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I love to draw, play games, and hang out with my love ^^ She is my world and I am glad to have her. <3 She shares my love for anime and some games xD... Favorite games are the Virtual Villagers series <3 Link to get them free Use that sites search to find the rest

  • Do people still play Battlefield 3 PC multiplayer? I know BF4 came out so I was just wondering.?

    I remembered I have it on Origin so I thought I should download it but its 19 gigs so I wanted to make sure there was a point to downloading it lol.. Do people still play it?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Living With Horrible Asthma, Any Advice?

    Okay, I am 22 years of age and I have had Asthma all my life. I've gone from doctor to doctor and when I was younger a doctor told my mother and me that I would most likely not live passed the age of Adulthood, whenever that might be. I think I proved him wrong for the most part..

    See, my asthma isn't doing well really and I am going through my inhalers way to fast, I got one a few days before the new month and I am almost out of it already. I don't have insurance and I cant keep a job due to my health. I am trying to get Medicaid but apparently that will take some time.

    Physically I am not in the best shape, my asthma is way to bad so I cannot exercise, even the smallest amount causes my asthma to flare up. I am overweight but not dramatically, so I am changing my diet in hopes that it'll help somewhat. I don't exactly know what else to do.. I've gone to so many doctors, they prescribe medications that don't help.. Allergy medications that don't help..

    I have so many triggers for my asthma, emotional, allergy, and exercise. I cant afford the medication that they think I should be on, I am hoping once I get Medicaid if they accept me, I can get the medications needed. I however, really would like to get my asthma under control without the use of more medications because I fear becoming even more medication dependent. I am already dependent on my Rescue Inhaler.

    Basically I am hoping that someone can explain how they've improved their health asthma wise.. That might work for me. There have been a lot of times where I simply just stopped being able to breathe, I have to go outside and get fresh air, bend over the porch rail and hope and pray that I can catch a breath because not even the inhaler helps then.

    I.. am pretty worried and I fear that if I don't improve my health soon.. it wont matter.. If you get my drift.. I really don't want to die I kinda like living, ya know?

    This is a serious question and I'd like serious answers.. It seems I never get answers when I ask question here and when I do it is either spam or trolls..

    Thank you for taking the time to read this long... drawn out question.

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases8 years ago
  • Ate Sushi and now...?

    I have been having stomach pain for the last three or four days...

    When I go to the bathroom, my Fesses is blackish and kinda flakie in a way. The texture is in between normal and diarrhea, it isn't like liquid or anything. So I am kinda worried. I had one bowl movement that was completely blackish then a second that wasn't blackish at all and my last bowl movement was partly blackish and partly normallish.

    I don't have the money to go to the doctor, I went and got fiber one bars and im eating those now. Alkaselzer chewwies as well. So, has anyone had this happen? What helped? Its been days since I ate the sushi but others ate it to, nothing happened to them :/ Oh, it was Walmart Sushi xD I didn't know till later. But I only ate one roll.

    2 AnswersEthnic Cuisine8 years ago
  • Any recommendations for the Wii?

    Ello all, I have been getting more games recently for my Wii, before I get started I'll name all the games I currently have to avoid useless recommendations. Here they are...

    Animal Crossing: City Folk, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Bleach: Shattered Blade, Harvest Moon Magical Melody, Harvest Moon Animal Parade. Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility, (For my Fiancee's sister) Hello Kitty Seasons, Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, Mario Party 9, Mario Kart Wii, Muramasa- The Demon Blade, MySims Kingdom, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Okami, WiiPlay, Wii Sports, Pokemon Battle Revolution, Red Steel 2, Rune Factory - Tides of Destiny, Rune Factory - Frontier, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and last is Thrillville.

    So I have already 20+ games, I know there are some good games that I just don't know about and I've done some digging... I was hoping for help here.. What I am looking for are games similar to these or unique but GOOD. One players are fine but could you try to add (if you can) some two player games that can be played on the same console with just the Wiimotes.

    Thank you kindly for your time and effort, I've been looking for a while so I decided to give the good ol' Yahoo Answers community a try out.


    2 AnswersNintendo Wii8 years ago
  • I need help finding a program that'll run a script?

    I am using Lowes Guest wifi at my house, every 2 hours it cuts me off and asks me if I want to continue basically.

    So every 2 hours it forces me to reload the main Lowes Wifi agreement page and all you have to do is click a small box to check it and click accept.

    I would like a program that'd do this for me so I don't have to redo it every few hours and I can leave my computer up and have it continuously accept it and stay connected online so like, if I am downloading something when I go to bed, say a game bought from Steam. I can go to bed and it wont stop downloading till I wake up..

    I know there are programs that you can script it to do that, so I was hoping for some help, what is a program that'll do this and how would I do it? If you cant explain how, a program that could do it would be good enough and I'll figure out the rest.

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Piracy? Whats the difference?

    Okay so I was just thinking... Why is there Piracy? They say it is against the law to download games/music/shows/etc that you do not own, correct? Well someone bought the copy that is being pirated by others... Why is that against the law yet, we can go over to a friends house and hand them a cd or a game and say "Here, keep it" They didn't buy the game so what is the big deal? It isn't against the law because it's physical?

    it isn't against the law to my knowledge to make a mix CD and give it to people you know. WHY is it against the law for people to share things they bought with others, online? Now I know this doesn't include all of the pirated items but I don't understand the big difference besides more people are pirating from the online file then in person when you give someone your copy.

    Like, I can go, install a game that doesn't need a cd to play after the installation, and then give it away... So, is that piracy? Isn't that the same thing in essence?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Male Lump in Armpit Nonshaver?

    I just found a lump in my armpit but it didn't hurt to much till I shaved my armpits and squeezed it. I don't shave my armpits normally so obvoiusly it was hairy so I couldnt see it well.. I shaved and saw it was swollen so I squeezed it. When doing this I got a little bit of a clear liquid and also some puss similar to a white head, pimple, and that of a ingrown hair. There were a few hair still there which I pulled with a tweezer and when doing this, nothing really happened but the hair was pretty long.

    Now it has been around 10-20 minutes and it is still pretty sore lol BUT what I want to know is if this is something to worry about? I am thinking it is like... a Pimpleish thing or an ingrown hair.. I am sure it isn't cancerous or swollen glands because it acted similar to what I explained earlier.

    I have no insurance and no job so I don't want to go to the doctor over something that is most likely nothing. I get bumps all over, I am just worried a little because of the location really lol... So anyways, please don't answer if all you are going to do is link me to a site.. I googled, I want your opinions.

    If you honestly think I should go see a doctor fine, don't bother replying because I understand that already.. If you are actually going to answer my question, please reply.. ^^ Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersMen's Health8 years ago
  • Skyrim Mod Help, new to modding.?

    What mods are needed to make my Skyrim look amazing? I want my Skyrim to look like all the pictures of peoples modded skyrims.. I have seen pictures of people's characters after being modded (most of the time females) and the characters look amazing.. I want my character to be able to look like those.

    And I would like for my skyrim to look like the pictures of peoples modded skyrims.. I am obviously not wanting 100 mods just to make it look good but a list of really good mods that'll alter my game to make it more appealing would be wonderful and an explanation of what each mod does would be nice.

    The only mod I know of is BBE or something (Big booty Edition) to make your character more smooth and full (body wise) but it made my character look blurry (on horrible laptop that barely runs skyrim) so..

    Example : <--- This isn't the best picture but this is minimal of what I am looking for. If someone can help me at least get to something along those lines, I am sure I can get the rest of the way after learning what I am doing more.

    PLEASE Do not just say "Go to this site <insert name of site> they have mods" I want personal thought out answers not just empty ones. Thank you kindly in advance.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Dermatitis.. On my Penis?

