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how to solve precalc problem?

Here's the problem: 3^(x+2)=5^x

how do you solve this??

i got




-xln3 -xln3




ln9=x(ln(5 1/3))

x=ln9/ln(5 1/3)

but I feel like this is wrong..

5 Answers

  • iceman
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    3^x * 3^2 = 5^x

    5^x/3^x = 3^2

    (5/3)^x = 3^2

    x ln(5/3) = ln(3^2)

    x = 2ln(3)/[ln(5) - ln(3)]

  • 3^(x+2)=5^x






  • 8 years ago

    (x+2)ln3 = xln5

    xln3 - xln5 = -2ln3

    x(ln3-ln5) = -2ln3

    x = -2ln3/(ln(3/5))

  • 8 years ago

    3^(x+2) = 5^x

    3^(x+2) = 3^0.682606194x

    x + 2 = 0.682606194x

    0.317393806x = -2

    x = -6.301320206


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  • 5 years ago

    a million. F(x) = 7x^2 - 5x + x^(a million/2) + 3x^(-5) F'(x) = 14x - 5 + (a million/2)x^(-a million/2) - 15x^(-6) = 14x - 5 + a million/(2sqrt(x)) - 15/(x^6) 2. factors the position tangent line is horizontal is the position the slope, or spinoff, is 0. F'(x)=3x^2 + 6x - 24=0 x = -4, 2 change into the unique function to discover the y values. factors (-4, ninety 2) and (2, -16)

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