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If you see a bratty child acting up in a store or library what do you do?

I just scared the crap out of some kid in the grocery store. He was about 6 or 7, and old enough to know better. His mother was going to buy him some ice cream and he was screaming at her that he didn't want that kind he wanted this kind. She just said "I'm walking away now". She did and he screamed at the top of his lungs and was stomping his feet. He ran after her. A little later I was in that isle again and he came running down the aisle all alone and was going to get the ice cream he wanted. I looked at him and very calmly said "I'm going to report you to the grocery police for being a brat, for causing a ruckus and being disrepectful to your mother". And I walked away. I saw him later quietly by his mother hanging onto the cart. When he saw me he looked and looked away. His mother needs a lesson in parenting. She lets him use her a door mat and that is not correct.

Kids run around in the library and no one says a dam thing, not the parents or the librarians. When I was growing up you had respect for others in the library. People come here to read and study. You got shusshed if you raised your voice above a whisper. Adults even talk in a normal voice now. Kids scream and they don't take them out. I miss the good old days.


I've seen people do that. It's like they saw a spider or something. They flee in the opposite direction.

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ummm it not really your business to tell kids to listen to their mom, sorry. If I see a kid acting like that I just mind my own business....its not my kid, not my problem.

    Source(s): I already have a bratty 4 year old brother at home, no matter what we do HE WILL NOT LISTEN.
  • 4 years ago

    First, you may come across a reason to advance the mum, it is not an common activity to be a mom and maximum mum and dad moist their pillow all evening with tears because of the fact of what they see and flow via interior the entire parenthood stuff you recognize... then you extremely could comprehend if the female is only being lazy or that she is so fortunate to have such young ones as babies of hers. then you extremely now comprehend what next to do. some mothers get indignant at you once you attempt to ideal suited their young ones or tell them some guidance on how they could flow approximately their young ones no longer because of the fact they do no longer choose sturdy newborn, yet because of the fact they have tried their greater ideal and to them, its are in case you're actually not appreciating the little they have completed already. extremely some young ones you notice with such cranky character, honestly began it from residing house and with their mum and dad... you will flow to warning their mum and dad and the mum and dad are telling you to do in any admire you think of is ideal. i'm no longer married yet, yet do you recognize that I even have began praying for the form of recent child i choose and how i choose God to take charge of them, even while am no longer yet married. God is the ideal confirm ever .

  • 8 years ago

    You should be reported to child services for scaring this poor child psychologically

    How can you see this kids high spirits as anything but cute?

    Just kidding....The only thing I can do is try to ignore them

    You might be able to get away with that..if a guy tried that they would be a bastard for picking on the kid

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    That's great. I need to remember that. I don't usually do anything. I hate to get involved but if I faced the child alone, like you, I might say something. Never the parent though, that might be dangerous.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Haha seems like people just try to mind their own business too much nowadays. Hell I have had to confront a few people in my college library for being loud jackasses and sent a complaint at how poor the library staff handles distruptions.

    @Savannah, I bet you let people walk all over you

  • 8 years ago

    It all reflects on the parent(s) lack of parenting skills,

    It's a shame that strangers have to intervene,.....!!

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