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religion: What is up with religion?

Does anyone ever really practice religion? It seems to me that everywhere you look people, even so called religious people make up stuff as they go. What is your take on this. By the way I believe in God but after working for a religious organization for over three years I have no doubt that practicing something that was invented is pointless.

6 Answers

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The word Christian used to signify someone who believed in a loving god and acted like it but sadly it now appears to symbolize someone who practices intolerance and persecution towards others!

    ‘Moor too’ recently posted - I can remember when being called or referring someone as a christian in Oz, was a colloquialism for a nice person, regardless of belief system. Sadly american evangalism has changed all that.

  • 8 years ago

    'Religion' was founded for power over the masses. There however is definitely a 'Truth', which prompts every human being to go on a quest for it. And that is exactly what the saints and sages did thousands of years ago. If there is nothing like that, then what is an atheist scientist of today after to proove? What is science looking for? What scientists are doing today with physical science in laboratory, yogis did with their minds in the past - quest for Truth!

    There were sure wars for kingdoms and riches, but atrocities in the name of "God" never happened in the entire history of mankind until the concept of 'religion' was founded 2000 years ago. In this age, human minds have degraded to such an extent that even 'God' is being abused. 'Pursuit of Truth' has taken a back seat in today's 'religion' is more about ego and power...more about 'only my faith/understanding is correct' is all about selling your religion so that more and more people convert and you become more powerful/dominant. 'Truth' has never ceased to exist and will never too, but 'religion' will die sooner or later.

    Hinduism is not even a religion. At one point of time, pagan worship was widely prevalant in every part of the world and people throughout the world worshipped the forces of nature. It makes sense, because nature is what blesses mankind! What you see in Hinduism today is the remians of all the ancient beliefs. Every religion emerged and deviated out, with its own interpretation of God. What remained back is Hinduism...unlike every other religion, there is no founder for it...the name itself was "coined" by west referring to people on the other side of 'Sindu' no one knows the origin of it.

    Abrahamic religions on the other hand believe that their God is the ONLY God and He is jealous and that God in every other religion is 'Satan'. It is very strange how they never even make an attempt to understand other's point of view. Allah, Yaweh, Father (and Gods for other faith as well) have the exact same definition of God - infinite, formless, beginingless, endless, all-pervading. Infact, it is the same definition of 'Brahman', Hindu definition of God. However, all the differences come in how this is understood, interpreted and pursued. Very funny...when the defintion of God is same, if people take a moment to think logical they will understand that they are referring to the same God and that they are only differing in the path/methodology/technique/understanding to reach that God. If at all everyone agrees that it is the same God, and still fight saying that only their path is correct, then it is a different story and a pathetic situation!!

    Spirituality begins with the basic question of 'who am I?'...why am I here? What decides that I be born like this in this circumstances? why is one previledged and other is deprived? Why is the difference? what is the true nature of human beings? What is the purpose of life? Why are we born and why do we die? If life only ends in death, then why be born at all? Nothing in the universe is random...everything is guided by certain laws...then how is human life random? Like these there are so many questions that a human mind is always seeking answers for...hence we seek spirituality.

    There is spirituality and there is politics. Both were pure when they were separate. But in this new era of 'religion', politics has corrupted spirituality to such an extent with the man-made boundaries of 'religion' that common man refuses to use his common sense any more!! So, today there are very few people who follow religion for 'spiritualtiy' sake... and their inquisitivesness and thirst for 'Truth' does not stop them from going beyond these boundaries. Rest of the people only practice religion just for the sake of it...either out of fear or because they are raised to practice it, or because it makes them feel better, or because they are looking for some moral support or because they don't want to look bad in the society or because they are getting some incentive in the form of wordly gains by following it etc.

  • 8 years ago

    I dislike religion. A relationship with God doesn't require all the things that come with it. It should be a personal relationship and that's all.

    Edit: I swear I totally didn't rip off the first answer. ;p

    Source(s): pantheist
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    When I hear "religion" I think of rules, laws, and guidelines. I'd rather have a relationship with God without religion interfering.

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  • 8 years ago

    Christ seriously said:

    "Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading to destruction, and many are those going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading to life, and few are those finding it."---Matthew 7:13-15a

    If you would like to meet people who *do* strive to follow the *true* religion of the Bible

    --(NOT church religion)-- You should speak with Jehovah's Witnesses, or, visit one or more of their Bible instruction meetings.

    You are correct that *most* religions are based on man-made ideas, instead of Bible teachings . . . even those who claim to be based on the Bible. Christ himself showed that this would occur when he warned:

    "Many will *say* to me:

    'Lord, did we not prophesy, expel demons, & perform powerful works in your name?'

    "Yet *I will confess* to them:

    'I *never* knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness'."---Matthew 7:22-23

    "For *false* Christs and *false* prophets will arise and give signs and wonders

    to lead astray, if possible, the chosen ones. You, then, WATCH OUT. . ."---Mark 13:22,23

    However, with Jehovah's Witnesses it is much different, because they not only teach their beliefs, but as they go along they also *show you in the Bible right where each teaching is found,* encouraging everyone to examine the Bible for themselves . . . just as it itself encourages:

    "Beloved ones, do *NOT* believe every inspired expression,

    but *TEST* the inspired expressions TO SEE WHETHER THEY ORIGINATE WITH GOD,

    because many false prophets have gone forth into the world."---1 John 4:1

    "Make Sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine."---1 Thessalonians 5:21

    "They received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind,

    *CAREFULLY EXAMINING* the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so."---Acts 17:11

    So, in case you are interested to learn more . . .

    "You Are Warmly Invited" to . . .

    "Our Congregation Meetings"

    Source(s): . "Do All Religions Lead to the Same God?" - Are There Real Differences? - Do They Unite or Divide? - True Worshipers Recognized by Their Fruits - True Religion Is Set Apart "A Lawyer Examines Jehovah’s Witnesses"
  • 8 years ago

    I don't even know

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