you up, it will be the silly things you do to try to skew the test that will get you the boot.

    Cranberry juice really doesn't do anything in terms of the metabolism of drugs. THC is metabolized in the liver at a predictable rate. It will clear the liver (and your system) at that rate irrespective of how much you smoke and not matter what you drink or how much, with one exception: if you drink a lot of alcohol, that will actually slow the metabolism down as alcohol ties up the same receptors used to metabolize THC.

    You can't "flush" it out. And nothing sticks to "the pipes" in the kidneys. Good lord, where did you ever get that idea?! The only plaque that forms anywhere in your blood or kidney vessels is related to atherosclerosis and has nothing to do with drugs but everything to do with senility and dementia, trust me.

    If you ingest more THC than your liver can clear, it is going to be stored in the liver and in fat cells, at least to start. Eating pasta does not affect this one way or another. Over time, because THC is metabolized at a predictable rate, if you abstain from further marijuana use, you will clear the rest of the THC at the same rate as always.

    But probably the worst fallacy here is the creatine. You are mixng up CREATINE and CREATININE. They are not the same thing. Creatine is an organic acid used in the ATP energy cycle. Creatinine is a waste product of muscle cell metabolism that is excreted by the kidney.

    Creatinine has to be in a specific ratio with urea nitrogen, and the specific gravity of the urine also has to be in a relatively narrow range. Current testing is not fooled by chewing up vitamin B in an effort to disguise the color of the urine. They don't judge your urine by its color. They measure the creatinine level and the specific gravity - and the weight of dissolved ions, molecules, and substances like creatinine tells them how dilute the urine is.

    If the urine is dilute (that is, if the specific gravity is low) and if the creatinine is also low, they know you tried to dilute your urine by guzzling a lot of fluid and in some situations, that alone can cause you to fail the test even if no drugs are found.

    As far as the products on the market that "mask" or interfere with the testing, don't bother with those either. Don't waste your money on Magnum Detoxor and similar products or any of the other "home remedies" you've probably heard about because they don't work. All of the "first person" stories of people who posted how these kinds of products helped them beat the test are scams.

    In fact, the testing that is done for marijuana also includes tests to determine whether or not you are trying to cover up drug use. In addition to checking urine urine SG and CR, the test panel will look for chemical additives that are commonly used to attempt to interfere with testing. And they test the temperature of the urine to make sure it is close to core body temperature (higher than 98.6). That will tell them if you somehow managed to sneak in a "clean" sample to substitute for your own.

    The reality is that if you are just an occasional user and you are clean for a few days before the test, you are going to test negative, no matter whether you spend $110 on some fancy sounding detox chemical, guzzle a gallon of cranberry juice, or kneel down before a statue of the Blessed Mother. As long as you stay below the hepatic and renal clearance rate, the liver and kidneys can clear all active metabolites in as little as two days and definitely within a week if you overdid it just a little. So if you are an occasional user, have an occasional joint the way some people have an occasional beer on the weekend, you'll pass. But you aren't the person they are trying to screen for.

    If you are a consistent heavy smoker, use daily, and have used daily for months, you have ingested way more than the clearance rate and the excess metabolites are stored first in the liver, then fat cells, and then any bodily cell. They build up in the system and then if you abstain, they are slowly excreted over a period of 2-3 months or even longer, depending on a laundry list of variables. And quite frankly, I would not want you operating on my heart, flying my airplane, filling my medical prescriptions, or driving a school bus.

    Make sense?

    Source(s): Retired from forensics
  • elhigh
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It appears to me you have a better than average understanding of basic nutrition and health. Why would you ever want to get high, knowing what that stuff does to the body?

    Or is yours a more selective knowledge, choosing to disregard facts that don't line up with your preference?



    You're obviously not stupid, don't write like you are. It undermines your argument regardless of how valid any points you make might be. It makes you look foolish.

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Kidney Treatments
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    yeah, but if you get the job you can't plan like this for future random drug testing - but we used to just buy a supplement called Golden Seal and always passed the tests, it was less than $20 bucks for about 50 pills

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  • 8 years ago

    I would answer if it was shorter like holy crap!

    Source(s): potatos
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