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The Christians won't hang out with me unless I say I'm Christian?

They're a fascinating group and there's something appealing about their belief system. I love studying human motivation amd theirs is explicit - any religious group is intriguing like nothing else. A few specific Christians are really cool as people and I wanna be friends with them.

But if I tell them I'm not Christian they just try to convert me when we hang out, and stop being as open and vulnerable. Is it wrong (dishonest) to say I'm Christian just so I'm free from that change, or is there a way to honestly not admit that I don't believe in their god (since the topic will come up)?

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Their motivation is not always so explicit; some of them have personal gain, at the expense of others, by being Christians!

    It sounds like your friends aren't as "cool" as you think they are if all they do is try to convert you. It is hollow and empty to only care for and trust humans on the basis that they believe exactly the same things as you, and very revealing of the way they actually think.... they're not caring people, they're not cool, and they're not comfortable with dissenting opinion, even unexpressed, because it questions their internal belief system. ;)

    So while it would be dishonest of you to say you're a Christian, it only harms you in the end to lie. Weigh the burden of being friends with shallow, pathetic excuses of humanity against the outcome of your honesty, which will yield REAL friends who ACTUALLY care, and then make your own conclusion.

    Source(s): You are lonely and you want friends, this is nothing to be ashamed of... but do not hang friendship on bad foundation, because it will surely crumble under it's own weight. Be yourself, and the friends actually can care about you will gravitate toward you in the end.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    That ia a dilemma most face and is the reason so many believers just pretend they believe!!! A pretend fake belief of faith is what most believers use to feel part of the group of stupid believers!!! Religions use the concept of faith where they tell a big enough lie frequently enough so it is believed!!! If any of the thousand or so imaginary gods were real then none of the little boys that were abused by priests would ever of been abused instead the priests would be dead or severely deformed!!!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    They do that because (assuming they are legit and not ignorant followers but have actually done their research as well as Bible reading) they don't believe themselves to be strong enough to hang around you.

    "And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell." Matthew 5:30 (king james Bible)

    Let's say you have friends who like to drink and do drugs. The above quote is basically saying, if you are strong enough to be with them then do so. Stay with them because you might be able to help them change their ways. If you are not strong enough and fear you may become like them, then do not hang around them. This is the same as the Christians who you want to be around. I think maybe they are worried you will hurt their faith somehow. I could be wrong, but this would be my guess. Try telling them you are just curious about it, and that you don't want to be converted.

    A knowledgeable Christian will know that they cannot convert you, and that they should not convert you. They will know that what you choose to believe in is your choice and that they should not force you to share their beliefs. At most they may try to, as they would word it, "help you to find God and see the truth", but that just means they will help ease your curiosity by explaining Christianity to you. I only hope all of you can treat one another with equal respect, and that they are knowledgeable in their beliefs.

    Source(s): Tip: Keep in mind no two people are alike. Whatever those Christians are like, it doesn't mean that's how all Christians are. There are good and bad people of every sort, my advice to you is to keep an open mind and a kind heart. Good luck and God bless you :)
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    To hang out with is a gang term and being cool is being accepted

    by a failing world. The bible directs believers in the Light to have

    no fellowship with an unbeliever. Jesus and the Father hates the

    things of the world. the lust and pomp of the world.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    It doesn't sound as if they have a problem hanging out with you, as you have a problem with them trying to get you to believe in God. The thing is Christians, while together, will talk about God. They will talk about your part in his plan etc. If you lie to get in it's going to turn into more than just one lie, which will be a little hard to keep track of.

    I suggest honesty. If you don't want to go to church, tell them so. If you don't believe in God, tell them so. That may not stop them from talking about God or Jesus, but it will get them to understand where your at. They will try to convert you every now and then, but It's part of who they are. If you want a friendship with them you will have to accept them as they are.

  • 8 years ago

    It would be a minor infraction of my own moral code. You're committing a mostly (but not completely) harmless fraud. The Christians have a right to keep their social circle completely Christian, and by lying, you're robbing them of that right. On the other hand, their preferences are doubtlessly based on false generalisations and prejudices, so practically, there's not much damage being done.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If they're SO concerned about religion, if you claim to be a Christian they will probably start talking Christian jargon and will "test" you. It's best to be honest. I'm sure they would jump at the chance to preach to you if you say, "I'm not Christian, but religion is very interesting to me."

    But in all honesty, I wouldn't want to hang out with them in the first place if they're going to act like how you think they will.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    The almighty, Allah says in the Noble Quran, chapter 2, verse 120;

    (( Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion. Say: "The Guidance of Allah,-that is the (only) Guidance." Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor helper against Allah))

    Source(s): Jesus & Muhammad teachings ..
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If they won't hang out with you unless you drink the same kool-aid they do, then I can't imagine why you would want to hang out with them. And lying just to do so is pretty lame.

    There are lots of christians (and others), who are "cool," and who won't care what religion you are or aren't. Hang out with those people instead. Problem solved.

  • 8 years ago

    Lying always gets you in trouble; people easily see through it and it's really hard to maintain. Just be yourself. And let them be themselves as well. This is called the truth about yourselves.

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