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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Does the GOP need to die?

Should the GOP be dismantled?

They have become the whig party. They're spineless and useless

They don't stand up for their principles, especially, in the face of tyranny

I say they need to go

And the Libertarian party should rise, to take their place


Now, this has been coming for a while. The GOP had a golden opportunity, after 2000, and squandered it. They further blew multiple chances to stand up to Democrats, but cowered in the corner, afraid of the media

They need to rise above the media, who will never give them a fair shake. The mainstream media should be ignored, as they're little more than a propaganda machine for the Democrat party

Update 2:

The Republican establishment are cowards, and unfit to lead. They need to be voted out of office. The Republican party needs to be dismantled, or taken over; one or the other.

Carl Rove, john Bonehead, etc. need to go away, and get out of the way. There are real people in the party, trying to actually fix problems. These dinosaurs stand in the way, for fear of losing elections and political power. They've become just like Democrats; dishonest

Update 3:

Wow, some pretty off the wall answers...

Everything from taking the word "die" to equate to murder, to thinking that the "Tea Party" is the problem...They're the only hope the party, and our country, has, at the moment.

And what tyranny???? Seriously? Have you not noticed our "president" and and Democrat party, shredding the constitution, ignoring it, working around it, illegal executive orders, illegal appointments, ignoring court decisions against him, etc. etc. Scandal after scandal...Fast and Furious, Bengazi, etc. etc. The man is a tyrant

Update 4:

not to mention the financial disaster that keeps getting deeper and deeper; pouring gasoline on the fire...And an opposition party who is afraid to say anything about it...They not only have a right to oppose this president, they have a DUTY to do it... They need to go, if they will not

Update 5:

Obama ran one of the dirtiest, most dishonest campaigns in history, and now wants people to come to his side? Opposition, is the only response, that Republicans should show, towards this Marxist clown

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Taft would be a Libertarian today. Today's Republicans are owned too much to represent people. They do not believe in small government or true conservatism. They believe in redefining roles of government and keeping it huge. We need a true small government option, not an imposter.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    As long as the liberal mainstream media demeans, twists and tells lies about the Republican Party, there's little they can do. People still believe the media sadly and until that changes, no one will be able to get the truth past their propoganda machine. It's very powerful. Rubio seems to be the Republicans only salvation. He's Reganlike in his ideals and beliefs. Regan went up against McCarthism in his early years so he was well equipped to take on the liberal media when he became President. His speeches explained the truth about the Democrat party and their belief in class warfare and big government. His words resonated with enough people to get him elected twice by popular mandate. America needs another person like that. The Republican Party needs another person, nay people, like that.

  • jehen
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    So your argument is that the GOP is not crazy enough? What tyranny exists in a Republic with a government of by and for the people that was freely elected by the people? To suggest that a party should take matters into its own hands and assert its authority over the will of the people becasue they do not agree with that will is the definition of tyranny. Yet it seems that is exactly what you want the Republicans to do. And that is crazy.

    If you do not like the direction the people have chosen your choices are to persuade otherwise, live with it or leave. You do not have the choice to assert your minority will over the will of the majority. You do have the protection of the constitution to try to change minds, but no protection to assert your will by force or authority over those you disagree with.

  • David
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Do not be ridiculous.

    The GOP is the only protection that we have against the fiscal irresponsibility of the rich white liberal Democrats.

    The rich white liberal Democrats will bankrupt The United States of America with all of the excess spending and squandering of the taxpayer's money.

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  • 8 years ago

    No, I'm sure the GOP could change for the better if they'd dump the tea-baggers and norquest pledgers and find a candidate like Eisenhower.

  • 8 years ago

    The current manifestation of the GOP does. They talk about standing by their core values, but the only things they stand for on a regular basis is keeping taxes low for the richest Americans and opposing whatever Obama happens to support.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Can you learn how to hand out entitlements because that is why the people voted the way they did?Unfortunately.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    They need a clear re-branding......regrettably the Musical Group Insane Clown Posse will not give up their name....

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    After they removed Republican voters from the nomination process last August, I say yes. I won't vote for anyone who denies me my voice. Do Repubs care what I think? No way. They would rather see a Democrat win than a true conservative.

    Source(s): a former Republican voter
  • wtinc
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Gee a Libertarian who promotes violence.

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