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Union bosses having problems with OBAMACARE?

Yes, I realize The Blaze is a right-wing news agency, but what if this is true? I thought the unions overwhelmingly supported OBAMACARE. If they start questioning or complaining about it now, doesn't that mean they didn't do their due diligence by thoroughly examining OBAMACARE before it was signed into law? Isn't that tantamount to completely screwing the union employees they supposedly represent?

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many union workers are covered under so-called "Cadillac Plans" which will be taxable to the degree that the coverage exceeds basic Obamacare. The ultimate outcome of Obamacare may well be the demise of private insurance companies because the government will set the amounts to be paid and the degree of coverage. Medicare is losing billions of dollars and the Administration wants all insurance companies to be just like Medicare.

  • 8 years ago

    Unions are going to have a lot more trouble with 0bama than they think.

    Right now, they think they are to be the beneficiaries, but they are simply being duped. Their support for him has not, and cannot, buy them the protection they think it does.

    This is unavoidable, because his redistribution policies are based on need, not employment. People with jobs are to be shamed and punished. Eventually, anyone with a job, union or otherwise, will become a target for increased taxation.

  • 8 years ago

    Well the idiots of this country supported it like it was made of pure gold but now the side effects of obama care are starting to show their true ugly face and the reasons being are obama care does alot of invasion of privacy you tell me the reasoning of a doctor asking you if you own fire arms that is just one example of it and the biggest problem with it is it will bankrupt this country and all of its citizens.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    i guess you forgot about the part where pelosi told the rest of the gang that they had to pass the bill to see whats in it, so how could any one examine obamacare before it was passed

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  • 8 years ago

    Unionized employees are likely to have coverage so aren't affected.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Gee, so that means all those Republicans (Including Glenn Beck, who vehemently opposes unions on his radio show, yet STILL BELONGS to one!* ) who spent MONTHS & MONTHS claiming the Health Care Bill was just "Obama pandering to the Unions" were completely full of sh*t, doesn't it?

    Source(s): Li'l Glenn is a fully-paid-up member of AFTRA;
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