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What do you think about or prime minister?

expressing his disappointment at the increases on fuel, are we not worth more than his disappointment? with the vast profits these fuel companies make, I for one expect more from the PM show some backbone MR Cameron look around and see the expanding food banks, homes being lost workers with no jobs, (disappointment) if it was not so serious that expression would be funny

13 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    the guy is a multi millionaire. most tories are. do you really think any of them give a toss about us..?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You mention the food banks, the use of those has tripled since 2010 and it's not something they can blame Labour for, yes food banks existed before 2010 but use was a lot more patchy and only around in some areas, now they are a big thing in almost every part of the country.

    I think Mr Cameron has looked around and doesn't care, are you not old enough to remember the last tory government? They were the same.

    At the end of the day it's the party that opposed the minimum wage, so how could anyone vote for that shower of shizz? They are still opposed to it as they have cut funding to national minimum wage enforcement so employers can pay less and get away with it.

  • John
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    The problem with fuel is that it is an International Commodity, Oil Companies usually set prices based on 'the going International price'. If they are forced to keep prices down here they will just ship it to where they can get a better price. A lot of fuel now comes into the country 'ready refined' that is as Petrol not crude oil. It can be diverted to a higher price market simply by sending an Email. No fun when prices go up, but at least it assures that there 'will' be Petrol in the Pumps and there 'will not' be all those fights and yelling people at Petrol Stations with no Petrol. If a few pence on a Litre guarantees a quite day, frankly I don't mind.

    By the way, Fuel 'does' get diverted to higher price markets, I can remember this happening when fuel ran out in the 80s. There was plenty of fuel, they were just shipping it to a higher price market in Germany.

    By the way, do you really think Mr Cameron is 'disappointed'? he will have gone to bed with a nice smile on his face that day. VAT and Fuel Duty revenue rises with the price of Petrol, so the Government will be creaming off hundreds of millions from this price rise. Still that helps to pay off the National Debt, (and 'what' a debt)

  • 8 years ago

    How I wish those huge profits were going in tax to fund the NHS etc. What's really happening is that the huge profits are being shipped to wherever offers the best tax breaks, which means precious little going on public services, which are actually funded by escalating borrowing.

    It has been known that we've been running out of cheap energy for decades, and that production peaked about ten years ago. What remains in the ground is riskier and more costly to extract, and we can look forward to an increasingly bad set of disasters, such as Exxon Valdez and Fukishima as we take increasing risks and cut corners on safety in order to provide a competitive products, and of course more profits.

    The wildfires currently burning out of control around Sydney may be just the Australian countryside's habit of catching fire whenever possible, but having inflammable natural gas coming out of man-made cracks of the ground and even bubbling out of the water supplies around Sydney is perhaps not the best thing to have there right now. Is rebuilding Sydney a fair price for cheap fuel for another decade or two until we face reality?

    If you were a gambler, and were given good odds on a dead cert, and if you had exclusive access to the casino, you'd be crazy not to punt all you have and make a killing. So all the ready money, instead of going to support industry and public services, is going on a spree on futures and derivatives that is pushing up prices now, rather than later.

    We should never have privatised North Sea oil and gas, and we should have conserved what we had in the 1980s for leaner times, rather than claiming an economic miracle on dodgy Free Market principles by splurging the lot in one go. Norway did so, and they are now benefitting from more enlightened politics. We. in the meantime, punish the thrifty by imposing 0.5% bank rate on their savings for years and years, until even the thrifty have to borrow to make a living.

    As others point out, we cannot cut prices by statute in a free global marketplace and expect there not to be Soviet-style queues as supply is diverted to places that pay better. We have to take it on the chin and subsidise, and find the money from somewhere, if anyone but the wealthy wish to keep their homes warm in future winters. Subsidising means higher taxes now or borrowing and passing the bill on to our children and grandchildren. Cutting progressive Income Tax now, especially for those that can afford it, is madness, but something most X-Factor mentality people still think is the way to go.

    Cameron and Osborne are all right - they've no doubt voted themselves and their friends healthy pension plans as Blair did, so their answer is woolly hats for the poor. In the end, this may be the only way to conserve stocks, so we'd better start knitting now, and grow a few more sheep.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    His answer would be stop complaining and put a jumper on , leave the poor mr multi millionaire cameron and his lovely nice warm house alone

    His mother should of called him jack or judas

  • He is saddled with the fib dems who won't let go of the green taxes on fuel imposed by Labour, another left wing own goal, they could have reduced the cost of domestic fuel at a stroke!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Let them put a jumper on and eat cake.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Fine fellow. He really cant do anything about the fuel rises, As you can see from my link,Labours lead is shrinking with the inexperienced leader they have.

    Its been really tough.Labour left them with an awful hill to climb,but its been done. I don't know why some people think they need food banks when their benefits well cover food. Its probably Labour propaganda ?

  • Wessex
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    So what do you want him to do.....? I don't like higher energy bills either..........but you have to be careful or you may make matters worse.........I have very little doubt some of these price increases are because of what Red Ed said he'd do to freeze prices if he got into power.......the energy companies are just preempting that possibility.........

    Don't forget those vast profits go towards investment in future energy supplies, and also pay huge amounts of tax to fund the NHS, education, welfare etc........

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