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  • How do I Send photograph's from my computer in an email? 'URGENT '?

    Hi. This may seem basic to many of you, but I know little about computers. I now find the need to send some photographs in an email after taking them from my computer. ... "How do I do this?" Please, if you can help me, can you tell me in step by step form, ie: first click this then that & so on. If you just tell me to go into one site or another, I'll just say "Huh??" to myself & not know what you're talking about. ... Please, I really DO Need Help & I need it Urgently! "Thank You in advance!"

    3 AnswersAttachments and Photos8 years ago
  • Where can I get books on Witchcraft, Magick,Demonology,& related topics?

    I am only interested in finding such books, which are either very old, or reprints of old books on these subjects. Does anyone know of any Antiquarian Bookstores that sell or specialize in the above topics? & Do you know of any cheap reprints? What books are they, & where do I get them? I prefer NOT online stores please.

    Books & Authors8 years ago
  • Why are people of Today, so willing to try to work 'Magick' & 'Witchcraft' from modern books?

    Why are people of today, so willing to try to do magick & witchcraft that they read in modern magick & witchcraft books, but not magick seen in the movies? ...... This amuses me. Magick & Witchraft which actors perform in the movies, is usually well researched & has some historical basis whether it is real or not. Modern books on Witchcraft or Magick written by modern writers, is usually "just made up" (to quote 1 witch writer) & has little if any basis in anything real -magickally speaking that is. Yet people of today are willing guided by such books. My question is simply, "Why?"

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years ago
  • If everyone really does have an 'Aura', & If 'Aura's" can really be seen....?

    "If everyone really does have an "Aura", & If "Aura's" can really be seen,,, That means that the person Looking at another's Aura, must first look straight through Their Own Aura. So, If your aura is green & if My aura is red & I look to see YOUR Aura, "Why do I Not see the Red of My Aura Before / as well as seeing the Green of Yours?

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years ago
  • If GOD offered you a place in Heaven, would you take it or not?

    If GOD appeared to you & offered you a place in Heaven, Would you take it or not? ... The 'Catch' is, that you have to go immediately. BUT, you are destined to live for another 50 years & go to hell when you die. So, Would you take God's offer, or would you take your chances?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is it just me, or do email Homepages have Sexual connotations?

    Just look at your email folders. What do your emails come into? The Inbox. (self explanatory;) Next Folders are Drafts then Sent. When you Fart you are creating a Draft & from that is the Scent/Odor/Stink. After the 'Sent' is the Spam folder. (well what does "Spam" sound like?) The hint is, it is always just above the Trash. .. & Isn't Trash the sort of person that people play around with before committing to Marriage?? ....... So, has anyone else noticed this sexual aspect of the email folders,, "or is it just me"??

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • "Prostitution",, as a Career Option. Is it this way in your country too?

    .. This has Nothing to do with being forced into it, or a need to do this through poverty or whatever, so I don't even expect to read any such answer. ....... Let me explain;; Up to about 5 or 10 years ago, "young ladies" going to Private & expensive schools to be well educated, now look at "working as a prostitute" as a real career option! ... I don't know how many times I have overheard schoolgirls talking this way on a crowded train, & it makes me feel sick that young 'ladies' even think this way. ....... Is it just here or is this attitude in your country too? .......... Don't get me wrong,, I have nothing against "Sex-Workers", but to me, they really should be "Adults".

    5 AnswersGender & Women's Studies8 years ago
  • If a man is 'impotent' for years,,,?

    If a man is impotent for years or just cannot get an erection,, How should his Wife react in this situation?... ' A man cannot get an erection, he goes to a prostitute & she gets "it" working again. Should his Wife go off her head at him for seeing another woman? OR, Should she be thrilled that they can now both enjoy a normal sex life together?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Past Lives, or Great Imaginations?

    Many people claim to "remember" having lived before, some in great detail. Accepting that they really have & can do this; Why is it that people can never remember where they were in the spirit realm in that time between lives? .. And, Why can these same people never remember growing in the womb & being born? ... The body & brain might not yet be capable of remembering such things, but if in spirit a person can remember one life ater another, why not this?

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years ago
  • Did anyone film that Asteroid?

    The one that came close to Earth last night (early this morning.) Did anyone film it? Are there any Links to see it?

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • Americans, What is the Origin of your "Thanksgiving"?

    Where did it come from? Did it come from England, or was it invented in America, & if so, Who invented it? & What did the native indians have to do with it?

    5 AnswersOther - Holidays8 years ago
  • How many times before a person can be called "Bi"?

    If a straight man has sex with another man, OR If a gay man has sex with a woman but just the Once,, then each can say they are still straight or gay & only experimenting, or seeing what the others do etc. .... So how many times of doing this, before the person can be called "Bi" ? ... Is there a figure, even a generalization?

  • If the American Civil War had been declared 'a Draw'?

    If the American Civil War had been declared a draw between the Confederate & Union armies, then obviously it could not have become the United States of America or USA. .. Would it have been called the American Confederate and Union National Territories, & if so, would that acronym be censored from use anywhere?? .... (makes you think don't it?)

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • If 'The United States Of America' is called the 'USA'?

    Why then is it not "TUSOA"?

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • If people from Sydney are "Sydneyites"?

    If people from Sydney are "Sydneyites",, Why don't we call people from Paris, "Parisites"?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Why don't Doctors prescribe 'insecticides'?

    "Why don't doctors prescribe insecticides?" ... Doctors freely tell ill patients "You've got a bug", so why don't they prescribe insecticides to get rid of it?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • If our bodies have "Free Radicals",, does that also mean....?

    "Free Radicals." ... I have never liked that term. So, If our bodies really do contain "Free Radicals", do they also contain 'Restrained Conservatives'?

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • If a car maker designs & makes a model of cars, & that model does not perform as it was intended to..?

    If a car maker designs & makes a model of car, & that model does not perform as it was intended to perform, Is that the fault of the cars or of the car maker? ............. Now answer this again, but this time the maker is God & the faulty cars are we Humans. Did you answer the same way twice?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • When going to be selected for a Jury, What items are NOT allowed in the Court?

    In Victoria, Australia,, What items are NOT allowed to be taken into court when being selected for a Jury, or when sitting on a Jury? ... OK, NO, Guns,Knives,Knuckle-Dusters, etc. I get that,, but anything other than prohibited weapons? .. What about keys,money, wallet, belt, etc??

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • If I put a large Inground Heated swimming pool in my backyard with?

    If I put a large heated inground swimming pool in my backyard, tiled around the edges, a diving board at one end, & a pool cover with a marijuana leaf pattern on it,, How would it appear from space or the Police Helicopter? & Could I expect the Drug Squad to come banging on my door?

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago