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Robert Francis QC I listened this Morning to the report by this learn-ed Gentleman?

very comprehensive and detailed,, like many thousands of us I was appalled at the findings outlined in his report,how on earth could these managers not have seen the blatant shortfalls in this trust hospital,following this Veryr damming evidence this cannot be swept underr the carpet as many other reports have been, individuals responsible must be brought to account,= in law and made to pay for their atrocious handling of people who are at their most vunerable as patients in Hospital.

A place that all of us should feel safe in =not so here= my feelings are let the punshment begin and soon ,


There is obviously and quite rightly, strong feeling about this gross neglect by this hospital and the trust

.I sincerely wish that the influential people who are yahoos contributors will, do their utmost to see that this is dealt with as it should be by bringing the offenders ( because that is what they are) to justice in the courts apologies we have heard many times before when things have gone wrong, but =THIS TIME not enough

. Apologies will not suffice, lives have been lost with that regime and those responsible should be made to pay I am concerned that no response has been made by the local MP for the area?(or have I missed it) here in the north three more hospitals are now under scrutiny,again all should be named and shamed if warranted

.I personally intend to write to my local MP and ask that he get involved with finding out about our local Hospital and trust I think that idea should be implemented right across the country as all of us at sometime, have to be needing medical he

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am sure that 'call me Dave' is very glad that he was beaten in the election by David Kidney who in turn was beaten by Jeremy Lefroy as Stafford's MP, all of them as much use as a chocolate tea pot. I live in Stafford and this hospital will not and never has been (is not now) any better, two weeks after it opened there was an outbreak of legionaires which killed 28 and it just NEVER got any better, I am disabled and always opt to attend another hospital wherever possible.

  • 8 years ago

    Fair enough.!!

    The reality is - those responsible will be 'allowed' to apologise (thats the in thing now adays) and 'that' will be the end of this 'horrendous disgraceful' matter.

    Promises will be made for future NHS policy etc that 'will not materialise' and 'sadly' this incident will be buried among all the other examples of the establishment/government departments (seemingly) ignoring 'allowed wrongdoing'.

    Justice is rarely obtained by the public against the establishment or the government (NHS) only 'hollow words' of meaningless regret/sympathy given. The establishment and corporations etc have 'found a new way' of getting away with wrongdoing on 'any issue at any level' (again) by simply saying their sorry - no matter about the (in this case) huge scale of patient abuse....or in other areas the amount of 'fraud' committed....Banks being allowed too pay out 'only millions in legal fines'....when the 'profits 'they' made' were billions+.!!

    As the seniors have always said.....don't get old and don't get sick - because 'then' were will be at the mercy of 'strangers' who have no interest in our welfare or recovery.

    Whilst they 'will be good care given' by some hospitals in the NHS - this damming report has put fear into all of us if hospitalisation is required....or indeed if long term care home attention is needed.

    Its the political establishment departments against the peoples....and 'they' will always win.!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Dee and David are obviously oblivious to the report.

    The Royal College of Nursing, along with the Medical Council really need to be pressured into action, as you say a very damning report.

    I suspect there will be some charges at some point, but the longer the victims families have to wait, the less will justice be done.

    I noticed in the Commons debate there were some very active local MPs and I suspect the initiative may come from that quarter (of any Political colour), pressured by the Families.

  • 8 years ago

    I agree with you but am dubious that there wil be anything other than cosmetic changes. Both private and national health care has been mostly appalling for a very long time. Mid Staffordshire is just an extremified example of what occurs virtually everywhere. There are many reasons for all this. Constant reorganisation of the NHS by successive governments; the profit motive in the private sector; incompetent and dysfunctional management; people becoming nurses and doctors for materialistic and status reasons rather than as a calling, and culturally, Britain is just not a very caring place, and most of all a country where people have not complained about lack of care vehamently enough

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No person will be held accountable, they never are. It will fall under the heading of "systemic failure" and we will be told that "lessons will be learned". You have to remember that politicians and their ilk don't use the NHS.

    Can you imagine David Cameron being left to lie in his own Faeces over night, even if politicians did use the NHS, their treatment would be very different from ours.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The Market in the Health Service,what do you expect?

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