    I continuously get a rash under my foreskin and on my penis head whenever I wash with soap.. I am allergic to many things so I understand that I need to be careful but its getting annoying. I was wondering what I could do to help it?

    Things I know cause break outs: Sex and not washing afterwards. Masturbation, again.. Without washing afterwards.. Washing there with ANY soap, doesn't matter if it is scented or non-scented.. And not washing daily basically.

    I get Dermatitis on multiple spots of my body but more frequently on my penis because of how sensitive the skin is. I was wondering if there are soaps anyone knows of that are really soft that wouldn't (hopefully) bother it? Its getting annoying because two or three days ago, I took a shower and I just washed the outside of my foreskin and all that down there, with soap. I broke out (under foreskin and around the head) shortly afterwards. For WEEKS I have been making sure to only use water to wash off my penis, quite hot water. I'd make sure to use the water and clean it off well and nothing would happen. I wouldn't itch, get inflamed, break out, nothing. But I decided "Hey, lets wash around it" dum dum dummmm... Broke out.

    So, anyone else ever have this problem? (Seen multiple people who have so I know others have had this problem) And have you figured out a way to stop the break outs?

    My Fiancee doesn't mind it she understands its nothing serious. She hasn't gotten it or anything and We've been together for many years.. Its nothing like an STD but its still.. unattractive to me. I don't like the break outs because I feel quite dirty, it doesn't bother her but I guess it bothers me. Now, I know there is most likely some expensive medication blah blah blah... Don't want that. Just want a soap basically that doesn't cause a rash.

    Any help? Please refrain from saying "Oh you have a STD" or "You are Dirty" stupid things like that, I dislike trolls or people who are not informed. So please be informed, try to answer the questions I have asked with thought out answers. I tried to give you as much information as I can, so please do the same back.

    Thank you all for your time and thank you for your answers.

    5 AnswersMen's Health8 years ago
  • Computer Problem? Cant do a few things...?

    So, I tried looking around and I cant find any answers on the internet about this, obviously I cannot be the only person having this problem. I noticed a few people having similar problems but no one answered them correctly for my situation.

    I am running Windows 7 and I download quite a bit, until recently I could always download a file and set the download location to my desktop. This would allow me to find it much easier than having to find it in my download folder. My problem is this, now I cannot do that. Every time I try it says I lack said permission, yet I am the ONLY admin on my computer, everyone else who is on my computer is set to Standard.

    I just now, tried moving a few new chapters of a manga into my "Manga" folder, which is on my desktop. But, I cannot move said files into it... Because I lack the permissions needed. How can I fix this? I fixed it once but I don't remember how.. I've cleaned my computer, scanned for Malware, scanned for everything else. It's clean and everything, just cant mess with my desktop... I can move files FROM my desktop, create new folders.. But I cannot rename the folder without approving it... Nor can I delete it without approving it.. Like.. *click delete* ... "Would you like to delete the folder" <-- This is fine, this is normal. *clicks yes*... THEN I have to accept it again as an admin.

    I'd like to know how to remove the "You need Administrative Privileges" crap because it wasn't always like this. And I'd like to learn how to fix the whole.. not able to put things from other locations onto my desktop because that wasn't like that till a month or so ago.. Not even that long to be honest.


    2 AnswersSecurity8 years ago
  • Penile rash? Serious question so please give Serious Answers. Thanks..?

    Three or so days ago me and my Fiancee (been together for over Three Years) Went and got a toy.. It was a tongue vibrator for her to use on me and it was made out of a soft "Tongue" like material.

    Well when we were going to bed the other night she used it and right after we went to bed. NOW usually after ejaculating or having sexual intercourse I'd get up and wash myself off because I have a foreskin and I am very sensitive down there. Some soaps cause rashing down there so I tend to make sure I wash off correctly.

