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vegetenerian lifestyle?

I been working on a healthy eating plan, How'm I doing?

How do you guys do it?

I haven't been eating a lot of meat, less I suppose the last few years, Not such an active lifestyle to warrant it, no more pork hunting etc.

So I thought I'd try giving up meat altogether.

I'm Head Chef in a mining camp, in the north of Australia, damn hot here, and I cook meat for the blokes, they like meat and lots of it, but I'm kinda over it.

So I thought a few days ago I'd have a crack at vegeteneriasm, my first was okay, usual picking at food, not really eating, but we had roast chicken and I don't really like dead birds much, so I munched on roast veg. Think I had a sausage roll for breakfast, but that's not real meat.

The next day I made Vege strudels from the leftover roast veg and ate that, I think somewhere along the line a piece of steak jumped into my mouth, I couldn't help it, it looked so delicious, a T bone with green peppercorn sauce, my mouth was watering, mmm meat, natures convenience food.

The next day, yesterday, I woke up starving, like my throat had been cut, that might have been the day the steak jumped into my mouth? I had a couple of slices of roast meat then more strudel, I made a Nuok Cham and had that with rice noodles, it was yummy, but I was still hungry. I helped myself to cheese, and olives, and basically went the whole day without eating any more meat!

This morning I was starving again and i was tired and grumpy, I had a coffee but never really ate anything, until it was too late, I was so hungry I grabbed a sausage roll. Tonight I made Pork spare ribs, I'm not a great pork fan, but don't mind ribs, and after all they were spare, so the pig wasn't using them anymore. So I had some... Couldn't help it, it was talking to me "eat me eat me"

I don't really care about the animals, I'm just trying to find a healthy eating plan.

I'm so busy I never come up for air, I eat melons and stuff when I'm cutting them up, sometimes I have a bit of meat when it's cooked, or I just pick.

So how can I get enough to eat?

I'm a big guy, over 6ft and 115kg's whatever that is in pounds, I don't like to eat a lot when I'm working, I don't have time for a sit down meal, and it slows me down too much, But I'm missing meat in my diet, Didn't think I wood! I'm near 50 too, and yeah we all know I've got an attitude!!

So supplies came in today, we have lots of olives, pickles, sun dried tomatoes etc, might fill a bowl with those and grazed on them before I get so hungry I need to get a quick fix!

Getting enough protein seems to be the problem, and my body telling me I'm not getting enough, being very hungry early in the morning and salivating over steak and ribs.

It's like some kind of withdrawl symptom. I can feel my self justification rising, and my tolerance dropping!

I had parsnips tonight, now I'm hungry again.

Don't suggest Tofu or any C rap like that, I'm just gunner eat what we have on the cold salad bar, steer away from cakes and desserts.

I think my body nose what it wants and steers me in the direction of energy dense foods, meat sweets etc.

Now that we're all friends on the V and V section, I'm one of you guys now!!

How am I going to tell my mum?

She's been dead 10 years!

5 Answers

  • Daisy
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    LOL! I enjoyed your tale. Thanks.

    You're not doing well on your eating plan and I think you know it. Being a healthy vegetarian is not an easy spite of what you read and hear on the internet.

    Protein is difficult to get. Protein is made up of about 20 different amino acids. Your body makes most of them, but the rest must come from your diet. Meat, eggs, dairy products contain all the amino acids necessary for complete protein. Most veggies only contain some of them. To get the complete protein your body needs, you should eat a wide variety (and a lot) of veggies every day (not every meal) so your body can combine the different amino acids each contains into the complete protein it needs. There are sites on the net that have all the amino acids and which foods to combine to get them. Our body doesn't store protein, so you need to eat about 55 grams every day.

    Iron in veggies is non heme iron and is much harder for our bodies to absorb and use than the heme iron in meat. Anemia is something to watch out for as a veg*n (shorthand for vegan or vegetarian).

    B12 is not found in any plant food. If you continue to eat eggs and dairy products, you may be ok, otherwise take a B12 pill every day.

    Most veggies contain a lot of cellulose. Humans can't digest cellulose. It passes on through your system as fibre and you're hungry again.

    What you need to do, IMO, is take time for yourself. When it's your meal time, stop, set down and eat a real, balanced meal. Obviously you're busy, but eating on the run like you do (a bite here, a bite there), you're likely consuming more calories than you realize. And not giving your blood sugar a chance to go down after eating. If your insulin level stays high, your body will store more calories as fat.

    Yes, humans tend to crave nutrient dense food. We evolved eating meat. Early humans were scavengers. We ate what other animals left on a carcass. Some of the earliest tools man made were used to break bones open so we could get the nutrient dense bone marrow inside. And no veggie matches meat in nutrient density.

    Smart of you not to turn to soy. It contains estrogen like chemicals that have been tied to early puberty in girls, low sperm count in men and thyroid disease. This guy grew man boobs and had other serious emotional/sexual problems when he drank a lot of soy milk:

    Good luck....

  • 10 years ago

    Nuts & seeds like almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds etc are an excellent source of healthy fats & protein. With your breakfast have a handful of nuts/seeds of your choice to give you that extra boost. I'm a vegetarian and I bloody HATE tofu, and HATE when people suggest it to me. I do suggest quorn though, it does contain protein and it's lovely. I love quorn sausages & quorn pieces, put them in a curry etc. I think you definitely should try the nuts/seeds for your protein though, I know they're not the best in terms of flavour but it does help, just a little handful with brekkie.

    Good luck.

  • 10 years ago

    I would say what Daisy said, so I really don`t know why she got a low rating. I am a vegetarian and totally agree with her. It is difficult to be a healthy vegetarian, what I do is have vitamins. I have Omega 3,6 and 9 and I also have a Womens Once A Day but since your a guy you wouldn`t have the womens once a day. The last pill just gives me calcium. Also have tofu. Tofu is rich in protein. And i know people say tofu is gross but really, tofu has no taste. You just put what ever taste on it you want, just whatever seasoning you want, or put it into soups and pastas. You can get flavoured tofu also, I personaly love almond tofu, it is very good in smoothies.go to they have lots of recipes with tofu. I hoped I helped!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    LOL! Daisy is such a dumbass.

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  • 10 years ago

    i cannot lie here, i would say almost exactly what Daisy said

    Source(s): Thank you for typing everything out Daisy, all credit goes to you
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