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Trent asked in HealthMen's Health · 8 years ago

Dermatitis.. On my Penis?

I continuously get a rash under my foreskin and on my penis head whenever I wash with soap.. I am allergic to many things so I understand that I need to be careful but its getting annoying. I was wondering what I could do to help it?

Things I know cause break outs: Sex and not washing afterwards. Masturbation, again.. Without washing afterwards.. Washing there with ANY soap, doesn't matter if it is scented or non-scented.. And not washing daily basically.

I get Dermatitis on multiple spots of my body but more frequently on my penis because of how sensitive the skin is. I was wondering if there are soaps anyone knows of that are really soft that wouldn't (hopefully) bother it? Its getting annoying because two or three days ago, I took a shower and I just washed the outside of my foreskin and all that down there, with soap. I broke out (under foreskin and around the head) shortly afterwards. For WEEKS I have been making sure to only use water to wash off my penis, quite hot water. I'd make sure to use the water and clean it off well and nothing would happen. I wouldn't itch, get inflamed, break out, nothing. But I decided "Hey, lets wash around it" dum dum dummmm... Broke out.

So, anyone else ever have this problem? (Seen multiple people who have so I know others have had this problem) And have you figured out a way to stop the break outs?

My Fiancee doesn't mind it she understands its nothing serious. She hasn't gotten it or anything and We've been together for many years.. Its nothing like an STD but its still.. unattractive to me. I don't like the break outs because I feel quite dirty, it doesn't bother her but I guess it bothers me. Now, I know there is most likely some expensive medication blah blah blah... Don't want that. Just want a soap basically that doesn't cause a rash.

Any help? Please refrain from saying "Oh you have a STD" or "You are Dirty" stupid things like that, I dislike trolls or people who are not informed. So please be informed, try to answer the questions I have asked with thought out answers. I tried to give you as much information as I can, so please do the same back.

Thank you all for your time and thank you for your answers.


Please don't send me to some bullcrap site <.< And don't tell me to see a doctor... Put effort into it.. Yahoo Answers isn't here for you to redirect someone to a site that is crap or to tell someone to go see a doctor... If I was dying, sure. But I am not so please if you aren't going to put effort, don't waste your time nor mine.. Actually Help.

Update 2:

Guardian, Thank you. That sounds like it's about the smartest answer I am going to get. I'll try to look into that when I can. Thanks for your effort and thank you VERY much for contributing to Yahoo Answers correctly.

But hey, apparently my rash is due to the lack of Viagra. I am sure my Fiancee would love it if I took that <.<.... Idiots..

Again, Thank you Guardian, as soon as I can I'll best answer you. <3 Thanks thanks thanks and, thanks ^^

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    try goats milk soap

    they mostly hae essential oils added like palm oil, coconut lil, castor oil and macadamia oil.

    goats milk is closely related to the human ph skin so it should work better then traditional soaps


  • 5 years ago

    If you're one of numerous people looking for an answer to eliminate eczema you then need to see that guide Eczema Free Forever that can quickly help to keep you safe.

    Eczema Free Forever does definitely not conflict with other health things, it really raises your health and simply wants a little bit of hard work and willpower and in order to destroy the situation for a very long time in association with the outer conditions that eczema brings to.

    Eczema Free Forever also presented the full portion making time for the simple cause of eczema. You understand that the majority of medicine and off-floor program focus on indicators, and thus during the length of a few days of reduction, these signs seem to reappear again.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Give Man1 Man Oil a try. It is not as harsh as soap and it contains several antibacterial vitamins and nutrients. I use it to help me keep things extra clean down there and it works great. It is made specifically for the penis skin and contains only natural ingredients. It really is a wonderful product. Hope this helps!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


    In curing eczema, one must bear in mind that the main goal is to stop skin itchiness that may worsen the irritations. Thus, there is a need to use mild cleansers, soaps, and lotions to clean the skin and relieve it from those irritating and itchy symptoms. It is advised that you consult a dermatologist or a physician in order to get prescriptions or recommendations of cleansers that are ideal to use for eczema-infected skin. Eczema lotions are also available. Cold compresses can also help alleviate the itchiness. You must also remember to resist the urge to scratch the infected area, so you don't make the condition even worse.

    I strongly recommend this natural remedy. It really worked for me. Here is the website:


  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Meet a Dermatologist and discuss.

  • 5 years ago

    This sounds interesting

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