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Will Republicans ever figure out that their overzealous partisan witch hunts are actually protecting Obama?

This was true under Clinton and even MORE true under Obama. Republican politicians and their media allies ultimately serve to insulate the Democratic President from scandal with a litany of frivolous accusations so over the top that they become comedy.

This has a "boy who cried wolf" effect which not only fatigues public interest but makes vigilant investigative journalism of the President less respectable.

Will Republicans ever figure out that their coon-dog obsession with getting the Democrat is actually doing them a favor?

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because the Democrats have partisans hacks such as yourself that blindly follow the party line.

  • 8 years ago

    Oh my. Let him be the dictator so nobody assumes that any kind of investigation about anything at all is just a political witch hunt. Yes, yes. That's what we should do. Just let any old president take the country down without any kind of investigations or questioning. You are a lemming. This must be the only president of your life time that you have experienced. Read something.

  • Macfan
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    No it only splits up a nation: Those attached to the President are confirmed in the view point of the democrats and those that absorb those statements, which are confirmed in the view point of the republicans.

    In the end nobody wins and two extreme opposites will fight for the White House in 2016.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    particularly made the Republicans seem stupid to the worldwide -- plenty like jointly as they went after bill Clinton. If there have been any severe crime in the two party i will have been on their part, yet there wasn't. Even Issa had to admit he had now no longer one single shred of know-how against Holder -- it is the reason he never could have held Holder in contempt. GWB withheld information from Congress each and all of the time asserting it had to do with national risk-free practices. ##

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  • 8 years ago

    The best example would be Clinton. They attack and attacked him over the whole Lewinsky thing. People didn't care and got sick and tired of Republicans playing their partisan games.olous accusations so over the top that they become comedy.

  • 8 years ago

    Considering what they went through with Clinton, you would think they would have learned. Apparently, they aren't capable of learning from reality. Look how many of them are still saying they would have won if they had had a "real conservative" running for President.

    Not only does it numb the public, but it turns the object of their disaffection into a martyr.

  • 8 years ago

    Good point.

    If a real scandal comes out, I wouldn't believe either. I'd be like: "mmhhh... another one of those, huh? What will it be next time? He sacrificed a dog to Satan?"

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I agree we shuld be THANKING OBAMA:

    Obama signed the NDAA 2013, which allows the Order of assassination of US Citizens without due process, Thanks Obama!

    Obama signed the extension of the Bush PATRIOT Act 2001 and govenremnt spying and wiretapping of US Citizen has increased 5 fold since 2008, Thanks Obama!

    Obama is currently bombing 8 countries with drones strikes, killing 2,500 women and kids in 2012 alone, Thanks Obama!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I don't think they will grasp that concept any time soon. They've had ample time.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You're brainwashed.

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