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A question for both the left and right?

What is wrong with you people meet on some kind of middle ground here. To the right Obama isn't taking away your guns... Clinton didn' you said he would, Jimmy Carter didn't like you said he would. Wake up the poor needs help gays have rights and it's not your business if someone has an abortion.

To the left. I'm sick of this idea that you have that being rich is a crime. Some people work for their money and shouldn't pay for people that make their OWN bad decisions. I live in a small town do you know how many people I know that cheats the goverment... more than the ones that actually need it that's for sure.

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think we some other ways to lean beside just left or right. People just need to get along and start using their brains instead of their emotions. All this fighting is not getting our government anywhere.

  • 8 years ago

    The left doesn't have the idea that being rich is a crime.

    They have the idea that the rich HOARDING all of the money is a crime.

    They have the idea that 1% of our country holding all but 7% of new money growth is a crime.

    They have the idea that 1% of our country holding more money than what you would get if you combined every penny belonging to people in poverty is a crime.

    Our country is pretty damn unique in that structure, for the fact that we are not supposed to be structured as you would expect a country under dictatorship to be structured.

    Most people work for their money.

    Many people work SEVERAL jobs for their money.

    Many people are producing more than we've ever produced before, and yet our wages have yet to go up.

    Many people are underemployed.

    It has nothing to do with bad decision for most people.

    It has to do with the fact that full time employment is becoming a thing of the past.

    The fact that most of these companies out here are cheap as a fake penny, and the fact that we've created a system where most taxes come from the poor and the middle class while the wealthy just watch their banks grow.

    I live in a small town too. Do you know how many people I know who have been utterly screwed over by the government? By wherever they've worked? By lack of unions (I live in a so called free to work state, and get to see every day what happens when companies are allowed to decide what's best for their employees.)

    Let me guess, you're one of those people who complain in one breath about a lack of jobs. Then in another about all of these welfare kings and queens. Then in another about how things used to be so much better.

  • Jakob
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    1. They only didn't take our guns because of the 2nd Amendment and to get re-elected. Also, Clinton had a heavy Republican Congress.

    2. The poor needs a job and responsibility. Not more welfare to sit on their butt.

    3. We never said gays don't have rights. They just don't have the PRIVILEGE of marriage.

    4. Yes it is, because it's killing a would-be human. RIght now if you kill an eagle egg, you get fined 200,000. we can get abortions for little to no cost. Do you realize there have been 56,000,000 abortions in the last few decades? Imagine if they had children. That's like 75M more people that could have been. What if one of them cured cancer?

    But overall you are right. I wish people would compromise.

  • Sarge
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Tp guns: Clinton and Carter didn't take power away because we made it clear to congress what would happen to votes. Yes the poor need help, it is the extent of help(paid for with tax money)that is wasted that I object to. As for abortion, I am glad I wasn't, but don't vote either way. Do not bash either side for our opinions, we are entitled to them. I agree with you that there ought to be more acceptance, and less animosity however.

    (I wont answer you question to the left)

    Also, I'd like to point out that I believe the problem is with the politicians, not the people.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Clinton didn't? What do you call the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban?

    I just want to be able to exercise my constitutional rights as the Founding Fathers intended (being able to own a weapon so I can protect myself from the government).

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    When we know there is going to be an air raid I want to build a bomb shelter. I don't want to compromise with people who want to build a look out tower. If you don't get the point I'll be more clear. If we were going to default on the debt in one year a compromise could bring a program that would default it two years. We still default. No compromise.

  • 8 years ago

    banning one type of gun leads to banning another type of gun that leads to another type of gun!! soon all guns will be banned!! it's not hard to understand, do you?

    it's my business if some female tells me her reproduction is none of my business then has a abortion courtesy of the tax payers!!

    I am at the point where gay's can have the right to marry!! they should be able to have jobs in any health care field, restaurants, give blood/plasma!! they want to spread aids among the gay community, amen!!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    A fetus has a heart so therefore its life. Second some people are born in rich and families and don't work at all.

    Also both the left and right can both be crazy at times.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    A Living wage job in America,..Made, and manufactured by Americans.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    liberals can fvck chickens and marry pigs and abort their bastards alllll fuuuuucking day long i don't care.......just as long as they pay their own bills......

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