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? asked in Social SciencePsychology · 8 years ago

Life falling apart could use help?

My girlfriend dumped me on valentines day via email my best friend is going through an unspeakable amount of hell that I cant do anything about becuase he won't let me help or is to busy taking care of his brothers son while he is off shooting up sonewhare and me well I'm stuck at home dealing with my insanely paranoid money hungry father and my over bearing slowly drifting towards suicide mother hell I don't even have an escape becuase dad won't spring for a computer that can play MMOs so yeah I could use some help please thank you

11 Answers

  • Naguru
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    In future always try to be good and do well.

    If you do quality work, you will be well-recognized in society and you will also be in limelight.

    Fully utilize your existing available knowledge, qualifications, experience, expertise, skill, acumen, ingenuity, resources, time, money, etc. only on some or the other useful pursuits.

    Source(s): own
  • 8 years ago

    Hakuna Matata. Things may seem bad now, but you have a lot more than most, but i'm sure you don't want to hear that, it's the same bullshit everyone's parents says. But there is some truth to it. You can't always change everything you want, I don't know how old you are, it kind of matters. But you need to learn to just shrug off the bad times. Even when they seem the worse, because you will get through it eventually, but weather you get through it happily or sad. Well that's up to you. Make some new friends, or just make a couple of good friends or even one. Most people don't even have that nowadays. Just live live life knowing everything you go through is just gonna make you that much stronger in the end. There's always a reason.. but we never know it, and that's the surprise of life. Just hold on tight

    Source(s): Life
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Dude grow some damn balls, get an ego and grow yourself a backbone. You gotta go through life with that "I'm better than you" attitude. I've come to find it's the only way to make it in life. First off, go out and buy yourself some gold bling and put it around your neck. Go to your local grocery store and stick a cucumber down your pants. Change how you walk, stick your chest out like a macho man and hold your chin up high. You need to have the mindset that your poop doesn't stink.

  • 8 years ago

    Stay positive. Having a bright personality can affect more people than you think. It helped me out a lot when I was having family issues. Also, sometimes, people just need a hug. What I mean by this is support. Just being there for them and staying positive is really all you can do now. I hope your life will get better someday.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Hey man. It sounds like you have alot going on in your life. Its hard to give advice or tell you what you should do cause thats not u want or need. But think about this through darkness shines the light... I truly believe that.

  • 8 years ago

    I'm sorry to hear that. it really sounds like your going through a lot.

    Just try to ignore all the negativity around you and try to be positive.

    I know it sounds like a stupid answer but just try to ignore it.

    Try talking to your friends or try to do something productive.

    It will get you by until you move out.

    Just try to be positive.

  • 8 years ago

    aweee! your story seems really sad :( well dont worry! i see how you are stuck at home dealing with a bunch of depressing things. why dont you watch a show? a happy one! lol :P, eat icecream ....wait do only girls do that? hehe i dont know but it helps! icecream is awesome!!!!! or you can sing for fun! write a song maybe? find your true talent!!!!.....i bet i sound so lame >_< lol

    Source(s): myself xD
  • 8 years ago

    I think you should find something to do for yourself so you won't worry about everything else so much. Try joining something like a sport or something else that interests you.

  • Fan
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Think of life and everything it gives you as beautiful--sunshine, rainbow, and unicorn pooping butterflies. let the storm come fiercer. you'll take it. what else is it going to give you? bring it on. you await the challenge.

  • 8 years ago

    hang in there. **** happens and we cant change the world but we can how ever change our self's, that is change the way we react to the events taking place around us. probably isnt to helpful please dont kill your self. i would give you so many hugs.

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