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Rhyaddan-5 asked in SportsOlympics · 8 years ago

Wrestling dropped from Olympics. A wise decision?

Wrestling has been dropped from the 2020 Olympic Games by the IOC to make way for a new sport, even though it is one of the original events and still very popular.

The so-called 'beautiful game', on the other hand, continues to linger like a bad smell. We have the Premier League, the Euros, the World Cup and countless other footballing events 24/7, 365 days a year. No one, not even the most ardent football enthusiast, watches the Olympics with the express intention of following the football, so why bother with it? It's pointless!

How do you feel? Which sport would you like to see introduced/dropped from the Olympic Games?

8 Answers

  • chris
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Surprised wrestling is going, as you say, its an original event. Sadly golf is being introduced for Rio 2016, that should go as well as football. Some say introduce snooker, thats not exactly in the spirit either. I hear Karate could be included - I am in favour of that, but not golf.

  • 8 years ago

    Spot on Shortie.

    i hear the president of the IOC has a pic of Sepp Blatter on his wall.

    I think its a poor decision.

    I know Andy Murray gave British tennis fans great joy, but I think it was put there in Atlanta to pander to the Americans.

    Football should go.

    Golf should be aborted. Again pandering to the US.

    I actually enjoyed the handball on TV, especially as it was such a minority sport the BBC didn't even put up a commentator on some of the games. Quite refreshing.

    Other than that, I think they've got all I want to see.

  • 8 years ago

    It's the IOC yet again showing that they only care about money. This way they can add a more popular and more marketable sport that they can use to rake in more cash from sponsors.

    The Olympic Ideal died a long time ago in IOC headquarters.

  • 8 years ago

    I love swimming, track and field, judo, table tennis, indoor volleyball, etc. but I will boycott everything I love in 2020 if they take wrestling out. F the IOC, F the IOC, F the IOC, F the IOC.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Wrestling is one of the few sports I like,but certainly not women competing as on the askers link.

    I haven't seen any for years. ITV used to show it on a Saturday in the 1970s. Drop anything to do with football as far as this answerer is concerned and keep wrestling,but certainly not Sumo wrestling !!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


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  • 8 years ago

    The modern pentathlon

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    it one of the bad decision

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