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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Hey dumbocrats, whatcha gonna do?

From Yahoo news: 5 tax breaks are on the table.

1. Health Insurance. All that Obamacare you people were screaming to get into effect they're now gonna tax you for it. They want to tax your employer sponsored healthcare. HA! and you people said they wouldn't do it. Obama sure lied again to ya and you just ate it up.

2. Mortgage Interest. They want to limit the deductions on your house and not allow it for a 2nd home, and they want to phase out the interest deductions on your home.

3. State and local taxes

4. Charitable deductions. For you libs that don't go to church but give to some other organization they're only going to allow you 2%, and if you're a business owner and you do this for a write off, it's really gonna suck.

5. Municipal bond interest. They want to cap it at 28% and if you're in the 35% bracket, you will have to pay a 7% tax.

Ya'll are in the same boat as the rest of us, so good luck in putting food on the table, keeping up with your mortgage, and gas in the tank. So the question is: do you really think all your taxes are gonna "bail us out". It didn't work in the past 4yrs. and we're still in debt....+interest.


Democrats trditionally enjoy paying taxes and letting government run our lives. How about we just give obama our paychecks, and credit cards and he can do with it whatever he wants....and we'll foot the questions asked. I'll have to go to home depot and get my money tree, or if I'm able to pull it out my a*s*s it'll be obamas stinking money. HERE TAKE IT, what do I need it for.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't mind paying more taxes as long a I have good infrastructure and a military. The only thing I am not liking is that it sounds like the plan Romney/ Ryan proposed.

  • 8 years ago

    1)Cadillac insurance is compensation. I don't see why it shouldn't be taxed. Its money you're not having to spend out of your own pocket like the rest of us.

    2)well its kind of a throw away anymore isn't it? the middle class isn't going to use refinanced mortgages to supplement its income any longer. The bubble burst.

    3)those are tax deductible and should remain so. for the sake of the larger states.

    4)people abuse the charitable donation scheme. "charity" is anything nowadays.

    5)good. the rich shouldn't be using munis to dodge their taxes.

  • Betsy
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Hilarious! I hope obama's tax hikes hit his supporters BIG TIME. I hope they suffer like never before. I can only say this - If you folks have any part of a working brain, please vote out the liberals in 2014. That's the ONLY way we can stop him until hopefully a Republican can win White House in 2016. God help us.

  • I don't mind paying taxes because I know that's how you buy civilization.

    I've been paying into social security for three years now, but I'll never get to draw it because of my career.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Everyone with a functioning brain knows that Obamacare will be nothing but a nightmare.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Hopefully they will all move to the nearest socialist nation to die.

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