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Lv 57,441 points


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I'm a proffessional Chef with 25 years experience. I'm writing a book, what everyone is afraid to mask about cooking, kind of a new age encyclopedia, exploring a few myths and fallacies. I use Yahoo answers as a research tool, testing my food trivia knowledge and as a market test for what sort of people are interested, target market. I take a pretty loose approach, kinda humourous, which gets me in trouble, I'm now on my 3rd profile, been kicked off answers twice. There is no comeback if someone reports me! So don't please!

  • employment law labour hire unfair dismissal?

    Hi Y'all, I have a Q bout unfair dismissal, and contracts...

    See, my partner, she's been sacked from her job, for nothing really, far lower than gross misconduct.

    No problem proving that...

    But she's been working through a labour hire company.

    But wait, there's more...

    She applied for the job 6 months ago, and they contacted her and offered her the job.

    The company she was working for, in a similar role was closing down, and she would have recieved a redundancy about $16k.

    She was not interested in contract work, only full time permanent positions.

    So the company contacted her, offered her employment, but said she has to do the first 3 months through a labour hire company. then the position would become permanent.

    She did 4 months, then was subjected to an informal performance review, then sacked a week later.

    The mananger that did the deed was very sorry, offered her references, said she'd done such a good job, even offered her work on a different shift. That does not spell gross misconduct to me, but anyway.

    My question is If the company initially offered her employment, is that not a binding contract, albiet oral, and deferring to labour hire is just a defacto probationary period, which elapsed anyway.

    The way I see it, they formed an employment relationship with her, offering her the employment.

    I believe there's a case to answer here. the usual definiton of labour hire is set term or temporary, with no expectation of ongoing employment. However that's not the case here...

    I tink t's wrong that companies continue to use labour hire companies in lieu of a probationary period, a situation which is open to abuse, bullying and harrassment...

    I want to take them to the Industrial relations, but first want some opinions on the above.

    Did the company actually form a contract when they offered her employment?

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • drug test cheat, need Guinea Pigs?

    Serious question, I've researched this little theory an I'd like to try it out, but I don't do drugs, atm.

    Drug testing in the workplace, pre employment medicals etc etc.

    Personally I object to the intrusion in my lifestyle. IF I got high, then had a drugs test 3 days later when I'm no longer affected, I'm still gunner read positive...

    I've got an amalgam of different theories;

    5 day plan.

    Say no to drugs. 5 days.

    Drink Cranberry next few daze, this will flush out your urinary system.

    THC sticks to plaque in the kidneys and associated pipe works.

    Cranberry will strip this out, leaving you nice clean pipes!

    THC accumulates in body fat, and is released into the bloodstream at exercise or diet.

    Day 4 Eat Pasta! High GMI will keep your blood sugar up an lessen uptake of fat stores.

    Go to the health shop an get sum Creatine, Creatine is sold as a health supplement.

    When they test your urine it is scanned for colour an for creatine, a natural substance excreted from the body in urine.

    If your urine is diluted, like you drank a swimming pool, thats a fail.

    If Creatine doesn't show up in the range of concentration, fail.

    Get some B vitamins, berocca, anything... That wil fix the colour.

    You don't want ffleuro urine, another fail.

    So you gotta balance it out a bit; Have lot's of water, but not too much!

    Drinking water is gunner pull you threw it, drink a couple of litres from first thing in the morning. keep drinking til you start to pi ss, then slow it down.

    Take a vitamin an watch ur urine colour, if it is fleuro, keep drinking!

    Also you gotta start taking the creatine too, dosage on the packet, don't at a bucket.

    Have a big fat breakfast, that's also gunner hold back any thc bearing fat cells.

    When you go to you test, urinate for a few seconds, or until you are nearly thru, then fill the cup.

    There's products on the market, at about $110 a bottle, B clear etc.

    These are a high sugar high protein thickshake, creatine B12 etc

    So it's not really something I can do myself, but a theory of part myths explained.

    What I need is sum volunteers to try this?

    Or conversley,(not shoes) are there any floors in the theorum ?

    Has anyone ever tried this?

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • chamomile weed spray?

    Hi Y'all, I'm trying to grow a Chamomile lawn, but the weeds have different ideas...

    I've got some kind of weed growing all over the garden and into the Chamomile lawn, dunno what it is, but it's spreading. Think it's 4 leaf all seed? Ok so I looked it up!

    I've ben round with a modified sprayer, a cone from a plastic bottle and sprayed what I could; but it's growing right up through the Chamomile.

    Question, can I spray my chamomile for this stuff with a Broadleaf specific Weedspray, for likes of Clover and Bindi? Without it killing my lawn obviously...

