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  • did I hear correctly?

    that there is a controversy regarding the long buried body of Richard 111 as to exactly where the body should rightly be interred, are the people involved with this farcical situation going round the bend,? who actually cares where these remains are, certainly not the members' of the general public I would guess. The majority of them have more very important issues on their minds such as survival in this financial climate we are constantly being told, which lead to another question who benefits from the idiotic scenario in finding out the correct place for this possible body of Richard 111,somewhere along the line it is money in the pocket for someone could it be persons with vested interests?

    7 AnswersHistory7 years ago
  • Could someone please help me?

    To understand the result of the committee who have decided that no blame can be attached to any single person or dept. contributing to the death of a child I am at a complete loss to come to terms with these findings I do hope we will not hear again " We must learn from this"that answer has been given out so many times it must be scripted for use over and over again If I hear correctly then these finding are farcical

    3 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • possible closure of ship yards?

    Understanding of this intention is very complex and very sad news to many workers in Scotland like others I have heard arguments from both sides but I have not heard any mention exactly where our future ships are to be built or, is it the intention to reduce our navy further as the army, and other of our forces. Folks the way things are shaping up as far as our defence capability is concerned things are not what they should be, from a lay persons point of view this intention is a step too far. possibly someone more in the loop than myself could explain the reasoning behind this?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • the bad storm hitting the southern regions disruption of transport?

    the reports of the chaos advise that 200 hundred trees fell across railway lines causing major problems it beggars belief that trees had been allowed in such proximity to rail tracks to grow so big they fell over the tracks in stormy weather surely someone should have seen the possibility of this happening One finds it hard to accept the excuse this was a very violent storm and infrequent of this magnitude, prevention is better than cure, isolated trees to fall even that should not be able to happen but 200, the mind boggles

    4 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Can anyone advise me which professional body?

    have the longest holidays from their right-full employment if an answer is available ?can anyone tell me with accuracy the wage these fortunate employees receive per month, would it be comparable with for instance, Firemen, Ambulance staff, NHS, Police, Military.

    4 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • What do you think about or prime minister?

    expressing his disappointment at the increases on fuel, are we not worth more than his disappointment? with the vast profits these fuel companies make, I for one expect more from the PM show some backbone MR Cameron look around and see the expanding food banks, homes being lost workers with no jobs, (disappointment) if it was not so serious that expression would be funny

    13 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Who is as worried as I am?

    Our foreign secretary states that would be OK to enter conflict in Syria without UN Mandate have they forgotten what happened before when we did something similar and still bear the brunt by loss of lives to our troops, I wonder if he would have the same attitude if he was eligible to fight alongside our soldiers I hope MPs have more common sense than he appears to have, =KEEP US OUT= no more losses of our lads

    8 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • can anyone explain please how sensible it is?

    to climb on mountains in this weather particularly with a youngster I note the RAF helicopter went to rescue it is beyond my understanding that this mother should have used very little common sense placing herself and child in grave peril my feeling is, she should be made to pay for the cost of rescue

    4 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • please excuse this question if it has been raised before?

    Am I correct in my understanding that our government is considering arming the opposition forces in Syria ?if that is their intention that puzzles me our own forces many times have called for better arms for the fighting they are involved in if, we can arm these opposition people that must go down like a lead balloon to our soldiers I recall a shortage of combat body armour that led to a death in our forces, our leaders have certainly lost the plot if it goes ahead.

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • we have on our screen news that asian children?

    being taught in their own country are much better at maths than our children in the uk , I would ask the question how many holidays do those children get and could that have a bearing on this result

    7 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • entering a country and going through customs check?

    today I watched a programme on TV which showed a man who had been stopped , it appeared the money he was carrying into the country was too much than allowed ? in these days of electronic transfer could he have transferred his money into that country legally, and not run the risk of confiscation? what is the =legal answer please=

    4 AnswersOther - Destinations8 years ago
  • friends there is something I do not understand?

    I refer to the sentence handed down to an individual who bombed his home and in the explosion killed a Babyy living next door

    .He was sentenced to ten years in prison,I am completelyy baffled at the light sentence can anyone explain how the judge arrived at that award I listened to the family of the young baby that was killed. That punishmentt for the horrific crime committed is= not= justified in my view, what do you think my friends?is this once again our laws failing us?

    10 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • does anyone know exactly how?

    Much the UK will be paying to the EU following the budget and speech by our PM, and also if our contribution which is around 50 million per day increases how many other member of the EU face an increase to their contributions?

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Is nick Farage live and well?

    I saw a recent clip showing him in an air crash?

    5 AnswersOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • What doyou think of the speech today?

    by the labour leader a great deal of what he said was correct the worker will rebuild this country if only they can get back to work and have the security of employment.

    Not the top circle of millionaires as favoured by the tories

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • new proposals regarding care for the elderly?

    outlined in parliament please correct me if I am wrong but these new/and benefiting the elderly, are not available until 2021?can someone explain how these proposals will help thousand who are about to lose their home to pay for care currently, it appears to me this is another whitewash and not at all helpful

    3 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Robert Francis QC I listened this Morning to the report by this learn-ed Gentleman?

    very comprehensive and detailed,, like many thousands of us I was appalled at the findings outlined in his report,how on earth could these managers not have seen the blatant shortfalls in this trust hospital,following this Veryr damming evidence this cannot be swept underr the carpet as many other reports have been, individuals responsible must be brought to account,= in law and made to pay for their atrocious handling of people who are at their most vunerable as patients in Hospital.

    A place that all of us should feel safe in =not so here= my feelings are let the punshment begin and soon ,

    6 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • I would if somene can answer my question?

    how will the suggested fast train benefit this country? the logic of this high cost endeavour baffles me why not upgrade the intended stations and link with existing tracks,this money is estimated at this stage enormous, and beyond credibility when that money could be used far better,how can the shortening of a journey be of such importance with such an abundance of electronic communication availablem I envisage a possible horrendous crash at the speed suggested,the speed alone is a none starter to anyone with any brain , what was the slogan put out bythe government? " Speed Kills" albeit that was for the road user but it applies here just the same

    2 AnswersRail8 years ago
  • the speech by our PM?

    The long anticipated speech was quite revealing to my understanding,we are told that the eu is costing the british tax payers 50 million a day but Mr Cameron indicates that IF we chose to return the tories for a next parliament session we will be given a referendum to determine _IN/OUT and a date of 2017,that date alone is puzzling that assumes quite with a great deal of arrogance that the tories will be returned the cost to Britain will be astronomical the better deal should be done NOW it is obvious to many of us that we need to be inside the EU But on a fairer system than we have now why wait until 2017, 50 million aday would be better spent here than in Brussels, resolving the financial crisis which seems to have gone unnoticed by many in the government circles I listened to the emerging party leader UK IP also this morning it is also obvious that they are bringing concern to the government with their policies nothing he said could be discounted as it echoes the thoughts of the majority of citizens of this country,if their policies were wrong why then is so much time given to the leader of that party?, =they cannot be ignored anymore= a general election would in fact prove the point prior to the influx of other immigrants which are on the card= what was the number from Bulgaria/Roumania? we cannot afford to accommodate but that is just one policy that would be resolved if it is not done by this current government this country will be in much deeper financial;l

    3 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • who thinks the intended speech?

    By our PM regarding the EU is probably the most important one he will ever make who= honestly= would relish the the position he is in= not me for one=

    1 AnswerGovernment8 years ago