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Freya asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

Views on Chinas one child policy?

views on it and reasons?

11 Answers

  • Gent
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bloody good idea,it should be applied to all immigrants as well.

    For 3 generations,at least.

  • 8 years ago

    Complex issue. I don't like it on moral grounds, but looking at it objectively, I can understand why it seemed necessary at a time when China was bursting with poor and starving people. China is still overpopulated today, although there's much less starving people.

    However, the population is shrinking rapidly, and ageing. It's called 4-2-1, where the family tree goes:

    4 grandparents

    2 parents

    1 child

    That child is spoilt by 6 people. Additionally, Chinese children are much more pressured to look after their elders, so one child having to look after 6 old, retired people would be quite stressful.

    Plus, the Chinese workforce is shrinking, and one of the main reasons China attracted so much Western investment is because it had massive, cheap workforce. China's economy could be very hit badly by a shrinking workforce and the resulting reduction of investment.

    That being said, I read this really interesting piece comparing the One Child Policy to Western societies. In the West, I think the average amount of children per couple is something like 1.7. It is much more economically viable for people to only have one child, because they are expensive to raise and modern families simply don't have time with work, particularly because women work too. The article went on about how we had an automatic One Child Policy in the West these days.

  • 8 years ago

    I'm in two minds i've decided. With such a high population, it's a common sense policy. China is seriously overpopulated. The world is overpopulated in general actually. But on the negative side, i can't help but think of the one child that's then left to support an entire family.. Wages in China aren't exactly plentiful, so it's a huge financial strain for a lone child to bear. I always thought you could have more than one child in China, but you'd only be supported for the one.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    My view on the one child policy is that it has stopped hundreds of thousands of births- which is successful for controlling the population. However it has caused the population to become an aging population, as there are more elderly people now than young people.

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  • Big K
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    As an American I support it because if left unchecked it will eventually bring down their entire society. China is a society where the you are expected to take care of your parents in their old age, now instead of having 3 or 4 working adults supporting their parents we'll see 1 supporting 2, crippling the younger generation of workers financially. In addition the preference for sons in Chinese society means that they aborted lots of the female babies, so now they have a messed up gender ratio which will further impede young Chinese men from starting families. So what will a bunch of young men with little money and no women do? History says they'll cause trouble, either crime or civil disobedience will become the only way for a young Chinese man to advance himself.

  • 5 years ago

    at the same time as i have self assurance it truly is a good element, I disagree with tossing female little ones out into the line (if it truly is what they do). the international will quickly grow to be overcrowded if we do not reduce the inhabitants. i imagine a thanks to regulate the inhabitants is through sterilizing (castrating) couples after their first/2d baby, then there could be no little ones to kick out. all of us communicate about morality at the same time as it contains this, yet morality is summary and the Earth has constrained skill. we received't only push different species out of how and damage their environment because we received't stop procreating. i am going to get myself castrated sometime so I will by no potential make contributions. So, contained in the top i imagine it truly is a good element.

  • 8 years ago

    It's wrong on so many levels not to mention highly stupid. I'm without doubt there are accidents, force (as in rape/incest) and women will have these children. I'm also without any illusion that because of these there are millions if not BILLIONS of children left to DIE to fit in with their ignorant policy.

    But as in the time of Moses when Pharaoh ordered the death of all firstborn male Jews, MANY will get through to tell their tale.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    in the villages they tend to ignore it and on the other end of the scale,you pay a fine if you have more than one child,

    as for dumb DAVE the sacked crane driver,in other posts about China,he views them as not really communist any more,"after al they trade like capitalists" they always did,there still fully committed communists who can't vote,disagree withe party or strike,so shut the **** up daft DAVE,

    but saying that they are 10 times better than Americans.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I think the reasons must be obvious with a population of 1 billion. Its common sense surely ?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    With the world as overpopulated as it is, I wish they introduced it in more countries!

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