    I'm quite tempted to spray a small sample, but I'm impatient and thought someone might gimme an answer on here first?

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • fish pond loss of water?

    Hi Y'all, I'm a bit stumped, I doug a fish pond in my back yard, it's about 3 metres by 1 m, approx 2-300 litres, about 1.5m deep, shallower in the centre, kinda an hourglass shape...

    I lined it with pool liner, and glued it where it overlapped, on one side of the shallow divide.

    Basically forms 2 pools divided by a shallow isthmus...

    The concrete mix I used was dirty sand, mixed with cement, and potting mix.

    I've made potting plants from this mix and it allows the concrete to naturally age ang go mossy, quite an appealing effect.

    The pond also has a hill. approxmately the same dimensions as the pond, a pile of rubble and some sand.

    I have a pump which recirculates the water to the top of a chanel and flows down a 'waterfall,' or cascade.

    The problem is; it's using a substantial amount of water, I Phil it up and next day the water level's dropped 20 cm!

    I figured the concrete liner must be porous, so I bought, fish pond paint and painted it. This stuff's $55 for 4litres!

    Filled it up again, no real difference. So I've drained it, cleaned it out and painted it with a water based Bitumen paint. The bottom was pretty scratched up and the paint was gone.

    So Bitumen paint, and another can of fish pond paint, phil it up again...

    Same problem, grrr!

    K I live in WA, the soil here is sand, and the weather is Hot 35-40C atm. The pond is under sum trees so it's partly shaded.

    WTF is my water going too? I'm stumped cos it has a plastic liner?

    Perhaps the cement is 'wicking' the water into the ground, but there's no major leaks, none at all as far as I can see.

    The last time I drained it I had to keep mopping up the lowest spots, as water continued to sep back into the pond.

    Maybe this hasn't sealed so well and water is seeping through? But it must be a hell of a leak?

    I've read up about evaporation, and have placed a bucket filled to the brim with water in the pond, see if that evaporates at anything like the same rate..

    Water is a precious commodity here , and we have to pay for consumption. I have a hose from the Bore which tops the pond up.

    But I'd like to know how much water I can expect to lose by evaporation?

    I've still yet to finish off the top channel, it is plastic lined and rendered, but not painted.

    I'm reluctant to dig it all out an start again, so any help wood bee appreciated.

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • cat's got scabby mouth?

    We got a cat, it's a stray really, it doesn't belong to us, but it hangs around our place.

    We feed it, but we're only at that place once a week or so. We don't want to keep it and we're not paying for vet treatments etc....

    It's got a scabby mouth now, around it's lips is all scabby looking. Do cats get facial eczma or anything?

    I'm thinking youth in asia wood be the best remedy, but reluctant to pay for that either... We're moving house shortly and don't want to take it with us. I've tried cat shelters and spca places, but no-one's interested.

    I'm not cruel, but I'm not opposed to euthanising cats, I've done it before, a bullet in the brain is fast and painless, but don't have firearms anymore, and it's in town.... So any suggestions for euthanising a cat, yes I have an axe, but looking for something a bit cleaner than that...

    3 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Weevils; how do they get in packets/ jars?

    I've asked this before and never got a proper answer.

    Weevils can be in grain I know, but what about flour that has been milled? Dried Pasta which has been processed. Jars with stoppers?

    They must eat their way in!

    Anyone give me a proper answer? I already looked on wiki, but no answers there...

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • why does boiling water freeze faster than cold water?

    I've looked this up on wiki and can;t find anything.

    Is it a myth?

    5 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks9 years ago
  • How do weevils get in the jar?

    Huh? I wondered when I threw out some cornflour in a sealed jar.

    I've seen Weevils in breadcrumbs, flour, pasta, rice, even in sealed plastic bags. Sometimes I see little holes drilled in the bags, is that entry holes. or Exit holes?

    Do the Weevils get in there before packaging and drill their way out? Or do they eat their way in??

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink10 years ago
  • And on the menu tonight ......?

    Rump Steak, Green Peppercorn sauce

    Grilled (Muniere) Barramundi, fresh from local supplier, Tartare and Lemon wedges.

    Gourmet potatoes, steamed.

    Pilaf rice with diced capsicum and julienne chilli, (deseeded) stock from the roast chicken frames last night.

    Spinach and Ricotta Ravioli, with Nap sauce

    Vegetable strudels, left over roast veg and stir fry.

    Steamed Broccoli

    Peach cobbler and Custard.

    This is for 75 guys, anna few girls.. in a remote mining camp in the Kimberley Western Australia.

    Am i awesome or what? Am I spoiling them?

    We have to provide a vegetarian option, rice and pasta, I usually try and combine the vego with the rice or the pasta, or it just goes in the bin. But strudel has pastry, so they will eat it!

    I'm trying to recycle food, using up leftovers, that is food I've made but not served, can't reuse food that's been served.

    rate me and win... Nothing! Well maybe a quick 10 points?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Food values??????? 20 characters long wtf?

    I've been thinking... What are the food value equivalents of various foods?

    Say a cow has to eat 30 acres of grass 500 tons to produce 500kg of meat, I think an animal has to eat 10x it's own bodyweight? So what is the relative nutrition of grass, or any vegetable to per weight of meat? It's not a great comparison, cos ruminants don't actually digest the cellulose, they have bacteria in their stomachs which digest the cellulose, and the cows digest the bacteria.

    I've herd the Irish once lived soley upon potaters and milk?

    nd what about prison food? bread and water, is it possible to survive soley on this?

    but what I'm getting at is;how much meat is equal to how much carbo to how much leafy vegetables.

    The way I see it, there wood be a mountain of Spinach and greens to a piece of steak, but what about carbs? Just whole grains for the sake of argument, not processed starches?

    I'm looking for a new diet for summer, I've already cut out most meat from my diet, I never ate much anyway, it was hard at work, surrounded by tasty treats, sweets and steak etc, I couldn't help myself...The harder I tried to give up meat the hungrier I got!! It's easier at home, cos I actually gotta make myself something, cant just pick at bad foods!

    But bread is what I'm thinking about, doing the atkins thing, cutting down the carbs

    But i gived up cigarettes too!

    Enuff said!

    1 AnswerVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago
  • Great White sharks. How often do they eat?

    We had a guy eaten by a shark a couple of days back and I'm wondering if it's safe to gfo back in the water yet? We were warned a few weeks back not to go out in small craft, kayaks etc. cos there was a 6m white pointer loose in the bay, If it's the same 1 it's already eaten a guy off the beach a couple of years ago, and nudges fishing boats, think it's a man eater?

    But I'd like to go out on the bay in my kayak, but not shore if Jaws will be hungry again yet, or not??

    Perth western Australia

    2 AnswersZoology10 years ago
  • Asparagus?????????????

    I've got some Asparagus, root stock I bought, it's growing, but as fine fronds like a fern.

    I realise Asparagus is a fern, but when wood I expect to see some edible shoots?

    Are these the shoots that just have to be cut when they first emerge? They pretty weedy if they are?

    Do I let these grow, or cut them back? Do I have to wait a year or two before they can be harvested? I always thought Asparagus took a few years to establish before it produced shoots?

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape10 years ago
  • vegetenerian lifestyle?

    I been working on a healthy eating plan, How'm I doing?

    How do you guys do it?

    I haven't been eating a lot of meat, less I suppose the last few years, Not such an active lifestyle to warrant it, no more pork hunting etc.

    So I thought I'd try giving up meat altogether.

    I'm Head Chef in a mining camp, in the north of Australia, damn hot here, and I cook meat for the blokes, they like meat and lots of it, but I'm kinda over it.

    So I thought a few days ago I'd have a crack at vegeteneriasm, my first was okay, usual picking at food, not really eating, but we had roast chicken and I don't really like dead birds much, so I munched on roast veg. Think I had a sausage roll for breakfast, but that's not real meat.

    The next day I made Vege strudels from the leftover roast veg and ate that, I think somewhere along the line a piece of steak jumped into my mouth, I couldn't help it, it looked so delicious, a T bone with green peppercorn sauce, my mouth was watering, mmm meat, natures convenience food.

    The next day, yesterday, I woke up starving, like my throat had been cut, that might have been the day the steak jumped into my mouth? I had a couple of slices of roast meat then more strudel, I made a Nuok Cham and had that with rice noodles, it was yummy, but I was still hungry. I helped myself to cheese, and olives, and basically went the whole day without eating any more meat!

    This morning I was starving again and i was tired and grumpy, I had a coffee but never really ate anything, until it was too late, I was so hungry I grabbed a sausage roll. Tonight I made Pork spare ribs, I'm not a great pork fan, but don't mind ribs, and after all they were spare, so the pig wasn't using them anymore. So I had some... Couldn't help it, it was talking to me "eat me eat me"

    I don't really care about the animals, I'm just trying to find a healthy eating plan.

    I'm so busy I never come up for air, I eat melons and stuff when I'm cutting them up, sometimes I have a bit of meat when it's cooked, or I just pick.

    So how can I get enough to eat?

    I'm a big guy, over 6ft and 115kg's whatever that is in pounds, I don't like to eat a lot when I'm working, I don't have time for a sit down meal, and it slows me down too much, But I'm missing meat in my diet, Didn't think I wood! I'm near 50 too, and yeah we all know I've got an attitude!!

    So supplies came in today, we have lots of olives, pickles, sun dried tomatoes etc, might fill a bowl with those and grazed on them before I get so hungry I need to get a quick fix!

    Getting enough protein seems to be the problem, and my body telling me I'm not getting enough, being very hungry early in the morning and salivating over steak and ribs.

    It's like some kind of withdrawl symptom. I can feel my self justification rising, and my tolerance dropping!

    I had parsnips tonight, now I'm hungry again.

    Don't suggest Tofu or any C rap like that, I'm just gunner eat what we have on the cold salad bar, steer away from cakes and desserts.

    I think my body nose what it wants and steers me in the direction of energy dense foods, meat sweets etc.

    Now that we're all friends on the V and V section, I'm one of you guys now!!

    How am I going to tell my mum?

    She's been dead 10 years!

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago
  • vegoterranian community?

    I've been checking my answers today, and I notice the answers I have given on other topics; in food and drink, have a fairly even range of ratings.

    However, any of my answers on the Vegoterranian section, (which do appear on a public forum, and are there to be answered by anybody with an interest, understanding, or knowledge).

    Any of my answers that do not support the general consensus are consistently rated down.

    there seems to be a sector within this community who will rally together and defend themselves at all costs, like a collective conscientiousness!

    I'm impartial on this subject, but I will answer as I see fit. try not to be contentious, sometimes! Well sometimes I like to poke a bit of fun at stupid questions.

    but your thoughts please, why does there have to be such a bipartisan mindset? Can't the Vegoterranians accept they can't always be right, not blindly follow each other like a cult, and mark down anything which seems to threaten their mindset.

    I'n not attacking the lifestyle, just the way they ignorantly follow each other on here, like sheep!

    Also there's plenty of fishing here for trolls, they only gotta dangle a lure in the water and all the Vegoterranians rise and bite! Why do you think that is? They are easy pickings, you dont go fishing where the fish aren't biting! If your looking for a wind up ask a question about meat in the vegoterranian section, or the animal crackers one, haw haw haw, not...

    Don't let your beliefs interfere with reality!

    This has been bugging me for a while, so time to speak my mind!

    Personally I believe it's the age of some of these contributors, tweenies wanting to lose weight, others concerned for all the poor baby animals.

    That's okay I've got children and I understand the concerns, but don't you think it's time you took it somewhere else? maybe start a closed chatroom for vegoterranians only? You's can all sit there and fix the worlds problems and nobody will bother you, or challenge your assumptions!

    Now, if anybody's going to answer this, please; stay on topic, don't turn this into a personal attack against me for voicing my opinion. I'm not attacking the lifestyle, and I'm not labelling myself as Vegoterranian or otherwise. I've been reported as abusive recently for answering a simple question!

    But if you do respond, for my curiosity could you also post your age; for those of you that don't have photographs!

    9 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago
  • ouch, my man parts are broken!?

    help me, I got a problem that is recurring I have a split just under my glans and every time I have sex, which hasn't been that often, it rips open. Had sex last night and it was so painful I had to stop!

    I seem to get a swelling around the glans, where the circumcision scar is, between the glans and the shaft, and it splits too. It kind of blisters up. don't see it as being any 'manual, or digital friction issues' cos I'm near 50 and don't do that, so often. Don't think I got herpes or anything, gotta go see my doc asap, but can't do that today!

    I'm a big guy, but thats never been a problem before!

    youch! Any quick suggestions? I'm a bit confounded, need to think back to when this started, see if I can figure out sumthing to help the doctor?

    1 AnswerMen's Health10 years ago
  • Have cuttings from last year, grown over winter, but seeded, will they keep growing?

    Yeah, you know what I'm talking about..

    Bean doing a bit of experimenting..

    Cut some clones last season, but obviously a little too late, as there was a male in there. before I cut them they got pollinated, but only lightly.

    There's a few haven't made it, but some have continued to grow, it's almost spring here now.

    Some have self seeded, but it's been pretty stormy and they dont survive, shooting up too high cos they in the shade (other plants such as Marigolds)

    But my question... If these clones continue to grow, being lightly seeded will they continue to seed, without further germination? or will they grow as a 'normal' plant.

    they're growing at the moment, but barely, they've lived right thru winter, and have a root system.

    Any thoughts?

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape10 years ago
  • Do you think people on the BW&S section should be legal drinking age? Before they ask stupid questions?

    Same for Questions about Tobacco products.

    They should verify their age first.

    I don't know how many times I see the silliest questions...

    I drank this, I drank that, I threw up, I dint get a buzz.

    wait til you grow up children, there's all the time in the world for drinking.

    There should be a verification of identity I say!

    4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits10 years ago