    This night I didn't wash off because We have been working and I passed out. When I woke up I didn't notice anything and we went out.. When I got home I took a shower and noticed I had white dots on the head of my penis.. So I washed them off, they washed off easily.. They seemed to be something like dry skin but not filled with puss or anything.

    I got out of the shower and looked closer and it was a rash but a little worse than normal that I get from washing with things that irritate the skin. Now it has been a few days and I am freaking out... It is still there, it itches sometimes... I don't know if it is something like Contact Dermatitis... Or Penile Thrush...

    If I don't wash my penis off after ejaculating the ejaculation gets under the foreskin and something similar happens BUT its worse than normal... So I am not sure if it was because I didn't wash off right after.. Or I got a rash from the rubber tongue vibrator because it was the first time we used it.. Or if I have something like Penile Thrush.. I am worried and I cant really afford to go to the doctors because I don't have insurance..

    So... please everyone if you could help out that'd be wonderful. Have you guys had this happen? Were you able to fix it? Help please and thank you in advance.

    3 AnswersMen's Health8 years ago
  • Emergency. Logical answers please. Fiance is Miscarraging?

    She is having horrible pains and she is crying. She has passed the fetus she says (only a couple months into pregnancy) and she is on the toilet crying. The pain got a lot better once the whole fetus passed but now she is in even more pain due to the placenta I think. She doesn't want to go to the doctor or hospital, she is saying its not that bad. She researched it and she knew it'd be painful to pass.

    My question is how many people out there have had this happen to you and what did you do? Is she going to be okay? She is in a great deal of pain..

    This is a serious question, I'd like serious answers. Please and thank you.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Claustrophobia.. Help..?

    I've been Claustrophobic for years... I use to ride the school bus daily and I wouldn't have to many problems. I would only have problems when I was having asthma issues and I couldn't breathe well.

    But, for the past month or two Every Thursday I take a bus into town because I live 8 miles from town and no vehicle.. But it picks up multiple people before heading to town. Every time I am on the bus I have Claustrophobia attacks.. I get Anxious.. Panicked... which turns to a Panic attack... Which messes with my breathing and I have a fear of not being able to breathe (I have horrible asthma)

    Basically every time I get on the bus I freak out... I have NO insurance I can barely get my asthma medication... I don't know what to do I am losing my mind.. I have to wake up at 7 am and its almost 2am.. I cant sleep.. I never sleep well before the ride which is a problem itself.

    Any advice would be wonderful... I have tried thinking of random facts... Tried talking with my gf through it... I have tried gaining information on the mental illness and information about buses and such to help remove my fear...

    I KNOW its irrational.. I know that its stupid... I know nothing will happen... I know this is all in my head.. but I cant fix it! I am going crazy.. My girlfriend said we didn't have to go but I want to go... I know she wants to go.... We cant get out normally so this is the only way to get out and enjoy ourselves... Im.. just... Im just not sure what to do. I'll ask the bus driver if he could drop us off first..

    On the ride home I don't panic until he drives past our road and heads down to another's place which is a few miles away. Thats when I panic. When he is driving us straight to town I don't panic much.. Its just when its a longer ride... I fear it... Help please.. anything would be helpful...

    1 AnswerAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • When I turn my computer on, it no longer shows the user account names?

    When I turn my computer on it just shows

    "User name" (for you to type the name) and

    "Password" (obviously to type your pass)

    But it doesn't show the user names of the different accounts on the computer.

    There use to be "Trent" and "Kyle" but now it just has it so you type the name of the account and password of the account, How do I make it go back to how it was?

    I use Windows 7..

    I am worried because I have been running Registry cleaners because my computer has been slowing down and I am trying to fix it but I hardly ever backup my Registry before cleaning.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Few games I would like PDF walkthroughs for, Silent hill 2-3 and Nier?

    I have normal walkthroughs for these games but I would love PDF files for them..

    I just bought the Silent Hill HD collection for xbox 360, so that would be nice.

    Also bought Nier a few weeks back, got far but still a PDF walkthrough would be lovely.. If you have any sites you know of that host these PDF walkthrough files, it'd be lovely if you would share them. Thanks kindly.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • What device do you use to install xbox 360 games?

    Okay so I was wondering what is a good external xbox 360 storage device? I never tried this before so I want to make sure I get the right thing...

    You have the ability to take a 360 game and take the game off the CD and put it onto a storage device to play without the CD, what device do I need? Is this okay?

    Or do I need something else? or do you know something better? Something with good amount of space but not to expensive...

    1 AnswerXbox9 years ago
  • Fable Series, Why do people say Fable: The Lost Chapters is best?

    I have played Fable 2 and Fable 3, I was going to get Fable 1 but I heard that it is glitchy when trying to play it on the 360. So I am planning on getting it for the PC, Fable: The Lost Chapters. But I was wondering, for those who have played at least two of the series, Fable: The Lost Chapters and one of the other, Why do most agree Lost Chapters is the best?

    What is different, what is so great?

    I Personally love Fable 2 because of the will markings once you gain more Magic. I also like the halo and such.. Well anyways, why is Fable: The Lost Chapters so great? Please be descriptive and not just say "Because it is" Or something like people do.

    Thank you in advanced.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • How can I find out how much data I have used this month? This is for the computer not a phone?

    Okay so I am using Wildblue satellite internet and I get 25 gigs a month but I share the computer with three different people.. Well... more or less three people have three computers and we are all using the internet through a wireless router. Anyways, I need to make sure I don't go over the Usage allowance. I have downloaded a few things but... They don't keep track right.. Anyways, do you know how I can find out how much I have used?

    Wildblue has a usage meter I can use BUT it isn't working it is offline and they say that unless we go over the 25 gigs by a lot, they wont slow us down. But I don't want to risk it... any idea on how to check my Usage?

    I have used DUMeter, Networx, and something else.. nothing really gives me a clear answer.. One said I used 1 gig one day, turned it on again and it said I've used nothing x.x; for the whole month... Meh please help

    5 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • 2 Questions about Rape..?

    Okay so my stepfather thinks he is smarter than me and I basically know nothing.... About anything... So here is my questions..

    Can a man be raped?

    Doesn't most rapees know their rapist?

    Men can become erect through other things.. Not just being turned on. Friction, fear, pain, no reason at all, just random things can turn a man on. When you are sleeping and you are entering REM you may become erect. When you wake up with "Morning" wood. That is because you were completely relaxed.. He says there is no other way besides being turned on your penis can become erect -_-.... He says I do not know what I am talking about ...

    About women knowning their attacker... 70-80 percent of women know their attacker... He says thats not true.. He said mostly women are walking down the street and get raped.. He says the woman most likely gets punched so she is knocked out, raped, and left there. He annoys me so much... He said that I do not know what I am saying, what I am talking about, I just think I do because I must have seen something about it once or twice... He is getting to the point where he basically acts like I know NOTHING... Like its a magic that I am able to walk around without drooling on myself..

    Am I right? Is he right? ( please lets not go into child sex though, like age 0-17 because thats in a different ballpark that me and him are talking about. I understand they cannot consent but I am mostly talking about 18+ rape.)

    If you could also post where you got your evidence to back up your answer that would be nice. If you do not have a website to back you up, thats okay I just want to be able to be like... "Look here" lol thanks for your time.

    6 AnswersGender Studies10 years ago
  • Who was the first president?

    Okay so we all have been taught the first president was Washington but he was the first president after the radification of the Constitution.. Does anyone know who the actual first president was? Before Washington there was around 12-14 presidents. They were elected by the Continental Congress, they served 1 year terms. Anyone know the names of the presidents and especially the first?

    Thank you.

    5 AnswersGovernment10 years ago