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  • What do I call myself if I am between atheism and Christianity?

    It feels kind of awkward being uncertain, but it's gone on for two years, and more quickly over the past week when I've had more time to myself. I swing between the two daily. It's so unsettling I just had the thought to look up pros and cons of the lifestyle of each to help me decide, and of course that is stupid - I want the one that's right, not the one that's more comfortable. I'm certainly interested in your rational arguments for and against each one, but right now I just want a label for myself. I don't know whether there is a god or whether he includes Jesus but I think I can know one way or the other eventually (so I'm not agnostic). What am I?

    Thanks! =)

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How do I know if I'm straight, or what I am?

    If I were a disembodied mind guessing what I am, I would say that I am male and that I like men a little and girls a lot. But it doesn't bug me much to be a mostly straight female.

    What am I?

    (I'm older than 20, btw)

  • How to make laptop monitor display only show up on half the screen?

    I dropped my laptop and can only see half the screen. (Acer Aspire) Can I make it stop trying to display where it can't, and where I can't reach it?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • Why aren't Christians loving?

    1) assume this is true, as it is in some of my experience. (i.e. don't convince me I'm wrong. I'm not asking 'whether' but 'why')

    2) assume Christians are human, made of the same stuff as other religious folk, atheists, etc.

    3) answer my question.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is it possible to integrate .|' v^2dx ?

    Integrate velocity squared over distance? I do not have an expression for velocity or acceleration. Can you help me integrate this?

    Mathematics8 years ago
  • How can I feel like a real woman if I'm not pretty?

    People don't scream and run away when they see me, but no one outside my immediate family has ever told me I'm pretty or beautiful (literally, no one. The closest is the rare compliment on my hair, dress, or shoes (they're pretty, not me)).

    From my perspective, the highest compliment a female member of American society can receive is to be told that she is beautiful. (ex. if a man says he has a "beautiful" wife, that's a tall compliment even if she's not actually very pretty. If he says he has a smart, hardworking, loving, etc. wife, people assume that she isn't pretty, since that would be at least part of his best description of her if she were the slightest bit attractive.) I could try wearing makeup, dressing up more, etc, but that's mostly fake and time-consuming.

    How can I flip my perspective and feel like a real woman, feel comfortable with my femininity, without longing to be told I'm beautiful? All the stuff about achievement is kinda masculine - I can of course have a job and "contribute to society" but that helps me be a person, not a woman. Help!

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Is it greedy to want to just live for myself?

    I want opinions. I've tried being selfless, generous, patient, loving, seeking and serving God, doing what my parents and teachers say, being a good friend, etc. (I don't do any of that very well, but I've tried all my life). Too often the demands these things make on me go against my values or make me move/react/decide faster than I want to (I'm pretty slow) and make me depressed or bitter or cynical, and filled with guilt. I don't want to be a self-centered arrogant *****, but I don't see how I can live unless I think of myself first all or almost all of the time and all but ignore everyone else, yet that sounds immoral - greedy, and is probably at least a little self-destructive. Thoughts?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Is air drag the same on a tilted surface?

    I have a block. It has a certain drag whatever head-on at one face. I tilt it. Now air hits it at an angle, with different area and tilted surfaces. Does the tilt matter, or only the cross-sectional area perpendicular to motion, when calculating drag force?

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology8 years ago
  • The Christians won't hang out with me unless I say I'm Christian?

    They're a fascinating group and there's something appealing about their belief system. I love studying human motivation amd theirs is explicit - any religious group is intriguing like nothing else. A few specific Christians are really cool as people and I wanna be friends with them.

    But if I tell them I'm not Christian they just try to convert me when we hang out, and stop being as open and vulnerable. Is it wrong (dishonest) to say I'm Christian just so I'm free from that change, or is there a way to honestly not admit that I don't believe in their god (since the topic will come up)?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How do I accept Jesus as lord of my life?

    It's a bit cloudy, but I'm confident I believe in the reality of the Bible, of God and Jesus. But I have called myself Christian for a decade now, and I don't feel it. Though I have accepted Jesus as savior, he is not my lord / master / ruler / authority / God. He's like...a friend, too much an equal to have power in my life. I've prayed prayers, been baptized, read books, trusted God to work for *years*, etc. What do I do? Any help is appreciated.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Do I have to accept my own belief in God to be saved?

    Or will Jesus still love me if I'm reluctant to follow him? Does that mean I don't have true faith? I don't understand how I can believe and not be transformed by the Spirit to want to get closer to God.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How do I stop being Christian?

    I called myself Christian since I was 12. For the past year I've tried very hard to actually be Christian: to fall in love with Jesus, read my Bible, serve my community, be in fellowship with Christians around me, etc. It's not working out. I am more isolated, sadder, less purposeful, and completely discouraged compared to what I was before. How do I 'un-see' the truth God has shown me about my life so I can go back to normal life? How do I leave without guilt?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How can I avoid violent media?

    I just watched Looper yesterday, and I've spent the day feeling nauseated and sick, after a nightmare-filled night, and it looks like I'll be sick again tmr. I like movies, though. So what can I do to not have to go through this again?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • What do I do to overcome emotional eating?

    So, I made new year's resolutions to eat well. But I got upset this weekend, and ate so much yesterday and today. How do I (1) stop overeating when I'm in the midst of it and (2) keep myself eating well relentlessly? Any advice is welcome!

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • Atheists: what do you know about the Bible?

    I'm curious. If you've read anything recently in a physical / online Bible (not just isolated verses), what books / sections, and why did you read it?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Where can I find anonymous online counseling?

    Does such a thing exist? I have a lot of questions and I want advice or counseling - that kind of thing, from a third party. (Free?)

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • How to say "I'm not responsible" and "I'm not responsible for the economy" in Arabic and Chinese?

    Just in case we default on our debt. These should be simple enough that you don't have to use Google Translate.

    I'm not responsible

    We're not responsible

    I'm not responsible for the economy

    We're not responsible for the economy

    1 AnswerLanguages10 years ago
  • Should Christians have actually abandoned so many Old Testament rules?

    Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

    Acts 10:15 Do not call anything impure that God has made clean. (referring to "unclean" animals, so the kosher diet)

    Are Christians actually supposed to follow the OT? It seems silly to only pay attention to half the Bible, but difficult to figure out which of the myriad rules (613+ have been enumerated by rabbis) count today and which don't because the Temple was destroyed, leprosy has a cure, and we don't have slaves anymore (thank God).

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Can time exist without matter?

    If you assume that the Big Bang happened (I don't care if this assumption is wrong, join me in this hypothetical/real assumption), then some people say that the universe is therefore not eternal, having started with the BB. This assumes that time also started then.

    Now make a much larger, and almost definitely fallacious assumption and imagine stuff before the big bang as essentially a giant vacuum without matter, light, heat, particles, dark matter, or any other stuff, just an absence. In that absence of matter and all other stuff we observe to see change and thus measure time, is there time? Or is time dependent on matter to make sense, and thus started with the Big Bang?

    What are your thoughts? 10 points to the answer that makes me either think or understand the most. :)

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If something is accelerating in one direction in a closed system,is there anything that could cause it to stop?

    is there anything that could cause it to decelerate? Hypothetical situation.

    If it is accelerating outward from where it started, is there any possible internal force that could reverse the acceleration? It's a closed system, and no external forces are at work on it. Say two or a thousand particles are accelerating in opposite directions, so some gravity / whatever exists. In all the world of physics, is there anything that could reverse it, and if so, what and how does it function?

    4 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago