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Lv 5
? asked in PetsFish · 8 years ago

What type of fish will thrive?

I have a 5gal, what type of fresh water fish can thrive in it? Don't say beta either their boring and do nothing.

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    None can really thrive in a 5 gal unless you want something like African dwarf frogs, shrimp or snails. A couple kinds of fish can be in a 10 like dwarf Gouramis and cherry barbs but most fish need at least 20gals. Sorry, I know you were hoping for a fish other than a betta but anything else will need more room.

  • 8 years ago

    There aren't really any fish that will thrive in a 5 gallon aquarium. Bettas would be the only fish I would recommend, I wouldn't say they're boring though. They can actually be very active when they're in the proper aquarium. If you have a temperature between 76-82F they are actually quite active. The reason you see bettas sitting at the top of the water doing nothing is usually do to them being lethargic. Either because their tank is not heated or they're in a bowl. Another reason is because they are sick, maybe due to poor water conditions or an improper diet. I just thought I'd put that out there.

    Endler's livebearers can also be put in a 5 gallon, heated and filtered aquarium. They will not thrive, but they will survive just fine. I wouldn't keep both males and females together in a tank that small, however. I would say no more than 3 or 4.

    Other suitable inhabitants include dwarf shrimp, mystery snails, nerite snails and zebra apple snails.

    If you want more options, I'd strongly advise getting a larger aquarium such as a 20 gallon.

    Don't forget to cycle first!

    Please see these links;

  • tj
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I would say you can put some white cloud minnows in there, these fish are rather active and swim around a lot. otherwise danios are a decent type, another active type. Other people may disagree with me on this but i disagree with them that bettas are the only fish that can thrive in that tank. white cloud minnows are coldwater fish so they don't need a heater, they are schooling fish so 2 or more. try to get more females than males if you can, that helps the pecking order establish better, in that size tank i would do 4-5 of them max, only 1 male if you do get a male. they will not mind a bit of extra flow, (they came from a chinese river so they do well with a bit of flow). and they are rather tough fish. danios are also optional but cannot handle low or high temperatures as well as white clouds can. danios can be in water between about 65-78 degrees. but yeah, i wouldn't do more than 4-5 of either type in there, but watch your water parameters in there, it will be some extra work to make sure your water parameters are stable in there. hope that helps :)

  • Ganal
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Bettas are actually very active in a heated, filtered, cycled tank. They do nothing in small bowls as they are in a cold, dirty, low oxygen, death trap.

    Other animals that can live in a 5 gallon tank are endler livebearers (5), shrimp or snails.


    Goldfish are not a good idea. They get far too large and are way too messy for a tiny 5 gallon tank. Goldfish need at least 20-75+ gallon to thrive.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    The only fish that thrive in 5 gallons are Betas. Anything else wont trive and wont live long. Unless you. Want some frogs and shrimp.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Fish... None, yet...A red talked about or red striped goby might want to manage. spite of the undeniable fact that the minimum tank length is 10g, you would possibly want to nonetheless bypass with a small goby below 2" including the clown goby at a million.5 inch or the red talked about goby at a million inch. you would possibly want to desire a pleased habit with smaller stay rock with a mess of loose rubble and hiding places. you may also look into some type of invertebrate like a three-4 Halloween crabs and a bumble bee shrimp. an excellent tongan nassarius snail might want to also be sensible to get and doubtless a bumble bee snail. you may also bypass with 2.5-3 inch mattress of stay sand. this can make your water area even a lot less yet will be needed to lessen nitrate which could strengthen immediately contained in the small tank. With advantageous stay rock and the above fish, the tank might want to look very surprising. All of those farm animals are advantageous animals with large seems. Any fish it somewhat is more beneficial than a million.5 inch might want to be very ill recommended as even the a million inch fish might want to be pushing it for a 5.5 gallon tank. A unmarried red striped or red talked about goby might want to be nicely desirable.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    As you know their is only one fish beta but will not thrive in a five gallon.

    Danios need above 10 gallon but they are hardiest fish in this hobby. So you may try your luck. Actually it is not luck but lots of maintenance is required.

    Lots of different colours variations are available. Including long fin variety which are more attractive.

    A fish keeper will never get bored as danios are always in a constant move searching something.

    Can survive below 12C.(In wild they really can, in our place the temperature goes below 12, where wild danios are found)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    tuna fish?

  • 8 years ago

    3 zebra danios they are very active-

  • 8 years ago

    gold fish...but they are pretty nappy..

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