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Do I have to accept my own belief in God to be saved?

Or will Jesus still love me if I'm reluctant to follow him? Does that mean I don't have true faith? I don't understand how I can believe and not be transformed by the Spirit to want to get closer to God.

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are over 20,000 versions of Christianity. Pick one close to the rules you like best. You will be saved in your own head.

  • 8 years ago

    Maybe someone should try to answer your actual questions.

    1- God's love is unconditional. Jesus loves you, no matter what. "He cannot love you more and He will not love less" (that comes from a song of which I cannot remember the title). His love comes without any conditions, whatsoever. Even those who outright reject him - yes, He loves them, too.

    2- True faith...hmmm. Well, faith is as faith does. The simple definition of faith is belief. Now, this is not mental assent, but action based on trust. Abraham had faith and it was proven when he obeyed God. God told him to go here or do that and he did. He fully trusted God and would do whatever He asked of him. So, true faith is really about hearing and doing - it is not really about mental assent or being part of a "belief system" (whatever that is).

    3- Being reluctant is human nature. Even if we embrace the Lordship of Jesus Christ, we may have tendencies to back off, get lazy, go our own way or what have you. For many, it takes years to reduce being reluctant, if not get rid of such a tendency. Honestly, even the most ardent servant has been or can be reluctant at some point or another.

    Now, you have to ask you want to accept Jesus' salvation and make Him Lord of your life? Just as you are - don't worry about how you are, what kind of person (you think) you are, being perfect, or any of that. If there is any change, He will show you, in proper time. We change and grow based on our relationship with Him. Some changes come soon, some later. So, like any relationship, closeness depends on how we tend to that relationship. And, like any relationship, we will change and grow as we learn, and our desire to please the One we love takes priority over our own selfish whims.

    I threw a lot in there. You can throw me an email-able message if you have any questions.

  • 8 years ago

    I understand what you are going through and I have asked that same question. The answer to you question is not based on acceptance or rejection of one's own belief, but rather on faith. Everything that you do for God is based of faith. If you have no faith then there is no way that you can please God (Hebrews 11:6). But in order to be saved, you have to confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 10:9), which is based on faith. But that doesn't mean since we base everything that we do on faith that we can forget about the law. No in fact, it's only by faith that you truly fulfill the law (Romans 3:31). So if you have accepted Jesus as savior but have not been transformed by the Spirit can only mean one thing: you haven't confessed Jesus as Lord. Because you have to 1)confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and 2) believe that God raised him from the dead in order to be saved.

    I hope this helps you. God bless

  • 8 years ago

    Great Dane Lover...there is no Mary in the Trinity.

    She has no power...NOWHERE in the bible is there mention of Mary having any interceding power to Him. The trinity is God, Father, and Holy spirit.

    And you don't need to keep speaking ritualistic prayers.

    Pray how you'd normally talk. Don't be all formal. Christ doesn't want formalities. He wants you. Talk how you would talk to a true Father.

    Accept him as your lord and savior, and your sins will be forgiven. Its not saying don't sin again. That is impossible for us as human beings. If you sinned, ask for forgiveness. We mess up. But don't keep doing the same thing over and over. He'll forgive you, but it won't help yourself in the end.

    To be a follower of Christ is a process. One cannot just believe. You won't go to Heaven if you only believe in him. Belief is a core fundamental, yes...but you also need to follow him. I've said to people before that if the Apostles only believed in him, Christianity wouldn't have gone nearly as far as it has now.

    Just keep following him, and you'll soon find more and more miracles happen.


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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Honestly whatever you do you can be forgiven but I don't believe you can be forgiven at a certain point like murder or rape... but jesus/god will love you no matter what you don't have to be holy religious you should do some of the right things just because you know its wrong, not just thinking about being accepted or not. And I believe every certain person who believes in jesus/god have some different beliefs then everything in the bible for example

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Jesus will ALWAYS love you, no matter what. Spiritual transformation isn't something that happens instantly. It lives and grows gradually, like a tree.

    I was in pretty much the same situation you described regarding faith. What *I* did was pray for God to show me the truth about Himself. I kept it up for a long time, but not constantly, kind of off-and-on. Then one morning, as I was praying, He was there! He knew me intimately, and I instantly recognized Him as my Creator. I could plainly sense His love and grace flowing all around me. I'll never have to fear doubt again. He lit a lamp in my heart that I know will never go out.

    So if you need faith, ask Him for it, and keep on asking. Trust, reassurance? Pray for them! Here's what I've learned about prayer: come to Him humbly, patiently and sincerely, and never give up praying, EVER. Blessed are they who wait upon the Lord--He WILL answer you if you keep it up. Maybe next week, or maybe in twenty years, but He WILL answer, and when He does, all the time you spent waiting will be rewarded IN FULL.

    I hope this helps you, sis. GBU!

  • 8 years ago

    You must believe in Jesus as your Savior from your sins in order to be saved.

    Even Paul struggled with sin, but that does not mean you aren't saved if you accept Christ.

  • 8 years ago

    You don't have to accept any faith at all. If you are one of God's elect you have been, or will be, called to His service. That call is irresistable and can never be rejected. Your desire will be to please God in all you do. You will be assured of your salvation and a home in heaven.

  • Ray
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The "born again" transformation you refer to happens with total surrender or prayer of "repentance". Jesus said that no person hides a candle under a basket or a bed, but puts it on a prominent place to illuminate a dark room. So it is with salvation through Jesus. He also said, "anyone that is ashamed of me; I will be ashamed of before the Father,"

  • 8 years ago

    All Jesus wants you to do is to love and forgive.

    Jesus would never accept what the hard right evangelicals preach.

    Jesus came to teach us to love and look after the least among us. So go out and look after the poor, the elderly and the mentally ill. Look after this precious planet, spread peace and love.

    All is light, all is love.

    Repeat this powerful prayer and expect a miracle:

    O Jesus, Who has said, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened," through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I knock, I seek, I ask that my prayer be granted.

    (Make your request)

    O Jesus, Who has said, "All that you ask of the Father in My Name, He will grant you," through the intercession of Mary Your Most Holy Mother, I humbly and urgently ask your Father in your name that my prayer will be granted.

    (Make your request)

    O Jesus, Who has said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away but My word shall not pass away," through the intercession of Mary Your Most Holy Mother, I feel confident that my prayer will be granted.

    (Make your request)

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