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How many women have been cheated on while pregnant? And how many stayed? How do they handle it?

I had 3 expectations when I got pregnant. 1 to be in my late 20's 2 Have a caring partner to be there for me (cravings foot rubs etc.) 3 To be married. I got one of those I am 28. My boyfriend decided on our 4 year anniversary to get me pregnant. From then it has been one thing after another. His mother called me an alcoholic and said I couldn't be trusted to have his baby. She kept comparing me to her when she was pregnant and continued to drink. Yes I drank maybe 4 nights a week before I found out I was pregnant but then I quit and I quit smoking. She even went as far as recommending me to a free clinic that specializes in abortion even tho she knew I had health insurance. She could have recommended an OBGYN. After that drama we decided that we needed a bigger place because we have a baby coming. My boyfriend works 2 jobs so he can pay child support for his son that he had before we met, as well as pay our bills. So being 4 months pregnant and packing an entire house by myself on top of working 50 hrs a week was stressful. He got 2 friends to help move our big stuff but they only moved a portion of it due to one of his friends being sick. So I paid some friends of mine to move the rest so I didn't have to chance leaving anything behind. I then had to clean the new house before moving in and clean the old house after moving out in a matter of 2 days. I really needed support from him. Well at 5 months pregnant on Thanksgiving I had to go into work that night because I worked in the mall and day after thanksgiving was our busiest day. I go to take a shower to get ready. When I come out I stand next to the couch as my boyfriend is playing a video game I glance down to see a text in his phone from a girl named Ashley. So I pick it up and read it. I'm the message he asked her if he had a chance with her... I said WTF is this? Who is this? Why are you asking her if you have a chance with her? Why did you get me pregnant? All questions have no valid answer. He said he was done talking to her he was playing with her, it won't happen again. OK. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and let it go we are going to have a baby together I gave him an out but he stayed. Well come December his birthday is 3 days after Christmas and he is getting ready to go out with friends. I again happen to be by his phone when a text message comes in. It is a picture of a blonde girl in a red dress the text says Happy Birthday! I ask him again who is this? I don't know who that is. How does she know it's your Birthday and have your phone number then? I don't know was his answer. So I sit home alone that night stressing over it. I then get a message from a girl on Facebook telling me that he doesn't want to be with me and starting all kinds of drama while I am at work 6 months pregnant. He doesn't know who it is because it is a fake profile. I find 4 other profiles with her picture so I stopped talking her to thinking it was just his baby's mom being immature. I then am in his phone constantly my trust has already started depleting. By February he has a phone number in there that he claims he doesn't know but keeps calling him while we are spending our little amount of time together. So I get curious and I enter the number into Facebook to find a pregnant girl's profile...Hanna she is due 4 days before me. I ask him who she is. He gets defensive and denies it as I scour her page I find his name tagged in a few statuses. He then comes clean, swears they never slept together that they just talked and she worked at a place he would go and get lunch.He lied to me so many times... She says they slept together he says they didn't. I don't know if she just wants him and is trying to get me to believe he had sex with her so I would leave. I don't know what to believe. They didn't start talking until December so I know her baby is not his. But the things that run through my mind I have realizations like that's where he was that one time and when we are intimate I find myself thinking was he with her? I don't know who to believe because our sex life was fine it didn't slow down or stop, why would he need to go somewhere else? I asked him why would he do this to me? What did I do to deserve this? He had no answer.. He got comfortable with me and took me for granted....He got bored and wanted some excitement. I am trying so hard to forgive him our baby girl is due here in the next week. I have no where else to turn but the internet. I didn't want to post my business on Facebook too many fake friends on there I don't believe in airing my laundry for people I know to rumor about. I have no where else to turn I want to know what others would do or have done I know each situation is unique. I love him but the thoughts hurt and stupid things remind me. I'm not kind of person to throw your mistakes in your face constantly. How do I deal with this?

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    He's lying to you, he's hiding his communication with other women, and Hanna's baby is probably his, unless you actually believe that they didn't start talking until December. I wouldn't believe anything.

    You need to pack up, leave, and file for child support. He's not supportive of you during this pregnancy and it's not worth it.

    And I had expectation when I was pregnant too. Her father didn't fulfill them and I didn't stick around for further disappointment. After three years together, he got me pregnant on purpose and continued cheating on me so I let him be with his new toy, who was barely 18. He gave up on me, silently pays his child support like a good puppy, and he and the 18 year old are cheating on each other now. And I'm not dealing with it, he's her problem now.

  • 8 years ago

    I know where you're coming from, and first off let me tell you I'm really sorry your partner is so immature that he can't even be supportive of you enough to keep your stress levels down while you're carrying HIS child. I thought things were fine between my boyfriend and I, til I started going through our computer and found that he was on dating websites looking for older women to hook up with. I was disgusted, heartbroken, cried for days. I am 8 months pregnant right now and this was happening November-January. He promised never again, then a few days later..same thing. It happened a few times. But my boyfriend had a problems with drugs and alcohol, and it seems like since he's stopped, so has his bad behavior. He also made a commitment to be a better boyfriend. We separated for a week and taking time apart really seemed to help. That might be something you want to consider. I found us a relationship therapist and he didn't want to go at first, but now we both enjoy going to see her. What you need to search inside yourself and ask is, does this man really care about you and is he capable of change? My boyfriend never actually cheated, as far as I know, but from the sounds of your boyfriend, it sounds like he may have and is very likely to and is in denial of it. You need to show him that's it's time to shape up or ship out. Go stay somewhere else for a little while and have absolutely no contact with him, tell him you know what's going on and you're not accepting that life and if it doesn't change then you don't want a relationship. And you really don't want that relationship, you deserve better than to be disrespected and neglected. If he wants to be a part of your life, it has to be on your terms, and you have to make it clear what they are, and if he slips up then that's the end, because if there isn't any reason for him to stop then why should he?

  • 8 years ago

    I know it hurts but if she says they slept together, they probably did. He sounds like he totally takes you for granted and expects you will always be there no matter what. My boyfriend did this and I gave him an ultimatum and he left. Now he is with a teenager who he 'is in love with'.

    Men are such little boys. I know you love him and you have been loyal to him but it is best to get OUT of the situation. Possibly after the baby is born. but you need to get out of there, it isnt healthy. Any man who isnt 100% isnt worth your time. Maybe you have parents or a female friend or relative you can stay with. I just dont think it is healthy to be with this guy. I think by leaving you would show him that you DO have other options, and that you respect yourself too much to get cheated on and walked all over

  • 8 years ago

    I have two friends whose husband/boyfriend cheated on them when they were 7 and 8 months pregnant respectively and both left the guy. If he can't remain faithful to you during the time you are carrying his baby, then he's never going to be faithful and will always heat

    I hate to say it but cheaters are always cheaters. Anyone I know who has taken a cheater back has always regretted it as in every case he ended up cheating again. I don't know anyone who took back a cheater that has turned out to be a happy relationship

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  • 8 years ago

    I think he is flirting around with girls but may be he is not sleeping around. He is staying with you that means he loves you.

    But if you still have doubt then call both of them in one place and ask them to clarify. This should be your last option as it might ruin your married life for ever.

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