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Lv 5
? asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 8 years ago

Is the IPPC now admitting William Gray was/is right?

How about an appology from those who called him those rude names (you know who you are).

Is this another delay tactic? " Aren't we lucky, we have 30 years before the REAL global warming gets here!"


I realize this is a couple years old.

Update 2:

Or maybe it's the Sun or csmic rays?


Update 3:

Jesse. Sorry if I spelled your name wrong, but you might want to review this paper on the temp data.

Not pdf but link to it.

Have not found actual leaked IPPC report, cant find now.

Update 4:

Has Mojib Latif been kicked out of IPPC process? seems to be saying damning things in lectures but can't translate the German.

Update 5:

Thanks gringo. Yes figured it out. the editing was confusing so I didn't realize at first. my computer is giving me problems and was very hard to do searches sketchy internet access very frusturating. could not do proper reasearch. been very busy and not been to yahoo answers eager to get back and not properly reasearched. still gonna look for more info on the subject no time now though thanks.

Update 6:

the ross mckintrik paper is valid. to say it is not because he is not a climate scientist doesent make sense.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why can't you guys do some basic research on your alleged skeptics?

    Your first Youtube 1 minute 15 seconds long video refers to a Mojib Latif. Do you honestly believe that 1 minute 15 seconds is sufficient time to accurately reflect Dr Latif's expert opinion on climate change?

    I don't.

    "If my name was not Mojib Latif, my name would be global warming. So I really believe in Global Warming. Okay. However, you know, we have to accept that there are these natural fluctuations, and therefore, the temperature may not show additional warming temporarily. "

    Dr Latif in a 2009 NPR interview [1]

    Your second Youtube video is interesting, specially the reason why you choose it. Have you seen it? Did you bother to read its' description?

    The video actually DEBUNKS the deniers' claim that the leaked (by denier and 9/11 victims families harasser and slanderer Alec Rawls no less) IPCC AR5 report blames the sun. [2]

    Then you link to a paper by Ross McKitrick, a Canadian economist. So what's next? Can we expect your next link to be to a paper by a Malaysian dentist?

    <<...seems to be saying...>>

    How come you're not a skeptic of the things he 'seems to be saying'?

    Because had you been one, you would not have made such a fool of yourself as you did just now.

    Latif is not a skeptic, McKitrick is not a climate scientist, your 2nd video actually debunks your very own argument and the IPCC's AR5 draft actually does not blame the sun. You could have found all that out by yourself had you actually bothered to invest 5 minutes in researching it a bit.

    Edit @ Matthew:

    <<the ross mckintrik paper is valid>>

    No it is not. For starters, it isn't peer-reviewed which means that the science, the data, the methods and the conclusions reached by McKitrick can be totally fraudulent. Peer-reviewed papers are generally reviewed by real scientists who are active in the field the paper is about. None reviewed this one.

    Then there's the not unimportant fact that McKitrick's track history when it comes to his papers which he did managed to get peer-reviewed and published (mostly with denier McIntyre but also with notorious Michaels) weren't exactly good examples of proper science as most, if not all of them, were rebutted by real climate scientists.[3]

  • Jesse
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I'm not sure when your video was made, but recent research has has not supported Dr. Latif's predictions. The first reference below has the scientific data showing that the world is warming and that nature is responding in ways that are not favorable to mankind. The second video shows the factors, including ocean currents, which affect the Earth's temperature and shows that part of the warming which can be attributed to man's activities.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    1) What was he right about?

    2) Even if he was right, the IPCC (whose mandate is basically to spread fear of CAGW) will not admit a skeptic was right. "60 years of Global Cooling? Well, everyone knows you can't determine a trend unless it last for,no...100 years. Denier!"

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