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Why should we use chlorine?

I have a debate coming up in class and I need reasons why we should use chlorine in water treatment over not using it. Websites would be helpful!

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because chlorine is used in the following things.......

    Medicine – More than 93 percent of

    pharmaceuticals contain chlorine or are made

    with chlorine chemistry, from over-the-counter

    medicines that treat minor aches and pains to

    prescriptions that treat heart disease, cancer,

    AIDS and malaria.

    Affordable housing – Chlorine technology is used

    to make polyvinyl chloride and vinyl for affordable

    and energy-efficient building materials: siding,

    windows, flooring, decking, piping and more.

    Vinyl is used in so many products, it ranks second

    among all of the most widely used plastics in the


    Fresh produce – Chlorine chemistry is used in

    86 percent of crop protection chemicals, including

    those that combat post-harvest disease. That

    allows farmers to raise, harvest and sell more

    fresh produce to consumers year-round.

    TV – Whether you have an older television set or

    one of the latest plasma screens, all TVs have parts that are

    made using chlorine technology.

    Paper – Most kinds of paper – toilet paper,

    phone books, coffee filters and many others – are

    processed with chlorine products.

    Sports – Chlorine is needed to make all kinds of

    sports equipment like balls, rackets, surfboards,

    helmets and basketball shoes, just to name a few.

    Computers – From memory chips to

    microprocessors, computers rely on chlorine


    CDs and DVDs – Whether it’s video games, music,

    data or movies, discs are made with polycarbonate, which is

    manufactured with chlorine.

    Cars, trains, boats and airplanes – All of these inventions

    have parts that are manufactured using chlorine, from airbags

    and safety belts to instrument panels and armrests.

    Public Safety – Chlorine is used in the production of

    bulletproof vests, face shields, helmets and fire-resistant


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