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If GOD offered you a place in Heaven, would you take it or not?

If GOD appeared to you & offered you a place in Heaven, Would you take it or not? ... The 'Catch' is, that you have to go immediately. BUT, you are destined to live for another 50 years & go to hell when you die. So, Would you take God's offer, or would you take your chances?

18 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, that's a tough one. Heaven would be awesome compared to Hell, but at the same time a loving god wouldn't send good people that didn't bow down to him to Hell. So, I would have to say no. I'm not going to bow down to someone that I believe is wrong. I refuse. I wouldn't go to Heaven and be happy forever just because I'm scared. I'd stand up for what I believe is right and suffer forever.

    Source(s): The bible.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Okay so what is your "catch" to something that would never happen? To live is Christ, to die is gain. God offers us Heaven numerous times. I have accepted the gift Jesus died for. It's stupid how people refuse Heaven because they think Hell is a better place.

    Christians have already taken God's offer. Then we have stuff to do, so we may live to a ripe old age, or not.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'm an Athiest so going to Heaven surrounded by billions of Christians would actually be like Hell to me, because the truth is most of the interesting people in the world would be going to Hell and I would rather follow them.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Making the very big assumption that God exists and God actually appeared to me in a reality-based, irrefutable, reproducible and verifiable way - of course I would take him up on his offer. I'd also stop being an atheist.

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  • 8 years ago

    This is a question along the lines of: "If you were offered Gryffindor today and you had to go, would you? The catch is if you decline, you are guaranteed to be a muggle for 5 more years and then have to be in Slytherin and then have the Avada Kedavra curse put on you the end of school."

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I would ask for a public and sincere apology on his behalf first, for what he has supposedly done and allows to be done daily.

    If I see a dad abusing his child, I don't ignore it because "well the guy has free will, my hands are tied." NO, I intervene. If you can help, there is no reason why you shouldn't, and the all loving, all knowing, all powerful god of the Bible has some explaining to do for that.

    Do I want to praise that god every day for eternity in heaven? No.

    Source(s): As Christopher Hitchens put it, "It would be like living in f*cking North Korea."
  • jr
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Of course I accept the gift of Heaven, I don't want to stay on this corrupt earth. But God does not work that way; He does not have "catches". His promise is guaranteed to those who accept and love Him.

  • 8 years ago


    I have no respect for a God who would create a heaven & hell, and torture people eternally for being wrong while rewarding people eternally for kissing butt just the right way.

    I don't actually believe there is a heaven & hell, or a God who created such things... but if there was, I would refuse to worship him on principle.

  • 8 years ago

    I strongly believe in god because of passed expiereneces, and if he asked me i would take it and honor him but leaving the ones I love would be hard so i would hope they would understand if i could say goodbye

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    hell no. Based on most contemporary descriptions of heaven, it honestly sounds like the worst place ever. Kind of like my Grandma's house without the tv or werther's original hard candies

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